亲爱的JournalDev读者 (Dear JournalDev Readers)

As you know, I have been sharing my knowledge by writing tutorials in JournalDev on Java and Scala Ecosystems for last couple of years. I got fantastic response to my tutorials, thank you all so much.

如您所知,最近几年,我一直在JournalDev中编写有关Java和Scala生态系统的教程,以分享我的知识。 我对我的教程React非常好,非常感谢。

With this confidence, I have started authoring a Scala Book through Packt Publishing and would like to share those details with you here.

带着这种信心,我已经开始通过Packt Publishing编写一本Scala图书,并希望在这里与您分享这些细节。

Book Title: Scala Reactive Programming
Technology Stack:
Scala, Play Framework, Akka Toolkit, Akka Streams, Lagom Framework, ConductR
Published Date: Feb 28th 2018

书名: Scala Reactive Programming
Scala,Play框架,Akka工具包,Akka Streams,Lagom框架,ConductR
发布日期: 2018年2月28日

This book starts with Scala Basics, then move to Akka Toolkit, Play Framework, Akka Streams, CQRS/ES, Akka Persistence and Lagom Framework. Finally develop a Reactive Microservice, deploy and test it on ConductR Sandbox environment.

本书从Scala基础知识开始,然后转向Akka工具包,Play框架,Akka Streams,CQRS / ES,Akka Persistence和Lagom Framework。 最后,开发一个Reactive Microservice,在ConductR Sandbox环境中进行部署和测试。

It also explains some of the important Reactive Design patterns and Unit Testing of Reactive Microservices. Please to through the “Brief Table of Content” and “What this book covers” sections full details.

它还说明了一些重要的React式微服务的React式设计模式和单元测试。 请通过“目录摘要 ”和“ 本书涵盖的内容 ”部分的完整细节。

Front Page:


Back Page:


简要目录: (Brief Table of Content:)

Part 1- Functional and Asynchronous


Chapter 1: Getting started With Reactive and Functional Programming
Chapter 2: Functional Scala
Chapter 3: Asynchronous Programming with Scala


Part 2 – Develop FRP Applications


Chapter 4: Building Reactive Applications With Akka
Chapter 5: Adding Reactiveness with RxScala
Chapter 6: Extending Application with Play


Part 3 – Reactive Applications with Akka Streams

第3部分– Akka Streams的响应式应用程序

Chapter 7: Working with Reactive Streams
Chapter 8: Integrating Akka Streams to Play Application


Part 4 – Extend, Test & Deploy Reactive Microservice Architecture


Chapter 9: Reactive Microservices With Lagom
Chapter 10: Testing Reactive Microservices
Chapter 11: Managing Microservices in ConductR
Chapter 12: Reactive Design Patterns & Best Practices


这本书涵盖了什么? (What this book covers?)

Chapter 1, Getting started With Reactive and Functional Programming, covers what are FP, RP and FRP paradigm in detail. It explains Reactive Manifest and how it solves most of the current systems issues. It also discusses about Actor model and Shared-State Concurrency model. Finally it ends with Marble diagrams.

第1章,React式和函数式编程入门,详细介绍了FP,RP和FRP范式。 它解释了Reactive Manifest及其如何解决当前大多数系统问题。 它还讨论了参与者模型和共享状态并发模型。 最后,它以大理石图结束。

Chapter 2, Functional Scala, explains some of the important Scala’s Functional Programming features at high level with some simple and useful examples.


Chapter 3, Asynchronous Programming with Scala, explains Scala’s Future API, how it solves most of the concurrency issues and how it supports Asynchronous programming.

第3章,使用Scala进行异步编程,介绍了Scala的Future API,如何解决大多数并发问题以及如何支持异步编程。

Chapter 4, Building Reactive Applications With Akka, introduces you to Actor Model and Akka Toolkit concepts. It demos on how to develop Reactive Applications using Akka’s Actor model and how it solves shared-state concurrency issues.

