
Python provides three methods that can be used to trim whitespaces from the string object.


Python修剪字符串 (Python Trim String)

  • strip(): returns a new string after removing any leading and trailing whitespaces including tabs (\t).strip() :删除任何包含制表符(\ t)的前导和尾随空格后,返回一个新字符串。
  • rstrip(): returns a new string with trailing whitespace removed. It’s easier to remember as removing white spaces from “right” side of the string.rstrip() :返回删除了结尾空格的新字符串。 在字符串的“右侧”删除空格时,更容易记住。
  • lstrip(): returns a new string with leading whitespace removed, or removing whitespaces from the “left” side of the string.lstrip() :返回一个新字符串,其中删除了前导空格,或者从字符串的“左侧”删除了空格。

All of these methods don’t accept any arguments to remove whitespaces. If a character argument is provided, then they will remove that characters from the string from leading and trailing places.

所有这些方法都不接受任何用于删除空格的参数。 如果提供了字符参数,则它们将从开头和结尾处的字符串中删除该字符。

Let’s look at a simple example of trimming whitespaces from the string in Python.


s1 = '  abc  'print(f'String =\'{s1}\'')print(f'After Removing Leading Whitespaces String =\'{s1.lstrip()}\'')print(f'After Removing Trailing Whitespaces String =\'{s1.rstrip()}\'')print(f'After Trimming Whitespaces String =\'{s1.strip()}\'')



String ='  abc  '
After Removing Leading Whitespaces String ='abc  '
After Removing Trailing Whitespaces String ='  abc'
After Trimming Whitespaces String ='abc'

Let’s look at some more examples with strings having a new-line and tabs.


>>> s1 = '  X\n  Y  \nZ  \t'
>>> s1.strip()
'X\n  Y  \nZ'
>>> s1.rstrip()
'  X\n  Y  \nZ'
>>> s1.lstrip()
'X\n  Y  \nZ  \t'
GitHub Repository.GitHub存储库中签出更多Python字符串示例。



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