ClassUtils.isAssignable(Class<?> lhsType, Class<?> rhsType)


ClassUtils.isAssignable(List.class, ArrayList.class)
 /*** Check if the right-hand side type may be assigned to the left-hand side* type, assuming setting by reflection. Considers primitive wrapper* classes as assignable to the corresponding primitive types.* @param lhsType the target type* @param rhsType the value type that should be assigned to the target type* @return if the target type is assignable from the value type* @see TypeUtils#isAssignable*/public static boolean isAssignable(Class<?> lhsType, Class<?> rhsType) {Assert.notNull(lhsType, "Left-hand side type must not be null");Assert.notNull(rhsType, "Right-hand side type must not be null");// 若左边类型 是右边类型的父类、父接口,或者左边类型等于右边类型if (lhsType.isAssignableFrom(rhsType)) {return true;}// 左边入参是否是基本类型if (lhsType.isPrimitive()) {//primitiveWrapperTypeMap是从包装类型到基本类型的map,将右边入参转化为基本类型Class<?> resolvedPrimitive = primitiveWrapperTypeMap.get(rhsType);if (lhsType == resolvedPrimitive) {return true;}}else {// 将右边入参转化为包装类型Class<?> resolvedWrapper = primitiveTypeToWrapperMap.get(rhsType);if (resolvedWrapper != null && lhsType.isAssignableFrom(resolvedWrapper)) {return true;}}return false;}

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