
  • 《让程序自动玩数独游戏让你秒变骨灰级数独玩家》
  • 《Python调用C语言实现数独计算逻辑提速100倍》








  • 扫雷游戏的介绍
    • 简介
    • 扫雷程序下载
  • 基于图像分析的桌面前端交互程序
    • 获取扫雷程序的窗口位置
    • 根据窗口坐标抓取雷区图像
    • 读取剩余地雷数量
    • 读取雷区数据
    • 自动操作扫雷程序
    • 前端交互程序整体封装
  • 自动扫雷算法
    • Monkey随机算法玩中级扫雷
    • 基于概率分析的扫雷算法
      • 算法的总体思想
      • 搜索连通区域
      • 统计每个连通块中的每个格子在多少种解中是有雷的
      • 考虑剩余雷数,计算精确概率
      • 基于概率的贪心算法
      • 概率分析算法代码的整体封装
    • 引入概率分析算法进行测试
  • 能不能更快更高的胜率?
    • 内存外挂原理
    • 实现过程
    • 内存外挂的完整代码
  • 能超越初级的0.49秒的世界记录吗?



《扫雷》是一款大众类的益智小游戏,游戏的基本操作包括左键单击(Left Click)、右键单击(Right Click)、双击(Chording)三种。其中左键用于打开安全的格子;右键用于标记地雷;双击在一个数字周围的地雷标记完时,相当于对数字周围未打开的方块均进行一次左键单击操作。




链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfA10K7 密码:eiqp





这步需要调用windows API查找扫雷游戏的窗口,需要传入扫雷游戏得标题和类名,这个可以通过inspect.exe工具进行获取。


C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64\inspect.exe


import win32gui# 扫雷游戏窗口
# class_name, title_name = "TMain", "Minesweeper Arbiter "
class_name, title_name = "扫雷", "扫雷"
hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(class_name, title_name)if hwnd:left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)print(f"窗口坐标,左上角:({left},{top}),右下角:({right},{bottom})")w, h = right-left, bottom-topprint(f"窗口宽度:{w},高度:{h}")




import win32com.client as win32def activateWindow(hwnd):# SetForegroundWindow调用有一些限制,我们可以再调用之前输入一个键盘事件shell = win32.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")shell.SendKeys('%')win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd)activateWindow(hwnd)



from PIL import ImageGrab# 根据窗口坐标抓取雷区图像
rect = (left+15, top+101, right-11, bottom-11)
img = ImageGrab.grab().crop(rect)



# 每个方块16*16
bw, bh = 16, 16def get_board_size():# 横向有w个方块l, t, r, b = (left+15, top+101, right-11, bottom-11)w = (r - l) // bw# 纵向有h个方块h = (b - t) // bhreturn (w, h), (l, t, r, b)# 获取雷盘大小和位置
(w, h), rect = get_board_size()
宽:30,高:16,雷盘位置:(1425, 108, 1905, 364)



num_img = ImageGrab.grab().crop((left+20, top+62, left+20+39, top+62+23))


for i in range(3):num_i = num_img.crop((13*i+1, 1, 13*(i+1)-1, 22)).convert("L")print(num_i.size)display(num_i)


pixels = num_i.load()
print("yx", end=":")
for x in range(11):print(str(x).zfill(2), end=",")
for y in range(21):print(str(y).zfill(2), end=":")for x in range(11):print(str(pixels[x, y]).zfill(2), end=",")print()


def get_pixel_code(pixels):key_points = np.array([pixels[5, 1], pixels[1, 5], pixels[9, 5],pixels[9, 5], pixels[5, 10],pixels[1, 15], pixels[9, 15], pixels[5, 19]]) == 76code = int("".join(key_points.astype("int8").astype("str")), 2)return code


code2num = {247: 0, 50: 1, 189: 2,187: 3, 122: 4, 203: 5,207: 6, 178: 7, 255: 8, 251: 9
}def get_mine_num(full_img=None):full_img = ImageGrab.grab()num_img = full_img.crop((left+20, top+62, left+20+39, top+62+23))mine_num = 0for i in range(3):num_i = num_img.crop((13*i+1, 1, 13*(i+1)-1, 22)).convert("L")code = get_pixel_code(num_i.load())mine_num = mine_num*10+code2num[code]return mine_numget_mine_num()




img = ImageGrab.grab().crop(rect)
for y in range(h):for x in range(w):img_block = img.crop((x * bw, y * bh, (x + 1) * bw, (y + 1) * bh))


colors = img_block.convert("L").getcolors()
[(54, 128), (148, 192), (54, 255)]



def colors2signature(colors):return "".join(hex(b)[2:].zfill(2) for c in colors for b in c)


