F.6: If your function may not throw, declare it noexcept(如果函数不会抛出异常,则声明为noexcept)


If an exception is not supposed to be thrown, the program cannot be assumed to cope with the error and should be terminated as soon as possible. Declaring a function noexcept helps optimizers by reducing the number of alternative execution paths. It also speeds up the exit after failure.



Put noexcept on every function written completely in C or in any other language without exceptions. The C++ Standard Library does that implicitly for all functions in the C Standard Library.


译者注:但是大师本人在《C++程序设计语言》的【13.1.7 异常与效率】一节中告诉我们要花点时间考虑一下。


constexpr functions can throw when evaluated at run time, so you may need noexcept for some of those.




You can use noexcept even on functions that can throw:


vector<string> collect(istream& is) noexcept{    vector<string> res;    for (string s; is >> s;)        res.push_back(s);    return res;}

If collect() runs out of memory, the program crashes. Unless the program is crafted to survive memory exhaustion, that may be just the right thing to do;terminate() may generate suitable error log information (but after memory runs out it is hard to do anything clever).




You must be aware of the execution environment that your code is running when deciding whether to tag a function noexcept, especially because of the issue of throwing and allocation.  Code that is intended to be perfectly general (like the standard library and other utility code of that sort) needs to support environments where a bad_alloc exception may be handled meaningfully. However, most programs and execution environments cannot meaningfully handle a failure to allocate, and aborting the program is the cleanest and simplest response to an allocation failure in those cases.  If you know that your application code cannot respond to an allocation failure, it may be appropriate to add noexcept even on functions that allocate.


Put another way: In most programs, most functions can throw (e.g., because they use new, call functions that do, or use library functions that reports failure by throwing), so don't just sprinkle noexcept all over the place without considering whether the possible exceptions can be handled.


noexcept is most useful (and most clearly correct) for frequently used, low-level functions.



Destructors, swap functions, move operations, and default constructors should never throw. See also C.44.



  • Flag functions that are not noexcept, yet cannot throw.


  • Flag throwing swap, move, destructors, and default constructors.




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