

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;string getNumber(int count)
{switch(count){case 2:  return "double";case 3:  return "triple";case 4:  return "quadruple";case 5:  return "quintuple";case 6:  return "sextuple";case 7:  return "septuple";case 8:  return "octuple";case 9:  return "nonuple";case 10: return "decuple";default: return "";}
}string getNum(int c)
//  cout<<"c:"<<c<<endl;switch(c){case 0: return "zero";case 1: return "one";case 2: return "two";case 3: return "three";case 4: return "four";case 5: return "five";case 6: return "six";case 7: return "seven";case 8: return "eight";case 9: return "nine";default: return "";}
}void printNumber(string s, vector<int> num,int seq)
{if(num.size() ==0)return;int start = 0 ;cout<<"Case #"<<seq+1<<":";while(num.size() != 0){int end = num[0] ;num.erase(num.begin());for(int i = start ; i < start + end ; ){int count = 0;while((i + count) < (start + end) && s[i] == s[i + count]  )count ++;if(count == 1)cout<<" "<<getNum(s[i] - '0');else            cout<<" "<<getNumber(count)<<" "<<getNum(s[i]-'0');i += count;}start += end;}cout<<endl;
}int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//  freopen("D:\\in.txt", "r", stdin);//freopen("D:\\out.txt", "w", stdout);int n;string str,s;cin >>n;getline(cin,str);for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++){vector<int> vec;int temp = 0;getline(cin,str);bool tag = true;for(int j = 0 ; j < str.length() ; j ++){if(str[j] == ' ' && tag){tag = false;s = str.substr(0,j);}if(str[j] >= '0' && str[j] <= '9' && tag == false){temp = temp *10 + str[j] - '0';}if(str[j] == '-'   && tag == false){vec.push_back(temp);temp = 0;}}vec.push_back(temp);printNumber(s,vec,i);}return 0;


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