kaggle quora

I was browsing the web today, as I often do, with my iPhone on the can. (Yeah, you do it too, don't front.)

今天,我像往常一样,正在浏览我的iPhone,同时也可以浏览iPhone。 (是的,你也这样做,不要向前。)

A link to an interesting Q&A on Quora came along, so I clicked.


And got this.


Wow. This is bold, even for Quora.

哇。 即使对于Quora,这也是大胆的。

I can peek at one answer, then presumably I'll be so enamored with Quora's walled garden that I'll rush to download their app.


The introduction of iOS 6 also introduced "smart app banners" as a way to let users know that your site has an associated app. The site author just adds a META tag and mobile safari handles the rest.

iOS 6的引入还引入了“智能应用程序横幅”,以使用户知道您的站点具有关联的应用程序。 该网站的作者仅添加了一个META标签,其余的则由移动浏览器处理。

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=999">

Note that the giant DOWNLOAD THIS APP PLEASE arrow is all Quora and is not part of the iOS 6 Smart App Banner feature. This is equivalent to a YouTube video embedding a "please subscribe video" or a reporter pointing at an unseen 1-800 number added later in post production.

请注意,巨大的DOWNLOAD THIS APP PLEASE箭头是Quora的全部,并不属于iOS 6 Smart App Banner功能的一部分。 这等效于嵌入“请订阅视频”的YouTube视频或指向后期制作中添加的看不见的1-800号码的记者。

This implementation goes against everything on the web. You're not just actively preventing me from visiting your site by forcing me to log in, but you're also actively forcing me to download your app to access your server.

此实现违反了网络上的所有内容。 您不仅在通过强迫我登录来积极阻止我访问您的网站,而且还在强迫我下载您的应用程序以访问您的服务器。

I don't want your app. Apps are too much like 1990's CD-ROMs and not enough like the Web.

我不要你的应用应用程序太像1990年代的CD-ROM,而不够像Web 。

网络拒绝黑客 (The Web Rejects Hacks)

There's a pay wall over at the New York Times, in case you hadn't heard. When you hit the Times enough times or in different ways you'll be prompted to buy a subscription, and it's apparently working pretty well. At least, better than you'd expect.

如果您没有听到,《纽约时报》上有个薪水墙。 当您以足够的时间或以不同的方式访问《泰晤士报》时,系统会提示您购买订阅,并且看起来效果很好。 至少比您预期的要好。

But the Times uses a number of techniques strike a balance between "open looking" and "totally not open." If you hit a Times link from Google or Twitter, it works. If you hit the times from an email, you get a pay wall. If you read the Times a lot, you get a pay wall. These techniques are wide and varied. They appear to look at your IP, use cookies, use HTTP_Referer, use URL querystrings.

但是,《纽约时报》使用多种技术在“开放式”和“完全不开放”之间取得平衡。 如果您点击了Google或Twitter的Times链接,则该链接有效。 如果您通过电子邮件发送时间,您将获得酬劳。 如果您经常阅读《泰晤士报》,您将获得酬劳。 这些技术广泛而多样。 他们似乎在查看您的IP,使用Cookie,使用HTTP_Referer和URL查询字符串。

However, the New York Times and other web properties are attempting to use the web in a way that the web doesn't like.  In fact, the NYTimes is actively playing Web Whack a Mole with those that would reject their pay wall.

但是,《纽约时报》和其他网络媒体正在尝试以网络不喜欢的方式使用网络。 实际上,《纽约时报》正积极与那些拒绝支付壁垒的人打起网络骚动。

The web itself actively doesn't like these hacks. It's not just that the people of the web don't like it, that's a social issue. It's that the technology underlayment doesn't like it.

网络本身并不喜欢这些黑客。 不仅仅是网络人们不喜欢它,这是一个社会问题。 只是技术基础不喜欢它。

Sites like this want to have their cake and eat it too. They want Google to freely index their content for searching, but when a person tries to actually READ the site they'll pop interstitial ads, use DIVs to cover the content and actively hide it from the user.

这样的网站也想吃蛋糕。 他们希望Google自由索引其内容以进行搜索,但是当某人尝试实际阅读该网站时,他们会弹出插页式广告,请使用DIV覆盖内容并主动向用户隐藏。

The uncomfortable tension for a business is that the web will never see content that's not indexed (by Google, effectively), but it's not OK to serve one piece of content to the GoogleBot and another piece to the live user. So, sites play tricks and the attempt to funnel us into usage patterns that fit their models and their perceptions. They HAVE to serve the whole page to all comers - ah, but do they have to actually let you SEE it?

对于企业而言,令人不安的是,网络永远不会看到未被索引(有效地由Google编入索引)的内容,但是不能将其中的一项内容提供给GoogleBot,将另一项内容提供给实时用户。 因此,站点发挥了一些技巧,并试图将我们引入适合其模型和感知的使用模式。 他们必须将整页内容提供给所有访问者-啊,但是他们是否必须让您看到?

到底是什么? (What's Underneath?)

Check out any Quora answer while on a mobile device not logged in. See that scroll bar there? The entire page actually loaded. I can scroll around! The white area is on top, blocking the content.

在未登录的移动设备上签出Quora答案。看到那里的滚动条吗? 整个页面实际已加载。 我可以滚动! 白色区域位于顶部,阻止了内容。

Don't believe me? Gobsmacked? Here's a screenshot of a View Source from my iPhone of this page. Sure the markup is really awful, but squint and you can see the content is there. All of it.

不相信我吗哥布斯克? 这是此页面上我的iPhone的查看源的屏幕截图。 当然标记确实很糟糕,但是斜视一下就可以看到其中的内容。 所有的。

I love that my mobile data plan was used to download the full contents of a page that I'm not able to see.


No, I don't want your app. I want to use the web my way. You're not doing it right, therefore I reject you. You need to change your ways.

不,我不要你的应用。 我想以自己的方式使用网络。 您做得不好,因此我拒绝了您。 您需要改变自己的方式。

Yes, it's your prerogative on how you want to run your website, but I propose that just like ExpertsExchange and others before you, the open web will reject your chicanery.


I said Good Day Sir!


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/id-like-to-use-the-web-my-way-thank-you-very-much-quora

kaggle quora

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