

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace Maticsoft.DBUtility
{//调用实例Demo(实现C# Dephi7互通)//private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//{//    Maticsoft.DBUtility.DESEncrypt des = new Maticsoft.DBUtility.DESEncrypt();//    string data = textBox3.Text;//    string key = txtKey.Text;//    string iv = txtIv.Text;//    string xmlstr = des.EncryptDES(data, key, iv);//    textBox4.Text = xmlstr;//}//private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//{//    Maticsoft.DBUtility.DESEncrypt des = new Maticsoft.DBUtility.DESEncrypt();//    string data = textBox4.Text;//    string key = txtKey.Text;//    string iv = txtIv.Text;//    string xmlstr = des.DecryptDES(data, key, iv);//    textBox5.Text = xmlstr;//}/// <summary>/// DES加密/解密类。/// </summary>public class DESEncrypt{/// <summary>  /// DES解密 /// </summary>  /// <param name="strEn">密文</param>  /// <param name="encryptKey">密钥:8位长度</param>/// <param name="VI">向量:8位长度</param>/// <returns></returns>  public string DecryptDES(string strEn, string encryptKey, string VI){try{byte[] strB64 = Convert.FromBase64String(strEn);//Base64字符串转成byte数组string strH16 = ByteArryto16(strB64);//byte数字转成16进制字符串byte[] dec = Dec(strH16, encryptKey, VI);//解密string destring = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312").GetString(dec);//byte数组转字符串return destring;}catch{return "";}}/// <summary>/// 加密/// </summary>/// <param name="str">原文</param>/// <param name="encryptKey">密钥:8位长度</param>/// <param name="VI">向量:8位长度</param>/// <returns></returns>public string EncryptDES(string str, string encryptKey, string VI){try{byte[] enc = Enc(str, encryptKey, VI); // 将数据Des加密,并保存到byte组string destring = Convert.ToBase64String(enc); //将数据转换为Base64返回return destring;}catch{return "";}}/// <summary>/// 解密/// </summary>/// <param name="pToDecrypt"></param>/// <param name="sKey"></param>/// <param name="IV"></param>/// <returns></returns>private byte[] Dec(string pToDecrypt, string sKey, string IV){DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();byte[] inputByteArray = new byte[pToDecrypt.Length / 2];for (int x = 0; x < pToDecrypt.Length / 2; x++){int i = (Convert.ToInt32(pToDecrypt.Substring(x * 2, 2), 16));inputByteArray[x] = (byte)i;}des.Key = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sKey);des.IV = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(IV);MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);cs.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length);cs.FlushFinalBlock();StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();return ms.ToArray();}/// <summary>/// 加密/// </summary>/// <param name="encryptString"></param>/// <param name="encryptKey"></param>/// <param name="IV"></param>/// <returns></returns>private byte[] Enc(string encryptString, string encryptKey, string IV){byte[] rgbKey = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312").GetBytes(encryptKey.Substring(0, 8));byte[] rgbIV = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312").GetBytes(IV.Substring(0, 8));byte[] inputByteArray = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312").GetBytes(encryptString);DESCryptoServiceProvider dCSP = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream();CryptoStream cStream = new CryptoStream(mStream, dCSP.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);cStream.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length);cStream.FlushFinalBlock();return mStream.ToArray();}/// <summary>/// byte数组转2位16进制字符串/// </summary>/// <param name="mStreamArray"></param>/// <returns></returns>public string ByteArryto16(byte[] mStreamArray){//--1. byte数组转2位16进制字符串StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();foreach (byte b in mStreamArray){ret.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", b);}ret.ToString();return ret.ToString();}}



unit untDes;//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//调用实例Demo(实现C# Dephi7互通)
//   untBase64, untDes;
//procedure TForm1.btn3Click(Sender: TObject);
//   data: string;
//   key: string;
//   iv: string;
//   ivArr: array[0..7] of Byte;
//   key := edtKey.Text; //一定要使用长度为8的字符
//   iv := edtIv.Text;
