
Problem Description
Given a set of sticks of various lengths, is it possible to join them end-to-end to form a square?
The first line of input contains N, the number of test cases. Each test case begins with an integer 4 <= M <= 20, the number of sticks. M integers follow; each gives the length of a stick - an integer between 1 and 10,000.
For each case, output a line containing "yes" if is is possible to form a square; otherwise output "no".
Sample Input
4 1 1 1 1
5 10 20 30 40 50
8 1 7 2 6 4 4 3 5

Sample Output
 1 /*要剪枝,当所有木棒总长度不能被4整除时以及木棒最大长度大于总长度除以4时,
 2  * 不能组成正方形,直接输出no
 3  * 深搜时从第一个开始往后搜索,只要满足当前边长+当前木棒长<正方形边长,
 4  * 就标记该木棒,并继续搜索后面的木棒,当木棒长度=sum/4 时,count加1,
 5  * 当count=3时表明能够成正方形,flag=1,返回,flag=0则不能组成正方形。*/
 6 #include<iostream>
 7 #include<cstring>
 9 int visit[20];
10 bool flag;
11 int number[20];
12 int n,len;
14 using namespace std;
16 void dfs(int cur,int pos,int count);
17 int main()
18 {
19     int m;
20     cin >> m;
21     while(m--)
22     {
23         int max = 0,sum = 0;
24         cin >> n;
25         memset(visit,0,sizeof(visit));
26         for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
27         {
28             cin >> number[i];
29             sum += number[i];
30             if(number[i] > max)
31                 max = number[i];
32         }
33         len = sum / 4;
34         if(sum % 4 != 0 || max > len)//不能总和不能被4整除或最大值大于平均值
35         {
36             cout << "no" << endl;
37             continue;
38         }
39         flag = 0;
40         dfs(0,0,0);
41         if(flag)
42             cout << "yes" << endl;
43         else
44             cout << "no" << endl;
45     }
46 }
48 void dfs(int cur,int pos,int count)
49 {
50     if(cur == len)//木棍相加的值等于平均值
51     {
52         count++;
53         cur = 0;//当一边成立时,要考虑另外一边注意将cur清0
54         pos = 0;
55         if(count == 3)//当有三边成立时
56         {
57             flag = 1;
58             return;
59         }
60     }
61     for(int i = pos;i < n;i++)
62     {
63         if(!visit[i])//还没有被访问过
64         {
65             if((cur + number[i]) <= len)//加上木棍后,长度小于或等于平均值
66             {
67                 visit[i] = 1;
68                 dfs(cur + number[i],i,count);
69                 if(flag)//一旦有成立的,跳过剩下的判断
70                     return;
71                 visit[i] = 0;//回溯
72             }
73         }
74     }
75 }





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