from collections import Countercounter = Counter()
img = ImageGrab.grab().crop(rect)
for y in range(h):for x in range(w):img_block = img.crop((x * bw, y * bh, (x + 1) * bw, (y + 1) * bh))colors = img_block.convert("L").getcolors()signature = colors2signature(colors)counter[signature] += 1
[('368094c036ff', 388),('4d001f8090c004ff', 87),('281d1f80b9c0', 2),('414b1f80a0c0', 1),('3e4c1f80a3c0', 1),('4d00904c1f8004ff', 1)]


rgb_unknown = '368094c036ff'
rgb_1 = '281d1f80b9c0'
rgb_2 = '414b1f80a0c0'
rgb_3 = '3e4c1f80a3c0'
rgb_4 = '380f1f80a9c0'
rgb_5 = '46261f809bc0'
rgb_6 = '485a1f8099c0'
rgb_7 = '2c001f80b5c0'
rgb_8 = '6b8095c0'
rgb_nothing = '1f80e1c0'
rgb_red = '1600114c36806dc036ff'
rgb_boom = '4d001f8090c004ff'
rgb_boom_red = '4d00904c1f8004ff'
rgb_boom_error = '34002e4c1f807ec001ff'
# 数字1-8表示周围有几个雷
#  0 表示已经点开是空白的格子
# -1 表示还没有点开的格子
# -2 表示红旗所在格子
# -3 表示踩到雷了已经失败
img_match = {rgb_1: 1, rgb_2: 2, rgb_3: 3, rgb_4: 4,rgb_5: 5, rgb_6: 6, rgb_7: 7, rgb_8: 8, rgb_nothing: 0,rgb_unknown: -1, rgb_red: -2, rgb_boom: -3, rgb_boom_red: -3, rgb_boom_error: -3}


import numpy as np
board = np.zeros((h, w), dtype="int8")
for y in range(h):for x in range(w):img_block = img.crop((x * bw, y * bh, (x + 1) * bw, (y + 1) * bh))colors = img_block.convert("L").getcolors()signature = colors2signature(colors)board[y, x] = img_match[signature]




import win32api
import win32condef click(x, y, is_left_click=True):if is_left_click:win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)else:win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)(w, h), (l, t, r, b) = get_board_size()def click_mine_area(px, py, is_left_click=True):x, y = l+px*bw + bw // 2, t+py*bh + + bh // 2click(x, y, is_left_click)


import time
import win32conactivateWindow(hwnd)
click_mine_area(3, 3)




def message_click(x, y, is_left_click=True):if is_left_click:win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN,win32con.MK_LBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP,win32con.MK_LBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))else:win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_RBUTTONDOWN,win32con.MK_RBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_RBUTTONUP,win32con.MK_RBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))# 雷区格子在窗体上的起始坐标
offest_x, offest_y = 0xC, 0x37
# 每个格子方块的宽度和高度 16*16
bw, bh = 16, 16def message_click_mine_area(px, py, is_left_click=True):x, y = offest_x+px*bw + bw // 2, offest_y+py*bh + + bh // 2message_click(x, y, is_left_click)


message_click_mine_area(3, 4, False)



