
The only difference between easy and hard versions is constraints.

You are given nn segments on the coordinate axis OX. Segments can intersect, lie inside each other and even coincide. The ii-th segment is [li;ri] (li≤ri) and it covers all integer points j such that li≤j≤ri.

The integer point is called bad if it is covered by strictly more than kk segments.

Your task is to remove the minimum number of segments so that there are no bad points at all.

The first line of the input contains two integers nn and kk (1≤k≤n≤2⋅105^{5}5) — the number of segments and the maximum number of segments by which each integer point can be covered.

The next nn lines contain segments. The ii-th line contains two integers lili and riri (1≤li≤ri≤2⋅105^{5}5) — the endpoints of the ii-th segment.

In the first line print one integer mm (0≤m≤n) — the minimum number of segments you need to remove so that there are no bad points.

In the second line print mm distinct integers p1,p2,…,pm(1≤pi≤n) — indices of segments you remove in any order. If there are multiple answers, you can print any of them.

7 2
11 11
9 11
7 8
8 9
7 8
9 11
7 9
4 6 7
5 1
29 30
30 30
29 29
28 30
30 30
1 4 5
6 1
2 3
3 3
2 3
2 2
2 3
2 3
1 3 5 6
In this problem, we need to implement the same greedy solution as in the easy version, but faster. Firstly, let’s calculate for each point the number of segments covering it. We can do it using standard trick with prefix sums: increase cntli, decrease cntri+1 and build prefix sums on the array cnt.

Let’s maintain the set of segments that cover the current point, sorted by the right endpoint. We can do this with almost the same trick: append to the array evli the index i that says us that in the point li the i-th segment is opened. And add to the evri+1 the index −i that says us that in the point ri+1 the i-th segment is closed. Note that you need to add 11-indexed values i because +0 and −0 are the same thing actually. We can change the array cntcnt to carry the number of segments covering each point using some structure, but we don’t need to do it. Let’s maintain the variable curSub that will say us the number of segments covering the current point that was already removed. Also, let’s carry another one array sub which will say us when we need to decrease the variable curSub.

So, we calculated the array of arrays ev, the array cnt and we can solve the problem now. For the point i, let’s remove and add all segments we need, using the array evievi and add subi to curSub. Now we know that the set of segments is valid, curSub is also valid and we can fix the current point if needed. While cnti−curSub>k, let’s repeat the following sequence of operations: take the segment with the maximum right border rmaxrmax from the set, remove it, increase curSub by one and decrease subrmax+1by one.

Note that when we remove segments from the set at the beginning of the sequence of moves for the point ii, we don’t need to remove segments that we removed by fixing some previous points, and we need to pay attention to it.

Time complexity: O(nlogn).




贪心思想,1. 以区间左端点为头,右端点由小到大排序,如果端点相同,按标号存入。


using namespace std;
const int N=2*1e5+10;
struct node
{int id;int r;bool operator <( const node &v)const{if(r!=v.r)return r<v.r;/*右端点从小到大排序*/elsereturn id<v.id;/*下标从小到大排序*/}
int main()
{int n,k;scanf("%d%d",&n,&k);for(int i=1; i<=n; i++){node q;int x,y;scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);q.id=i;q.r=y;v[x].push_back(q);/*记录所有以x为左端点的线段*/}set<node>s;for(int i=1; i<N; i++){while(s.size()&&(*s.begin()).r<i)/*刚开始是不执行while循环的,若set容器中存的线段的右端点小于下一个点,那么这条边就可以删去*/s.erase(*s.begin());for(int j=0; j<v[i].size(); j++) /*遍历以顶点i为左端点的所有的线段*/s.insert(v[i][j]);/*set容器中存的是这条线段的所有信息,set容器插入元素时,会自动调整二叉树的结构,此时的‘<’的重载操作就起作用*/while(s.size()>k){dp.push_back((*s.rbegin()).id);s.erase(*s.rbegin());}}printf("%d\n",dp.size());for(int i=0; i<dp.size(); i++)printf("%d ",dp[i]);return 0;

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