//   FillChar(ivArr, sizeof(ivArr), #0);
//   move(PChar(iv)^, ivArr, length(iv));
//   data := EncryStr(edt1.Text, key, ivArr); //Des加密
//   data := StrToBase64(data); //Base64转码
//   edt2.Text := data;
//procedure TForm1.btn4Click(Sender: TObject);
//   data: string;
//   key: string;
//   iv: string;
//   ivArr: array[0..7] of Byte;
//   key := edtKey.Text;
//   iv := edtIv.Text;
//   FillChar(ivArr, sizeof(ivArr), #0);
//   move(PChar(iv)^, ivArr, length(iv));
//   data := Base64ToStr(edt2.Text); //Base64解码
//   data := DecryStrHex(data, key, ivArr); //Des解密
//   edt3.Text := data;
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------interfaceusesWindows, Classes, SysUtils, Dialogs;typefdArray = array of dword;/// <summary>/// DES加密/// </summary>/// <param name="Str">密文</param>/// <param name="Key">密钥:8位长度</param>/// <param name="VI">向量:8位长度</param>/// <returns></returns>function EncryStr(Str, Key: string; VI: array of byte): string;/// <summary>/// DES解密/// </summary>/// <param name="Str">密文</param>/// <param name="Key">密钥:8位长度</param>/// <param name="VI">向量:8位长度</param>/// <returns></returns>function DecryStr(Str, Key: string; VI: array of byte): string;function EncryStrHex(Str, Key: string; vi: array of byte): string;function DecryStrHex(Str, Key: string; vi: array of byte): string;function des(key: string; smessage: string; encrypt: dword; mode: dword; iv: string): string;function des_createKeys(key: string): fdArray;function StrToHex(Str: string): string;function HexToStr(Hex: string): string;function IsInt(Str: string): Boolean;implementationfunction EncryStr(Str, Key: string; vi: array of byte): string;
var i: integer;
var str1: string;
var Astr: string;
beginfor i := 0 to 7 dobeginstr1 := str1 + Chr(vi[i]);end;//Result := Base64.StrToBase64(des(Key, Str, 1, 1, str1));Result :=(des(Key, Str, 1, 1, str1));
end;function EncryStrHex(Str, Key: string; vi: array of byte): string;
var i: integer;
var vistr: string;
beginfor i := 0 to 7 dobeginvistr := vistr + Chr(vi[i]);end;//Result := trim(StrToHex(des(Key, Str, 1, 1, vistr))); {1:加密1:CBC }  //转HexResult := trim((des(Key, Str, 1, 1, vistr))); //不转Hex//Result := Base64.StrToBase64(Result);
end;function DecryStr(Str, Key: string; vi: array of byte): string;
var i: integer;
var vistr: string;
beginfor i := 0 to 7 dobeginvistr := vistr + Chr(vi[i]);end;Result := trim(des(Key, Str, 0, 0, vistr));
end;function DecryStrHex(Str, Key: string; vi: array of byte): string;
var i: integer;
var vistr: string;
beginfor i := 0 to 7 dobeginvistr := vistr + Chr(vi[i]);end;//Result := trim(des(Key, HexToStr(Str), 0, 1, vistr));  //转HexResult := trim(des(Key, (Str), 0, 1, vistr));  //不转Hex
end;function des(key: string; smessage: string; encrypt: dword; mode: dword; iv: string): string;
constspfunction1: array[0..63] of dword = ($1010400, 0, $10000, $1010404, $1010004, $10404, $4, $10000, $400, $1010400, $1010404, $400, $1000404, $1010004, $1000000, $4, $404, $1000400, $1000400, $10400, $10400, $1010000, $1010000, $1000404, $10004, $1000004, $1000004, $10004, 0, $404, $10404, $1000000, $10000, $1010404, $4, $1010000, $1010400, $1000000, $1000000, $400, $1010004, $10000, $10400, $1000004, $400, $4, $1000404, $10404, $1010404, $10004, $1010000, $1000404, $1000004, $404, $10404, $1010400, $404, $1000400, $1000400, 0, $10004, $10400, 0, $1010004);spfunction2: array[0..63] of dword = ($80108020, $80008000, $8000, $108020, $100000, $20, $80100020, $80008020, $80000020, $80108020, $80108000, $80000000, $80008000, $100000, $20, $80100020, $108000, $100020, $80008020, 0, $80000000, $8000, $108020, $80100000, $100020, $80000020, 0, $108000, $8020, $80108000, $80100000, $8020, 0, $108020, $80100020, $100000, $80008020, $80100000, $80108000, $8000, $80100000, $80008000, $20, $80108020, $108020, $20, $8000, $80000000, $8020, $80108000, $100000, $80000020, $100020, $80008020, $80000020, $100020, $108000, 0, $80008000, $8020, $80000000, $80100020, $80108020, $108000);spfunction3: array[0..63] of dword = ($208, $8020200, 0, $8020008, $8000200, 