
If you thought 2015 was a bad year for cyber security (think Ashley Madison and Talk Talk), the outlook for 2016 looks considerably worse. According to global risk security company, Control Risk, next year will see a 37% increase in the severity of cyber-attacks on industrial control systems.

如果您认为2015年对于网络安全而言是糟糕的一年(例如Ashley Madison和Talk Talk),那么2016年的前景似乎会更糟。 据全球风险安全公司Control Risk称,明年工业控制系统上网络攻击的严重性将增加37% 。

2016年网络攻击将如何发展? (How will cyber-attacks develop in 2016?)

What should concern us most about the predictions for 2016 is not just the increase in the number cyber-attacks but the increase in their severity. The report states that rather than just wanting to steal data, cyber criminals are increasingly focused on manipulating data and affecting the integrity of systems. They either want to infect sites with malware, corrupt the data stored on them or take them down completely.

我们最关心的2016年预测不仅是网络攻击的数量增加,而且其严重性也在增加。 该报告指出,网络罪犯不仅仅是想窃取数据,还越来越关注于操纵数据并影响系统的完整性。 他们要么想用恶意软件感染站点,要么破坏存储在其上的数据,要么将其完全删除。

One of the reasons why this is more likely and why we need to rethink our understanding of cyber criminals is that, whilst the number of financially motivated hackers continues to grow, the biggest increase, in 2015, was in politically motivated, state-sponsored cyber-attacks – up by 56% on 2014. The forecast is that there will be 45 nation states carrying out covert ‘operations’ in 2016.


The targets here are government and infrastructure: oil, gas and utility companies as well as the telecommunications and finance sectors. 36% of attacks during 2015 were on government systems. In the USA, the US State Department system was infected with malware by Russian hackers and the Official Website of Indiana was taken down. In the UK, July saw Edinburgh Council lose 13,000 email addresses to hackers.

这里的目标是政府和基础设施:石油,天然气和公用事业公司以及电信和金融部门。 2015年期间,有36%的攻击是针对政府系统的。 在美国,美国国务院系统被俄罗斯黑客感染了恶意软件,印第安纳州的官方网站也被关闭。 在英国,7月,爱丁堡委员会丢失了13,000个电子邮件地址给黑客。

Aside from political hacking, financially motivated hacking will still continue to rise, with ransomware being increasingly used in 2016. Hackers use ransomware to take control of their victims’ systems and prevent them getting access to their data until they have paid a ransom. The data is often encrypted and, on payment, an encryption key is given to the victim to get their system back. The risk for businesses is twofold here – either they can be held to ransom themselves or they can be exploited to help hackers attack their customers.

除了政治黑客之外,出于经济动机的黑客仍将继续增长,勒索软件在2016年得到越来越多的使用。黑客使用勒索软件控制受害者的系统,并阻止他们访问他们的数据,直到他们支付了赎金。 通常对数据进行加密,并在付款时将加密密钥提供给受害者,以恢复其系统。 企业面临的风险是双重的–要么可以勒索他们自己进行赎金,要么可以利用它们来帮助黑客攻击客户。

2016年保护系统的10个步骤 (10 steps to safeguard your system for 2016)

To protect against the increased threat of hacking we recommend you take the following steps:


1.确保您已安装最新版本的软件 (1. Ensure you have the latest version of your software installed)

All software which you run on your systems should be kept up-to-date. Updates don’t just give improvements in functionality; they often come with security updates that protect against vulnerabilities. Using outdated software leaves the software open to attack.

您在系统上运行的所有软件都应保持最新。 更新不仅可以改善功能,还可以改善功能。 它们通常带有安全更新,可以防御漏洞。 使用过时的软件会使软件容易受到攻击。

2.遵循开发人员指南并注册更新 (2. Follow developers’ guidelines and sign up for updates)

It is important that you follow the software developers’ best practice guidelines for keeping their application secure. It is also worthwhile registering for updates so that if a security vulnerability is found, you can follow any recommendations until an update is released.

请务必遵守软件开发人员的最佳实践准则,以确保其应用程序安全。 还值得注册更新,以便在发现安全漏洞后可以遵循所有建议,直到发布更新为止。

3.使用站点范围的SSL切换到https (3. Switch to https with site-wide SSL)

Enabling site-wide SSL, (Secure Sockets Layer) establishes an encrypted link between a server and a client, preventing ‘man in the middle attacks’ stealing personal data, credit card information and passwords during transmission.


4.确保启用了入侵防御系统 (4. Ensure that intrusion prevention systems are enabled)

Intrusion prevention systems (which are included in cPanel and Plesk) can be configured to protect some of your applications – for example, fail2ban (Plesk) has predefined rulesets which can be enabled for WordPress.