第4章,使用Akka构建React性应用程序,向您介绍Actor模型和Akka Toolkit概念。 它演示了如何使用Akka的Actor模型开发响应式应用程序以及如何解决共享状态并发问题。

Chapter 5, Adding Reactiveness with RxScala, explains some basics of Reactive Extensions for Scala that is RxScala. Even though RxScala does not support full-pledged FRP functionality. It supports RP (Reactive Programming) using Observables.

第5章,使用RxScala添加React性,介绍了RxScala for Scala的React性扩展的一些基础知识。 即使RxScala不支持完全折叠的FRP功能。 它支持使用Observables的RP(React式编程)。

Chapter 6, Extending Application with Play, introduces to a fullstack web application framework that is Play Framework. Even though it supports both Java and Scala two separate APIs, we are going to develop Reactive Web applications using Play and Scala technologies.

第6章,使用Play扩展应用程序,介绍了一个完整的Web应用程序框架,即Play框架。 即使它同时支持Java和Scala两个独立的API,我们仍将使用Play和Scala技术开发Reactive Web应用程序。

Chapter 7, Working with Reactive Streams, explains about Akka’s Reactive Streams implementations that is Akka Streams API. It is separate module or library from Akka Toolkit to develop Streaming Data applications using Akka’s Actor model uner-the-hood. We have developed one graph-based Streaming data application using Akka Streams Graph DSL.

第7章,使用Reactive Streams,介绍了Akka Streams API的Akka Reactive Streams实现。 它是与Akka Toolkit分开的模块或库,用于在后台使用Akka的Actor模型开发Streaming Data应用程序。 我们使用Akka Streams Graph DSL开发了一个基于图的Streaming数据应用程序。

Chapter 8, Integrating Akka Streams to Play Application, focuses on how to integrate Akka Streams API into Play web application and develop multi-user chat application. It introduces you Akka Stream’s dynamic streaming components.

第8章,将Akka Streams集成到Play应用程序中,重点介绍如何将Akka Streams API集成到Play Web应用程序中以及开发多用户聊天应用程序。 它介绍了Akka Stream的动态流组件。

Chapter 9, Reactive Microservices With Lagom, introduces Lightbend’s new Reactive microservices framework that is Lagom. It supports developing Reactive systems easily using Play, Akka and Scala under-the-hood.

第9章,使用Lagom的React式微服务,介绍了Lightbend的新React式微服务框架Lagom。 它支持在后台使用Play,Akka和Scala轻松开发Reactive系统。

Chapter 10, Testing Reactive Microservices, explains about what is TDD and its benefits. It’s a good Agile practice to develop our application components by following unit testing approach.

第10章,测试React式微服务,解释了什么是TDD及其好处。 通过遵循单元测试方法来开发我们的应用程序组件是一个好的敏捷实践。

Chapter 11, Managing Microservices in ConductR, focuses on how to setup, deploy and test our Reactive Microservices locally using Lightbend’s sandbox environment that is ConductR.


Chapter 12, Reactive Design Patterns & Best Practices, finally this explains about Reactive design patterns, Reactive principles and best practices to develop Reactive Systems easily.


Appendix-A, Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, demonstrates how to install Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDE and use it.

附录A,用于IntelliJ IDEA的Scala插件,演示了如何安装和使用IntelliJ IDE的Scala插件。

Appendix-B, Installing Robomongo, shows a sequence of steps on how to setup and use Robo 3T or Robomongo tool to access or perform operations on our local MongoDB collections.

附录B,安装Robomongo,显示了有关如何设置和使用Robo 3T或Robomongo工具访问或对我们的本地MongoDB集合执行操作的一系列步骤。

NOTE:- You can find my book on Packt Publishing website or Amazon website.

注意:-您可以在Packt Publishing网站或Amazon网站上找到我的书。

Thank you so much for your support.


I love your feedback or suggestions on this book.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/19630/scala-reactive-programming-book


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