0, $20208, $8000200, $20008, $8000008, $8000008, $20000, $8020208, $20008, $8020000, $208, $8000000, $8, $8020200, $200, $20200, $8020000, $8020008, $20208, $8000208, $20200, $20000, $8000208, $8, $8020208, $200, $8000000, $8020200, $8000000, $20008, $208, $20000, $8020200, $8000200, 0, $200, $20008, $8020208, $8000200, $8000008, $200, 0, $8020008, $8000208, $20000, $8000000, $8020208, $8, $20208, $20200, $8000008, $8020000, $8000208, $208, $8020000, $20208, $8, $8020008, $20200);spfunction4: array[0..63] of dword = ($802001, $2081, $2081, $80, $802080, $800081, $800001, $2001, 0, $802000, $802000, $802081, $81, 0, $800080, $800001, $1, $2000, $800000, $802001, $80, $800000, $2001, $2080, $800081, $1, $2080, $800080, $2000, $802080, $802081, $81, $800080, $800001, $802000, $802081, $81, 0, 0, $802000, $2080, $800080, $800081, $1, $802001, $2081, $2081, $80, $802081, $81, $1, $2000, $800001, $2001, $802080, $800081, $2001, $2080, $800000, $802001, $80, $800000, $2000, $802080);spfunction5: array[0..63] of dword = ($100, $2080100, $2080000, $42000100, $80000, $100, $40000000, $2080000, $40080100, $80000, $2000100, $40080100, $42000100, $42080000, $80100, $40000000, $2000000, $40080000, $40080000, 0, $40000100, $42080100, $42080100, $2000100, $42080000, $40000100, 0, $42000000, $2080100, $2000000, $42000000, $80100, $80000, $42000100, $100, $2000000, $40000000, $2080000, $42000100, $40080100, $2000100, $40000000, $42080000, $2080100, $40080100, $100, $2000000, $42080000, $42080100, $80100, $42000000, $42080100, $2080000, 0, $40080000, $42000000, $80100, $2000100, $40000100, $80000, 0, $40080000, $2080100, $40000100);spfunction6: array[0..63] of dword = ($20000010, $20400000, $4000, $20404010, $20400000, $10, $20404010, $400000, $20004000, $404010, $400000, $20000010, $400010, $20004000, $20000000, $4010, 0, $400010, $20004010, $4000, $404000, $20004010, $10, $20400010, $20400010, 0, $404010, $20404000, $4010, $404000, $20404000, $20000000, $20004000, $10, $20400010, $404000, $20404010, $400000, $4010, $20000010, $400000, $20004000, $20000000, $4010, $20000010, $20404010, $404000, $20400000, $404010, $20404000, 0, $20400010, $10, $4000, $20400000, $404010, $4000, $400010, $20004010, 0, $20404000, $20000000, $400010, $20004010);spfunction7: array[0..63] of dword = ($200000, $4200002, $4000802, 0, $800, $4000802, $200802, $4200800, $4200802, $200000, 0, $4000002, $2, $4000000, $4200002, $802, $4000800, $200802, $200002, $4000800, $4000002, $4200000, $4200800, $200002, $4200000, $800, $802, $4200802, $200800, $2, $4000000, $200800, $4000000, $200800, $200000, $4000802, $4000802, $4200002, $4200002, $2, $200002, $4000000, $4000800, $200000, $4200800, $802, $200802, $4200800, $802, $4000002, $4200802, $4200000, $200800, 0, $2, $4200802, 0, $200802, $4200000, $800, $4000002, $4000800, $800, $200002);spfunction8: array[0..63] of dword = ($10001040, $1000, $40000, $10041040, $10000000, $10001040, $40, $10000000, $40040, $10040000, $10041040, $41000, $10041000, $41040, $1000, $40, $10040000, $10000040, $10001000, $1040, $41000, $40040, $10040040, $10041000, $1040, 0, 0, $10040040, $10000040, $10001000, $41040, $40000, $41040, $40000, $10041000, $1000, $40, $10040040, $1000, $41040, $10001000, $40, $10000040, $10040000, $10040040, $10000000, $40000, $10001040, 0, $10041040, $40040, $10000040, $10040000, $10001000, $10001040, 0, $10041040, $41000, $41000, $1040, $1040, $40040, $10000000, $10041000);
varkeys: fdArray;m, i, j, k, mm: integer;temp, temp2, right1, right2, left, right: dword;looping: array of integer;cbcleft, cbcleft2, cbcright, cbcright2: dword;endloop, loopinc: integer;len, iterations: integer;chunk: integer;tempresult: string;
