
../include/rectangle.h: In instantiation of 'R_START_TREE::Rectangle<dimensions>& R_START_TREE::Rectangle<dimensions>::operator=(const R_START_TREE::Rectangle<dimensions>&) [with long long unsigned int dimensions = 3]':

rectangle_test.cpp:50:41:   required from here

../include/rectangle.h:79:33: error: passing 'const R_START_TREE::Rectangle<3>' as 'this' argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]

this->lowerLeft = rectangle.getLowerLeft();


直译:错误:将“const xxx”作为“this”参数传递会丢弃限定词。

  • discards qualifiers:丢弃限定符,当尝试修改const类型时,会报discards qualifiers
  • -fpermissive:将有关不合格代码的某些诊断从错误降级为警告。因此,使用-fpermissive将允许编译一些不合格的代码。


 Rectangle & operator=(const Rectangle &rectangle){if(this != &rectangle){this->lowerLeft = rectangle.getLowerLeft();this->setUpperRight(rectangle.getUpperRight());}return *this;}Point<dimensions> getLowerLeft()
{return lowerLeft;
}Point<dimensions> getUpperRight()
{return upperRight;


Point<dimensions> getLowerLeft() const
{return lowerLeft;
}Point<dimensions> getUpperRight() const
{return upperRight;

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