
Source insight是一款非常优秀的代码阅读软件,但是有些地方还是不够完善,比如没有快速对一段代码进行注释的功能。对于此类需求,我们可以借助宏来实现。网上有很多source insight的宏,这里只介绍我觉得比较好用的几个。


AddMacroComment.em:实现添加“#if 0”和“#endif”的宏代码

quicker.em: 该宏功能扩展文件是华为某员工进行整理和开发的,功能十分强大

一、安装source insight宏




1、Options->Key Assignments,找到Macro: MultiLineComment,添加快捷键即可,推荐使用**Ctrl+/**组合键。

2、Options->Key Assignments,找到Macro: AddMacroComment,添加快捷键即可,推荐使用Ctrl+3组合键(数字3对应#号,方便记忆)。

3、Options->Key Assignments,找到Marco:AutoExpand,添加快捷键即可,推荐使用Ctrl+Enter组合键。(这里用到了quicker.em)


1、Ctrl + / 多行注释

2、Ctrl + 3 添加“#if 0”和“#endif”



在文件空白处输入 quicker.em 支持的命令,按下 Ctrl+Enter 即可


/*==============================================**====== List Quicker supports commands ========**----------------------------------------------***  /*             auto fill comment according to standard C format*  //             auto fill comment according to standard C format*  {              auto add right curly bace**  name           auto record author's name*  if             auto insert if condition statements template*  ef             auto insert else if condition statements template*  ife            auto insert if/else condition statements template*  ifs            auto insert if/else if/else condition statements template*  else/ei        auto insert else statements template**  switch/sw      auto insert switch/case statements template*  case/ca        auto insert case/break statements template**  for            auto insert for loop statements template*  fo             auto insert for loop statements template*  while/wh       auto insert while loop statements template*  do             auto insert do/while loop statements template**  func/fu        auto insert function header description template*  file/fi        auto insert file header description template*  hi             auto insert new history record in history comment*  struct/st      auto insert typedef struct statements template*  enum/en        auto insert typedef enum statements template**  ap             auto insert problem number and description comment**  pn             set problem number used by below command**  ab             auto insert add begin description for assigned PN comment*  ae             auto insert add end description for assigned PN comment*  db             auto insert delete begin description for assigned PN comment*  de             auto insert delete end description for assigned PN comment*  mb             auto insert modify begin description for assigned PN comment*  me             auto insert modify end description for assigned PN comment*  abg            auto insert add begin and end description for assigned PN comment*  mbg            auto insert modify begin and end description for assigned PN comment*  dbg            auto insert delete begin and end description for assigned PN comment**  hd             auto create .h header file for current .c file*  hdn            auto create new .h header file for current .c file**  key            list Source Insight default shortcut keys*  cmd/help       list Quicker supports commands just this showed**  #if            auto insert #if statements template*  #ifd/#ifdef    auto insert #ifdef statements template*  #ifn/#ifndef   auto insert #inndef statements template**  cpp            auto insert extern C statements template*  tab            auto expand tab to assigned spaces**----------------------------------------------**======= End Quicker supports commands ========**==============================================*/


1、输入help ,按Ctrl+Enter查看所支持的命令

2、输入fi ,按Ctrl+Enter创建文件说明


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