begin//create the 16 or 48 subkeys we will needkeys := des_createKeys(key);m := 0; cbcleft := 0; cbcleft2 := 0; cbcright := 0; cbcright2 := 0; chunk := 0;len := length(smessage);//set up the loops for single and triple desif length(keys) = 32 theniterations := 3elseiterations := 9;if iterations = 3 thenbeginif encrypt = 1 thenbeginsetlength(looping, 3);looping[0] := 0;looping[1] := 32;looping[2] := 2;endelsebeginsetlength(looping, 3);looping[0] := 30;looping[1] := -2;looping[2] := -2;end;endelsebeginif encrypt = 1 thenbeginsetlength(looping, 9);looping[0] := 0;looping[1] := 32;looping[2] := 2;looping[3] := 62;looping[4] := 30;looping[5] := -2;looping[6] := 64;looping[7] := 96;looping[8] := 2;endelsebeginsetlength(looping, 9);looping[0] := 94;looping[1] := 62;looping[2] := -2;looping[3] := 32;looping[4] := 64;looping[5] := 2;looping[6] := 30;looping[7] := -2;looping[8] := -2;end;end;//*********下面的是关键部分及对于c#补位( 待加密数据按照PKCS5规则进行补位。(缺7位补7个0x07,缺6位则补6个0x06,以次类推,如果正好8位,也需要补8个0x08)*********mm := 8 - Length(smessage) mod 8;for k := 0 to mm - 1 dobeginsmessage := smessage + chr(mm);end;//store the result hereresult := '';tempresult := '';if mode = 1 then //CBC mode (这里也是关键C#DES加密默认是CBC模式)begincbcleft := (ord(iv[m + 1]) shl 24) or (ord(iv[m + 2]) shl 16) or (ord(iv[m + 3]) shl 8) or ord(iv[m + 4]);cbcright := (ord(iv[m + 5]) shl 24) or (ord(iv[m + 6]) shl 16) or (ord(iv[m + 7]) shl 8) or ord(iv[m + 8]);m := 0;end;//loop through each 64 bit chunk of the messageif encrypt = 1 then len := Length(smessage); //(加密也和c#一样)while m < len dobeginleft := (ord(smessage[m + 1]) shl 24) or (ord(smessage[m + 2]) shl 16) or (ord(smessage[m + 3]) shl 8) or ord(smessage[m + 4]);right := (ord(smessage[m + 5]) shl 24) or (ord(smessage[m + 6]) shl 16) or (ord(smessage[m + 7]) shl 8) or ord(smessage[m + 8]);m := m + 8;//for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous resultif mode = 1 thenif encrypt = 1 thenbeginleft := left xor cbcleft;right := right xor cbcright;endelsebegincbcleft2 := cbcleft;cbcright2 := cbcright;cbcleft := left;cbcright := right;end;//first each 64 but chunk of the message must be permuted according to IPtemp := ((left shr 4) xor right) and $0F0F0F0F; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 4);temp := ((left shr 16) xor right) and $0000FFFF; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 16);temp := ((right shr 2) xor left) and $33333333; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 2);temp := ((right shr 8) xor left) and $00FF00FF; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 8);temp := ((left shr 1) xor right) and $55555555; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 1);left := ((left shl 1) or (left shr 31));right := ((right shl 1) or (right shr 31));//do this either 1 or 3 times for each chunk of the messagej := 0;while j < iterations dobeginendloop := looping[j + 1];loopinc := looping[j + 2];//now go through and perform the encryption or decryptioni := looping[j];while i <> endloop dobeginright1 := right xor keys[i];right2 := ((right shr 4) or (right shl 28)) xor keys[i + 1];//the result is attained by passing these bytes through the S selection functionstemp := left;left := right;right := temp xor (spfunction2[(right1 shr 24) and $3F] or spfunction4[(right1 shr 16) and $3F]or spfunction6[(right1 shr 8) and $3F] or spfunction8[right1 and $3F]or spfunction1[(right2 shr 24) and $3F] or spfunction3[(right2 shr 16) and $3F]or spfunction5[(right2 shr 8) and $3F] or spfunction7[right2 and $3F]);i := i + loopinc;end;temp := left; left := right; right := temp; //unreverse left and rightj := j + 3;end; //for either 1 or 3 iterations//move then each one bit to the rightleft := ((left shr 1) or (left shl 31));right := ((right shr 1) or (right shl 31));//now perform IP-1, which is IP in the opposite directiontemp := ((left shr 1) xor right) and $55555555; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 1);temp := ((right shr 8) xor left) and $00FF00FF; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 8);temp := ((right shr 2) xor left) and $33333333; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 2);temp := ((left shr 16) xor right) and $0000FFFF; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 16);temp := ((left shr 4) xor right) and $0F0F0F0F; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 4);//for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous resultif mode = 1 thenif encrypt = 1 thenbegincbcleft := left; cbcright := right;endelsebeginleft := left xor cbcleft2;right := right xor cbcright2;end;tempresult := tempresult + chr(left shr 24) + chr((left shr 16) and $FF) + chr((left shr 8) and $FF) + chr(left and $FF) + chr(right shr 24) + chr((right shr 16) and $FF) + chr((right shr 8) and $FF) + chr(right and $FF);chunk := chunk + 8;if chunk = 512 thenbeginresult := result + tempresult; tempresult := ''; chunk := 0;end;end; //for every 8 characters, or 64 bits in the message//return the result as an arrayresult := result + tempresult;
