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Closed 6 years ago.

I have an HTML table that I would like to parse in PHP to store into a MySQL Database. The HTML looks like this:


I would like to create a PHP function that returns in an array, the fields in capital letters. Does anyone know any php libraries that can do this, or should I be using a different language, as this may be complex. I don't know exactly how to do this with many tables on the page, but I am trying to parse the VEX events on RobotEvents. The table that I want to parse starts at line 465.


As you're prepared to look beyond PHP, Nokogiri (Ruby) and Beautiful Soup (Python) are well-established libraries that parse HTML very well.

That doesn't imply that there are no suitable PHP libraries.


Take a look at the PHP HTML DOM Parser library.

To use, you can do something similar to this (not my example):


$table = array();

$html = file_get_html('http://flow935.com/playlist/flowhis.HTM');

foreach($html->find('tr') as $row) {

$time = $row->find('td',0)->plaintext;

$artist = $row->find('td',1)->plaintext;

$title = $row->find('td',2)->plaintext;

$table[$artist][$title] = true;


echo '



echo '


There's some tutorials, SO questions and interesting reads about the library. It seems to be pretty popular.



Looping through a table with Simple HTML DOM

how to print cells of a table with simple html dom


To find a particular table amongst many:

1. By class:

On line 465 of your scraped HTML, the table starts with a class catalog-listing, so:

foreach ($html->find('table[@class="catalog-listing"]')->find('tr') as $row) {

// extract TD data


2. By instance (find 2nd table in HTML)

foreach ($html->find('table', 2)->find('tr') as $row) {

// extract TD data



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