5.使用.htaccess文件保护您的网站 (5. Use your .htaccess file to defend your website)

Apache users can use their .htaccess files to protect against attack. It can be used to prevent unauthorised access to the database and admin area, directory browsing and the accessing of files

Apache用户可以使用他们的.htaccess文件来防御攻击。 它可用于防止未经授权访问数据库和管理区域,目录浏览和文件访问

6.使用漏洞扫描器 (6. Use a vulnerability scanner)

Vulnerability scanners, such as our own MTv scan, undertake deep scans looking for vulnerabilities, malware and intrusions on your website, making sure your site is continually protected.


7.确保您定期备份数据 (7. Make sure you regularly backup your data)

You should always backup your website and database files so that if you are hacked, you can restore your website easily, quickly and inexpensively.


8.启用应用程序防火墙 (8. Enable an application firewall)

A well-configured application firewall is a highly effective method of blocking cross-site scripting and SQL injection attacks. They use a predefined ruleset to sanitise or block HTTP requests that do not conform to the rules. Our Linux servers have the mod_security application firewall installed on both Plesk and cPanel, giving clients a number of custom rulesets which can be enabled.

配置良好的应用程序防火墙是阻止跨站点脚本和SQL注入攻击的高效方法。 他们使用预定义的规则集来清理或阻止不符合规则的HTTP请求。 我们的Linux服务器在Plesk和cPanel上都安装了mod_security应用程序防火墙,从而为客户端提供了许多可以启用的自定义规则集。

9.确保使用高性能网络防火墙 (9. Make sure you use a high-performance network firewall)

Ensuring you have an exceptional firewall in place is a key requirement to securing your site from sophisticated cyber-attacks. For example, one of the products we use at eUKhost is a Next Generation Network Security (NGNS) platform from Fortigate. The Fortigate firewall enables:

确保您拥有出色的防火墙是确保站点免受复杂网络攻击的关键要求。 例如,我们在eUKhost使用的一种产品是Fortigate的下一代网络安全(NGNS)平台。 Fortigate防火墙启用:

  • Identification and control of network applications识别和控制网络应用
  • Advanced threat protection先进的威胁防护
  • Web and content policy that filters unwanted traffic过滤不必要流量的Web和内容策略
  • Integrated Wireless LAN Controller集成无线局域网控制器
  • Intrusion Protection System (IPS) (actively monitors and prevents signature and behaviour threats)入侵防护系统(IPS)(主动监视并防止签名和行为威胁)
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP) (uses sophisticated pattern matching to monitor for behaviour that could lead to data loss)数据丢失防护(DLP)(使用复杂的模式匹配来监视可能导致数据丢失的行为)
  • Real-Time Anti-Malware protection实时反恶意软件保护

Using its own operating system and purpose-built processors; the Fortigate firewall protects your network with the most advanced threat intelligence available. It enables end-to-end security across the full attack cycle and has been independently validated to provide 99%+ security effectiveness. And for ease of use, it enables all monitoring and management to be undertaken from a single pane of glass interface.

使用自己的操作系统和专用处理器; Fortigate防火墙通过可用的最先进的威胁情报来保护您的网络。 它可在整个攻击周期内实现端到端安全性,并经过独立验证,可提供99%以上的安全性。 并且为了易于使用,它使所有监视和管理都可以从一个玻璃界面窗格进行。

结论 (Conclusion)

2016 is going to be a year when all website managers need to be proactive about securing their websites. Increasing numbers and varieties of cyber criminals, ever more sophisticated attacks and a change in emphasis from the theft of data to system damage and extortion mean that cyber security is going to be high on everyone’s agenda.

2016年将是所有网站管理员都需要积极主动地保护自己的网站的一年。 网络犯罪分子的数量和种类越来越多,网络攻击越来越复杂,从数据盗窃到系统损坏和勒索的重点转移,都意味着网络安全将成为每个人的首要任务。

eUKhost provides a wide range of effective security measures to protect our clients, including SSL, website backup, SpamExperts email protection, site monitoring and intrusion protection, Mtvscan vulnerability scanning, 24×7 support staff and Fortigate firewalls.

eUKhost提供了一系列有效的安全措施来保护我们的客户,包括SSL,网站备份,SpamExperts电子邮件保护,站点监视和入侵保护,Mtvscan漏洞扫描, 24×7支持人员和Fortigate防火墙。

If you are concerned about your organisation’s website security or want to know how eUKhost can protect your organisation, get in touch on 0800 862 0380.

如果您担心组织的网站安全或想知道eUKhost如何保护您的组织,请联系0800 862 0380




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