end; //end of des//des_createKeys
//this takes as input a 64 bit key (even though only 56 bits are used)
//as an array of 2 dwords, and returns 16 48 bit keysfunction des_createKeys(key: string): fdArray;
const//declaring this locally speeds things up a bitpc2bytes0: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $4, $20000000, $20000004, $10000, $10004, $20010000, $20010004, $200, $204, $20000200, $20000204, $10200, $10204, $20010200, $20010204);pc2bytes1: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $1, $100000, $100001, $4000000, $4000001, $4100000, $4100001, $100, $101, $100100, $100101, $4000100, $4000101, $4100100, $4100101);pc2bytes2: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $8, $800, $808, $1000000, $1000008, $1000800, $1000808, 0, $8, $800, $808, $1000000, $1000008, $1000800, $1000808);pc2bytes3: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $200000, $8000000, $8200000, $2000, $202000, $8002000, $8202000, $20000, $220000, $8020000, $8220000, $22000, $222000, $8022000, $8222000);pc2bytes4: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $40000, $10, $40010, 0, $40000, $10, $40010, $1000, $41000, $1010, $41010, $1000, $41000, $1010, $41010);pc2bytes5: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $400, $20, $420, 0, $400, $20, $420, $2000000, $2000400, $2000020, $2000420, $2000000, $2000400, $2000020, $2000420);pc2bytes6: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $10000000, $80000, $10080000, $2, $10000002, $80002, $10080002, 0, $10000000, $80000, $10080000, $2, $10000002, $80002, $10080002);pc2bytes7: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $10000, $800, $10800, $20000000, $20010000, $20000800, $20010800, $20000, $30000, $20800, $30800, $20020000, $20030000, $20020800, $20030800);pc2bytes8: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $40000, 0, $40000, $2, $40002, $2, $40002, $2000000, $2040000, $2000000, $2040000, $2000002, $2040002, $2000002, $2040002);pc2bytes9: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $10000000, $8, $10000008, 0, $10000000, $8, $10000008, $400, $10000400, $408, $10000408, $400, $10000400, $408, $10000408);pc2bytes10: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $20, 0, $20, $100000, $100020, $100000, $100020, $2000, $2020, $2000, $2020, $102000, $102020, $102000, $102020);pc2bytes11: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $1000000, $200, $1000200, $200000, $1200000, $200200, $1200200, $4000000, $5000000, $4000200, $5000200, $4200000, $5200000, $4200200, $5200200);pc2bytes12: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $1000, $8000000, $8001000, $80000, $81000, $8080000, $8081000, $10, $1010, $8000010, $8001010, $80010, $81010, $8080010, $8081010);pc2bytes13: array[0..15] of dword = (0, $4, $100, $104, 0, $4, $100, $104, $1, $5, $101, $105, $1, $5, $101, $105);//now define the left shifts which need to be doneshifts: array[0..15] of dword = (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
variterations: integer;keys: fdArray;lefttemp, righttemp, temp: dword;m, n, j, i: integer;left, right: dword;
begin//how many iterations (1 for des, 3 for triple des)if length(key) = 24 theniterations := 3elseiterations := 1;//stores the return keyssetlength(keys, 32 * iterations);//other variablesm := 0; n := 0;for j := 0 to iterations - 1 do //either 1 or 3 iterationsbeginleft := (ord(key[m + 1]) shl 24) or (ord(key[m + 2]) shl 16) or (ord(key[m + 3]) shl 8) or ord(key[m + 4]);right := (ord(key[m + 5]) shl 24) or (ord(key[m + 6]) shl 16) or (ord(key[m + 7]) shl 8) or ord(key[m + 8]);m := m + 8;temp := ((left shr 4) xor right) and $0F0F0F0F; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 4);temp := ((right shr 16) xor left) and $0000FFFF; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 16);temp := ((left shr 2) xor right) and $33333333; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 