
1. 打开python2 IDLE;

2. 输入 from craps import *

3. 按提示输入运行命令。例如,玩游戏就输入play();查看余额就输入check_bankroll();



import random

point_set = False

bet = 10

bankroll = 1000

sim_win = 0

sim_lose = 0

print """

Welcome to the 'Seven Star' casino!

You are playing craps now,

your started bankroll is '$1000',

the started bet is '$10',


play(): "Rolling the dices"

check_bankroll(): "Checking your current balance"

all_in(): Showing "hand"

set_bet(): "Setting a new bet"

game(): "Check your game status"

auto(): "It can be played automatically for you until reach a specific bankroll"


def roll():

d1 = random.randrange(1,7)

d2 = random.randrange(1,7)

print "You rolled", d1, "+", d2, "=", d1+d2

return d1 + d2

def play():

global point_set, bankroll, point

global sim_win, sim_lose

if bankroll < bet:

print "Sorry, you can't play since you don't have enough money!"

print """Do you wanna get more money?

1: Yes

2: No


choice = raw_input(">>")

if choice == str(1):

money = raw_input("How much do you wanna get?")

bankroll += int(money)

print "Your current bankroll is: ", bankroll

if choice == str(2):

print "Thanks for playing! See you next time!"


if not point_set:


print "New game. Your bet is: ", bet

# for the first roll

r = roll()

if not point_set:

if r in (7, 11):

bankroll += bet

sim_win += 1

print "Congratz! You Won! Your bankroll is: ", bankroll

elif r in (2, 3, 12):

bankroll -= bet

sim_lose += 1

print "Oops! You lost! Your bankroll is: ", bankroll


point = r

point_set = True

print "Your point is", "[", point, "]"

# for subsequence rolls

elif r == 7:

bankroll -= bet

sim_lose += 1

point_set = False

print "You crapped out! Your bankroll is: ", bankroll

elif r == point:

bankroll += bet

sim_win += 1

point_set = False

print "You made your point! Your bankroll is: ", bankroll

def set_bet(inp):

global bet, bankroll, point_set


if point_set:

print "WARNING!"

print "The game has started, you will lose half of your bet if resetting your bet!"

prompt = raw_input("""

1: Yes, I am wanna reset my bet!

2: No, I don't wanna reset my bet!


if prompt == "1":

point_set = False

bankroll -= bet/2

print "Forfeiting current bet. Your bankroll is: ", bankroll



bet = int(inp)

print "New bet size is: ", bet

def all_in():


def check_bankroll():

global bet

print "Your current balance is: ", bankroll

def game():

total = sim_win + sim_lose

percent = float(sim_win)/total * 100

print "So far, the games that you have been playing are: ", total

print "Won ", sim_win

print "Lost ", sim_lose

print "Overall, you have %d%% to win!" %percent

def auto():

game_status = True

purpose = raw_input("How much are you gonna reach? ")

while game_status:


if bankroll == int(purpose) or bankroll == 0:

game_status = False










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