
In this article, we’ll take a look at using pair in C++ Standard Template Library (STL).

在本文中,我们将研究在C ++标准模板库( STL )中使用

This is quite a useful container, which serves to reduce the pain of working with a single return type.


Similar to a tuple in Python, the std::pair template class is the C++ way of having multiple objects in one variable.

与Python中的元组类似, std::pair模板类是在一个变量中具有多个对象的C ++方法。

Let’s look at how we can use this, use some illustrative examples!


std :: pair的基本语法 (Basic Syntax of std::pair)

This is in the std namespace, so we need to prefix the namespace name before using it.


This is a template class, and can take templated arguments, based on the type.


template <class T1, class T2> struct pair;

To declare a pair variable called my_pair, the syntax is as follows:


std::pair<typename T1, typename T2> my_pair;

Here, T1 and T2 can be of any type, such as int, char, string, etc.

在这里, T1T2可以是任何类型,例如intcharstring等。

Now that we have our pair variable declared, let’s now define it.


A pair has two elements, called first and second.


  • To get/set the first element, use my_pair.first.要获取/设置第一个元素,请使用my_pair.first
  • To get/set the second element, use my_pair.second.要获取/设置第二个元素,请使用my_pair.second

The elements must be of the appropriate type which conforms to T1 and T2, in the declaration.


Let’s now assign the pair elements to specific values.


We’ll construct a pair of std::pair<int, char>, and assign it to 2 values accordingly.

我们将构造一对std::pair<int, char> ,并相应地将其分配给2个值。

#include <iostream>int main() {// Define my_pairstd::pair<int, char> my_pair;// Now assign the first element to an integermy_pair.first = 10;// And the second element to a charactermy_pair.second = 'H';std::cout << "First element : " << my_pair.first << std::endl;std::cout << "Second element : " << my_pair.second << std::endl;return 0;



First element : 10
Second element : H

As you can observe, we can easily manipulate the pair elements!


在C ++ STL中初始化配对 (Initializing a Pair in C++ STL)

We can also directly initialize a pair variable, using it’s constructor!


Look at the below example, which directly constructs a pair.


Here, I have used the auto keyword, which is very useful for automatic type inference!


We don’t need to write the huge std::pair<> again and again!


#include <iostream>
#include <string>int main() {// Initialize a pair directly!auto my_pair = std::pair<int, std::string>(1, "Hello");std::cout << "First element : " << my_pair.first << std::endl;std::cout << "Second element : " << my_pair.second << std::endl;return 0;



First element : 1
Second element : Hello

Indeed, we were able to directly initialize the pair variable.


使用std :: make_pair()进行简洁的初始化 (Concise initialization using std::make_pair())

Another way of initializing a pair is to use the std::make_pair(T1 a, T2 b) function.

初始化对的另一种方法是使用std::make_pair(T1 a, T2 b)函数。

The advantage to this way is that we do have not to explicitly have to specify the types!


This makes writing short and concise code more easier! Look at the same example above, now rewritten using std::make_pair().

这使得编写简短的代码更加容易! 看上面的相同示例,现在使用std::make_pair()重写。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>int main() {auto my_pair = std::make_pair(1, "Hello");std::cout << "First element : " << my_pair.first << std::endl;std::cout << "Second element : " << my_pair.second << std::endl;return 0;

I never once mentioned the type name here. auto and make_pair() did this work for us!

我从来没有在这里提到类型名称。 automake_pair()为我们完成了这项工作!

First element : 1
Second element : Hello

Let’s now look at some other things that we can do with this container class!


std :: pair的默认运算符 (Default Operators for std::pair)

We’ll look at how we can compare two std::pair variables using logical operators.


  • If we want to assign a pair to another pair variable, using =, the first value of the first pair is assigned to the first value of the second pair. (Same for second element)如果我们要使用=将一对分配给另一个对变量,则将第一对的第一个值分配给第二对的第一个值。 (与第二个元素相同)
  • The != operator compares the first and second elements, and returns True only if any one of them are not equal.!=运算符比较第一个和第二个元素,并且仅当其中任何一个不相等时才返回True。
  • Similarly, the == operator also does a corresponding comparison.同样, ==运算符也进行相应的比较。
  • The <= and >= operators first check the first two elements of both pairs, and return the comparison. If they are equal, the second elements are compared.<=>=运算符首先检查两个对的前两个元素,然后返回比较。 如果它们相等,则比较第二个元素。

To illustrate all these operators, a simple example may be easy to visualize.


#include <iostream> int main()
{ std::pair<int, int>pair1 = make_pair(10, 12); std::pair<int, int>pair2 = make_pair(10, 14); std::cout << (pair1 == pair2) << std::endl; std::cout << (pair1 != pair2) << std::endl; std::cout << (pair1 >= pair2) << std::endl; std::cout << (pair1 <= pair2) << std::endl; return 0;




使用std :: pair重载运算符 (Operator Overloading with std::pair)

We can overload certain specific operators directly, on std::pair.


The below operators can be overloaded in C++20.

下面的运算符可以在C ++ 20中重载。

  • Operator ==运算子==
  • Operator <=>运算符<=>

PLEASE NOTE: All the logical operators except == CANNOT be overloaded in C++20. This is a major change as compared to C++17.

请注意C = 20中 不能重载除==之外的所有逻辑运算符。 与C ++ 17相比,这是一个重大更改。

Let’s take an example of overloading the logical equals operator (==).

让我们以重载逻辑等于运算符( == )为例。

We’ll overload this to compare values of a pair. To be equal, both the first and second values must match.

我们将对此重载以比较一对值。 为了相等,第一个和第二个值必须匹配。

template <typename T1, typename T2>
bool operator== (std::pair <T1, T2> &p, std::pair <T1, T2> &q) {if (p.first == q.first && p.second == q.second) {std::cout << "Equal\n";return true;}std::cout << "Not Equal\n";return false;

The complete code is shown below:


#include <iostream>
#include <string>template <typename T1, typename T2>
bool operator== (std::pair <T1, T2> &p, std::pair <T1, T2> &q) {if (p.first == q.first && p.second == q.second) {std::cout << "Equal\n";return true;}std::cout << "Not Equal\n";return false;
}int main() {auto p = std::make_pair(1, "Hello");auto q = std::make_pair(1, "Hello");if (p == q) {printf("True\n");}else {printf("False\n");}auto r = std::make_pair(1, "Hello");auto s = std::make_pair(1, "JournalDev");if (r == s) {printf("True\n");}else {printf("False\n");}return 0;



Not Equal

As you can see, we have indeed overloaded the == operator to make this work for std::pair as well!


结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we learned how we could use the pair container class in C++ STL. We also saw how we could use different operators on two sets of pairs.

在本文中,我们学习了如何在C ++ STL中使用配对容器类。 我们还看到了如何在两组对上使用不同的运算符。

参考资料 (References)

  • page on STL PairSTL对上的cppreference.com页面



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