2);temp := ((right shr 16) xor left) and $0000FFFF; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 16);temp := ((left shr 1) xor right) and $55555555; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 1);temp := ((right shr 8) xor left) and $00FF00FF; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 8);temp := ((left shr 1) xor right) and $55555555; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 1);//the right side needs to be shifted and to get the last four bits of the left sidetemp := (left shl 8) or ((right shr 20) and $000000F0);//left needs to be put upside downleft := (right shl 24) or ((right shl 8) and $FF0000) or ((right shr 8) and $FF00) or ((right shr 24) and $F0);right := temp;//now go through and perform these shifts on the left and right keysfor i := low(shifts) to high(shifts) dobegin//shift the keys either one or two bits to the leftif shifts[i] > 0 thenbeginleft := (left shl 2) or (left shr 26);right := (right shl 2) or (right shr 26);//left := left shl 0;//right:= right shl 0;endelsebeginleft := (left shl 1) or (left shr 27);right := (right shl 1) or (right shr 27);//left := left shl 0;//right:= right shl 0;end;left := left and $FFFFFFF0;right := right and $FFFFFFF0;//now apply PC-2, in such a way that E is easier when encrypting or decrypting//this conversion will look like PC-2 except only the last 6 bits of each byte are used//rather than 48 consecutive bits and the order of lines will be according to//how the S selection functions will be applied: S2, S4, S6, S8, S1, S3, S5, S7lefttemp := pc2bytes0[left shr 28] or pc2bytes1[(left shr 24) and $F]or pc2bytes2[(left shr 20) and $F] or pc2bytes3[(left shr 16) and $F]or pc2bytes4[(left shr 12) and $F] or pc2bytes5[(left shr 8) and $F]or pc2bytes6[(left shr 4) and $F];righttemp := pc2bytes7[right shr 28] or pc2bytes8[(right shr 24) and $F]or pc2bytes9[(right shr 20) and $F] or pc2bytes10[(right shr 16) and $F]or pc2bytes11[(right shr 12) and $F] or pc2bytes12[(right shr 8) and $F]or pc2bytes13[(right shr 4) and $F];temp := ((righttemp shr 16) xor lefttemp) and $0000FFFF;keys[n + 0] := lefttemp xor temp;keys[n + 1] := righttemp xor (temp shl 16);n := n + 2;end;end; //for each iterations//return the keys we've createdResult := keys;
end; //end of des_createKeysfunction StrToHex(Str: string): string;
vari: integer;
beginresult := '';for i := 1 to length(Str) doresult := result + IntToHex(Ord(Str[i]), 2);
end;function HexToStr(Hex: string): string;
vari: Integer;
beginResult := '';for i := 1 to length(Hex) div 2 doif IsInt('$' + Hex[i * 2 - 1] + Hex[i * 2]) thenResult := Result + Chr(StrToInt('$' + Hex[i * 2 - 1] + Hex[i * 2]));
end;function IsInt(Str: string): Boolean;
beginresult := True;tryStrToInt(Str);exceptresult := Falseend;
end;{function EncryStr_3DES(Str, Key: String): String;
var s  ,StrResult, TempResult, Temp: String;I: Integer;
beginif Length(Key) < 16 thenwhile Length(Key) < 16 doKey := Key + Chr(0);s := EncryStrHex(Str, Copy(Key, 1, 8));s := DecryStrHex(s, Copy(Key, 9, 8));s := EncryStrHex(s, Copy(Key, 1, 8));Result := s;
end;  }end.


unit untBase64;interfaceuses SysUtils, Classes;type
{$IFDEF UNICODE}Base64String = AnsiString;
{$ELSE}Base64String = string;
{$ENDIF}// 按源长度SourceSize返回Base64编码所需缓冲区字节数
function Base64EncodeBufSize(SourceSize: Integer): Integer;
// 获取Sourec的Base64编码,Base64Buf必须有足够长度。返回实际编码字节数
function Base64Encode(const Source; SourceSize: Integer; var Base64Buf): Integer; overload;
// 将Source编码为Base64字符串返回
function Base64Encode(const Source; SourceSize: Integer): Base64String; overload;
// 将Source从StartPos开始的Size长度的内容源编码为Base64,写入流Dest。
// Size=0 表示一直编码到文件尾
procedure Base64Encode(Source, Dest: TStream; StartPos: Int64 = 0; Size: Int64 = 0); overload;
// 把字符串Str编码为Base64字符串返回
function StrToBase64(const Str: AnsiString): Base64String; overload;
function StrToBase64(const Str: string): Base64String; overload;
function StrToBase64(const Str: string): Base64String;
{$ENDIF}// 按给定的编码源Source和长度SourceSize计算并返回解码缓冲区所需字节数
function Base64DecodeBufSize(const Base64Source; SourceSize: Integer): Integer;
// 将Base64编码源Base64Source解码,Buf必须有足够长度。返回实际解码字节数
