

安装.net framework 4.0,报 0xc8000247错误
原文是:.NET Framework 4.0安装未成功,原因是HRESULT 0xc8000247






去下载个intel 的快速存储支持程序,装好,就能解决这个问题。



I too kept getting the same error code 0xc8000247, although on Windows Vista 32 bit. 
Any microsoft download, did not work. Defender updates, Windows updates, Internet Explorer, Windows
Media Player and more.
These problems all seem to coincide with the time I upgraded my hard drive from a 160gb to a 500gb.
I used Acronis True Image to clone my original HDD and I appeared to have no issues. However after a while I notice I hadn't got any updates for defender. When investigating, I noticed the automatic updates I'd set up weren't working either. 
After weeks and weeks of trawling forum after forum, trying different downloads, registry fixes, and loads of other stuff I eventually came across this
It updates the Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver (IRRT). 
It does specify in the link that it is Western Digital drives, so not sure if this is the link for you, but I am sure that the
Intel Driver is the cause of your problem.

Hope it helps.


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