function Base64Decode(const Base64Source; SourceSize: Integer; var Buf): Integer; overload;
// 将Source从StartPos开始的Size长度的Base64编码内容解码,写入流Dest。
// Size=0 表示一直解码到文件尾
procedure Base64Decode(Source, Dest: TStream; StartPos: Int64 = 0; Size: Int64 = 0); overload;
// 将Base64编码源Base64Source解码为字符串返回
function Base64Decode(const Base64Source; SourceSize: Integer): string; overload;
// 把Base64字符串Base64Str解码为字符串返回
function Base64ToStr(const Base64Str: Base64String): string;implementationconstBase64_Chars: array[0..63] of AnsiChar = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';Base64_Bytes: array[0..79] of Byte =(62, 0, 0, 0, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51);typeBase64Proc = function(const Source; SourceSize: Integer; var Buf): Integer;procedure Base64Stream(Source, Dest: TStream; Proc: Base64Proc;StartPos, Size: Int64; RBufSize, WBufSize: Integer);
varRBuf: array of Byte;WBuf: array of Byte;RSize, WSize: Integer;
beginif (StartPos < 0) or (StartPos >= Source.Size) then Exit;Source.Position := StartPos;if (Size <= 0) or (Size > Source.Size - Source.Position) thenSize := Source.SizeelseSize := Size + Source.Position;SetLength(RBuf, RBufSize);SetLength(WBuf, WBufSize);while Size <> Source.Position dobeginif RBufSize > Size - Source.Position thenRBufSize := Size - Source.Position;RSize := Source.Read(RBuf[0], RBufSize);WSize := Proc(RBuf[0],  RSize, WBuf[0]);Dest.Write(WBuf[0], WSize);end;
end;function Base64EncodeBufSize(SourceSize: Integer): Integer;
beginResult := ((SourceSize + 2) div 3) shl 2;
*                                                                           *
* BASE64 Encode hint:                                                       *
*                                                                           *
* addr:            (high) 4 byte     3 byte     2 byte     1 byte (low)     *
* sourec ASCII(3 bytes):            33333333   22222222   11111111          *
* bswap:                 11111111   22222222   33333333   00000000          *
* b4 = Base64_Chars[(source >> 8) & 63]:      [00333333]->44444444          *
* b3 = Base64_Chars[(source >> 14) & 63]:     [00222233]->33333333          *
* b2 = Base64_Chars[(source >> 20) & 63]:     [00112222]->22222222          *
* b1 = Base64_Chars[source >> 26]:            [00111111]->11111111          *
*                        b4 << 24   b3 << 16   b2 << 8    b1                *
* dest BASE64(4 bytes)   44444444   33333333   22222222   11111111          *
*                                                                           *
****************************************************************************)function Base64Encode(const Source; SourceSize: Integer; var Base64Buf): Integer;
asmpush    ebppush    esipush    edipush    ebxmov     esi, eax         // esi = Sourcemov     edi, ecx         // edi = Bufmov     eax, edxcdqmov     ecx, 3div     ecx              // edx = SourceSize % 3mov     ecx, eax         // ecx = SourceSize / 3test    edx, edx         jz      @@1inc     eax              // eax = (SourceSize + 2) / 3@@1:push    eaxpush    edxlea     ebp, Base64_Charsjecxz   @Lastcld@EncodeLoop:               //  while (ecx > 0){mov     edx, [esi]       //   edx = 00000000 33333333 22222222 11111111bswap   edx              //   edx = 11111111 22222222 33333333 00000000push    edxpush    edxpush    edxpop     ebx              //   ebx = edxshr     edx, 20shr     ebx, 26          //   ebx = 00111111and     edx, 63          //   edx = 00112222mov     ah, [ebp + edx]  //   *(word*)edi = (Base64_Chars[edx] << 8) |mov     al, [ebp + ebx]  //     Base64_Chars[ebx]stosw                    //   edi += 2pop     edx              //   edx = 11111111 22222222 33333333 00000000pop     ebx              //   ebx = edxshr     edx, 8shr     ebx, 14and     edx, 63          //   edx = 00333333and     ebx, 63          //   ebx = 00222233mov     ah, [ebp + edx]  //   *(word*)edi = (Base64_Chars[edx] << 8) |mov     al, [ebp + ebx]  //     Base64_Chars[ebx]stosw                    //   edi += 2add     esi, 3           //   esi += 3loop    @EncodeLoop      // }@Last:pop     ecx              // ecx = SourceSize % 3jecxz   @end             // if (ecx == 0) returnmov     eax, 3d3d0000h   // preset 2 bytes '='mov     [edi], eaxtest    ecx, 2jnz     @@3mov     al, [esi]        // if (ecx == 1)shl     eax, 4           //   eax = *esi << 4jmp     @@4@@3:mov     ax, [esi]        // elsexchg    al, ah           //   eax = ((*esi << 8) or *(esi + 1)) << 2shl     eax, 2@@4:add     edi, ecx         // edi += ecxinc     ecx              // ecx = last encode bytes@LastLoop:mov     edx, eax         // for (; cex > 0; ecx --, edi --)and     edx, 63          // {mov     dl, [ebp + edx]  //   edx = eax & 63mov     [edi], dl        //   *edi = Base64_Chars[edx]shr     eax, 6           //   eax >>= 6dec     edi              // }loop    @LastLoop@end:pop     eaxshl     eax, 2           // return  encode bytespop     ebxpop     edipop     esipop     ebp
end;function Base64Encode(const Source; SourceSize: Integer): Base64String;
beginSetLength(Result, Base64EncodeBufSize(SourceSize));Base64Encode(Source, SourceSize, Result[1]);
end;procedure Base64Encode(Source, Dest: TStream; StartPos: Int64; Size: Int64);
beginBase64Stream(Source, Dest, Base64Encode, StartPos, Size, 6144, 8192);
function StrToBase64(const Str: AnsiString): Base64String;
beginResult := Base64Encode(Str[1], Length(Str));
end;function StrToBase64(const Str: string): Base64String;
beginResult := StrToBase64(AnsiString(Str));
function StrToBase64(const Str: string): Base64String;
beginResult := Base64Encode(Str[1], Length(Str));
{$ENDIF}function Base64DecodeBufSize(const Base64Source; SourceSize: Integer): Integer;
asmmov     ecx, eax    // ecx = Source + Sizeadd     ecx, edxmov     eax, edx    // eax = Size / 4 * 3shr     edx, 2shr     eax, 1add     eax, edxmov     edx, eaxjz      @@2@@1:dec     ecxcmp     byte ptr [ecx], 61jne     @@2         // if (*--ecx == '=')dec     eax         //   eax --jmp     @@1@@2:                  // return eax: BufSize;  edx: Size / 4 * 3
end;function Base64Decode(const Base64Source; SourceSize: Integer; var Buf): Integer;
asmpush    ebppush    esipush    edipush    ebxmov     esi, eax       // esi = Sourcemov     edi, ecx       // edi = Bufmov     ebx, edxcall    Base64DecodeBufSizepush    eax            // eax = Base64DecodeBufSize(Source, SourceSize)sub     edx, eax       // edx -= eax  // edx: '=' countlea     ebp, Base64_Bytesshr     ebx, 2         // ebx = SourceSize / 4test    ebx, ebxjz      @endpush    edxcld@DecodeLoop:             // for (; ebx > 0; ebx --; edi += 3)mov     ecx, 4         // {xor     eax, eax@xchgLoop:               //   for (ecx = 4, eax = 0; ecx > 0; ecx --)movzx   edx, [esi]     //   {sub     edx, 43        //      edx = *(int*)esi - 43shl     eax, 6         //      eax <<= 6or      al, [ebp + edx]//      al |= Base64_Bytes[edx]inc     esi            //      esi ++loop    @xchgLoop      //   }bswap   eax            //   bswap(eax)dec     ebx            //   if (ebx == 1) breakjz      @Lastshr     eax, 8         //   eax >>= 8stosw                  //   *edi = ax; edi += 2shr     eax, 16        //   eax >>= 16stosb                  //   *edi++ = aljmp     @DecodeLoop    // }@Last:pop     ecx            xor     ecx, 3         // ecx = last bytes@LastLoop:               // for (; ecx > 0; ecx --)shr     eax, 8         // {stosb                  //   eax >>= 8; *edi ++ = alloop    @LastLoop      // }@end:pop     eax            // return eaxpop     ebxpop     edipop     esipop     ebp
end;procedure Base64Decode(Source, Dest: TStream; StartPos: Int64; Size: Int64);
beginBase64Stream(Source, Dest, Base64Decode, StartPos, Size, 8192, 6144);
function Base64Decode(const Base64Source; SourceSize: Integer): string;
vars: AnsiString;
beginSetLength(s, Base64DecodeBufSize(Base64Source, SourceSize));Base64Decode(Base64Source, SourceSize, s[1]);Result := string(s);
function Base64Decode(const Base64Source; SourceSize: Integer): string;
beginSetLength(Result, Base64DecodeBufSize(Base64Source, SourceSize));Base64Decode(Base64Source, SourceSize, Result[1]);
{$ENDIF}function Base64ToStr(const Base64Str: Base64String): string;
beginResult := Base64Decode(Base64Str[1], Length(Base64Str));


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