import win32api
import win32con
import numpy as np
import win32com.client as win32
from PIL import ImageGrab
import win32gui# 每个方块16*16
bw, bh = 16, 16
# 剩余雷数图像特征码
code2num = {247: 0, 50: 1, 189: 2,187: 3, 122: 4, 203: 5,207: 6, 178: 7, 255: 8, 251: 9
# 雷区图像特征码
rgb_unknown = '368094c036ff'
rgb_1 = '281d1f80b9c0'
rgb_2 = '414b1f80a0c0'
rgb_3 = '3e4c1f80a3c0'
rgb_4 = '380f1f80a9c0'
rgb_5 = '46261f809bc0'
rgb_6 = '485a1f8099c0'
rgb_7 = '2c001f80b5c0'
rgb_8 = '6b8095c0'
rgb_nothing = '1f80e1c0'
rgb_red = '1600114c36806dc036ff'
rgb_boom = '4d001f8090c004ff'
rgb_boom_red = '4d00904c1f8004ff'
rgb_boom_error = '34002e4c1f807ec001ff'
rgb_question = '180036807cc036ff'
# 数字1-8表示周围有几个雷
#  0 表示已经点开是空白的格子
# -1 表示还没有点开的格子
# -2 表示红旗所在格子
# -3 表示踩到雷了已经失败
# -4 表示被玩家自己标记为问号
img_match = {rgb_1: 1, rgb_2: 2, rgb_3: 3, rgb_4: 4,rgb_5: 5, rgb_6: 6, rgb_7: 7, rgb_8: 8, rgb_nothing: 0,rgb_unknown: -1, rgb_red: -2, rgb_boom: -3, rgb_boom_red: -3,rgb_boom_error: -3, rgb_question: -4}
# 雷区格子在窗体上的起始坐标
offest_x, offest_y = 0xC, 0x37def get_board_size(hwnd):left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)# 横向有w个方块l, t, r, b = (left+15, top+101, right-11, bottom-11)w = (r - l) // bw# 纵向有h个方块h = (b - t) // bhreturn (w, h), (l, t, r, b)def get_pixel_code(pixels):key_points = np.array([pixels[5, 1], pixels[1, 5], pixels[9, 5],pixels[9, 5], pixels[5, 10],pixels[1, 15], pixels[9, 15], pixels[5, 19]]) == 76code = int("".join(key_points.astype("int8").astype("str")), 2)return codedef get_mine_num(hwnd, full_img=None):if full_img is None:full_img = ImageGrab.grab()left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)num_img = full_img.crop((left+20, top+62, left+20+39, top+62+23))mine_num = 0for i in range(3):num_i = num_img.crop((13*i+1, 1, 13*(i+1)-1, 22)).convert("L")code = get_pixel_code(num_i.load())mine_num = mine_num*10+code2num[code]return mine_numdef colors2signature(colors):return "".join(hex(b)[2:].zfill(2) for c in colors for b in c)def update_board(board, full_img=None):if full_img is None:full_img = ImageGrab.grab()left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)rect = (left+15, top+101, right-11, bottom-11)img = full_img.crop(rect)for y in range(h):for x in range(w):img_block = img.crop((x * bw, y * bh, (x + 1) * bw, (y + 1) * bh))colors = img_block.convert("L").getcolors()signature = colors2signature(colors)board[y, x] = img_match[signature]return boarddef get_hwnd(name="扫雷"):if name == "扫雷":class_name, title_name = "扫雷", "扫雷"else:class_name, title_name = "TMain", "Minesweeper Arbiter "return win32gui.FindWindow(class_name, title_name)def activateWindow(hwnd):# SetForegroundWindow调用有一些限制,我们可以再调用之前输入一个键盘事件shell = win32.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")shell.SendKeys('%')win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd)def new_board(w, h):board = np.zeros((h, w), dtype="int8")board.fill(-1)return boarddef click(x, y, is_left_click=True):if is_left_click:win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)else:win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)def click_mine_area(px, py, is_left_click=True):x, y = l+px*bw + bw // 2, t+py*bh + + bh // 2click(x, y, is_left_click)def message_click(x, y, is_left_click=True):if is_left_click:win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN,win32con.MK_LBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP,win32con.MK_LBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))else:win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_RBUTTONDOWN,win32con.MK_RBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_RBUTTONUP,win32con.MK_RBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))def message_click_mine_area(px, py, is_left_click=True):x, y = offest_x+px*bw + bw // 2, offest_y+py*bh + + bh // 2message_click(x, y, is_left_click)hwnd = get_hwnd()
# 获取雷盘大小和位置
(w, h), rect = get_board_size(hwnd)
mine_num = get_mine_num(hwnd)
print("剩余雷数:", mine_num)
board = new_board(w, h)
# message_click_mine_area(5, 5)


hwnd = get_hwnd()
# 获取雷盘大小和位置
(w, h), rect = get_board_size(hwnd)
mine_num = get_mine_num(hwnd)
print("剩余雷数:", mine_num)
board = new_board(w, h)
message_click_mine_area(5, 5)
宽:16,高:16,雷盘位置:(230, 240, 486, 496)
剩余雷数: 40
[[-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1][-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1]]





  • 如果当前点周围雷数=未点+插旗,说明所有未点位置都是雷,可以全部插旗
  • 如果当前点周围雷数=插旗,说明所有未点位置都没有雷,可以全部点开
  • 遍历完所有位置后,未发现能够点开或标记为雷的点,则随机选一个点
from itertools import product
import time
import random
from collections import Counterdef get_bound(x, y):"获取指定坐标周围4*4-9*9的边界范围"x1, x2 = np.array((x-1, x+2)).clip(0, w)y1, y2 = np.array((y-1, y+2)).clip(0, h)return x1, y1, x2, y2def getItemNum(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围已经点开、没有点开和已确定有雷的格子的数量"#  0 表示已经点开是空白的格子# -1 表示还没有点开的格子# -2 表示红旗所在格子x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)count = Counter(board[y1:y2, x1:x2].reshape(-1))return count[0], count[-1], count[-2]def getUnknownPointList(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围还没有点开的格子坐标列表"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)for py in range(y1, y2):for px in range(x1, x2):if px == x and py == y:continueif board[py, px] == -1:yield px, pyhwnd = get_hwnd()
# 获取雷盘大小和位置
(w, h), rect = get_board_size(hwnd)
mine_num = get_mine_num(hwnd)
print("剩余雷数:", mine_num)
board = new_board(w, h)
# 点击剩余雷数位置激活窗口
l, t, r, b = rect
click(l+16, t-30)
# 标记周围已经完全确定的数字位置
flag = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="bool")
while True:# 筛选出所有未确定的数字位置   坐标pys, pxs = np.where((1 <= board) & (board <= 8) & (~flag))res = set()for x, y in zip(pxs, pys):boom_number = board[y, x]# 统计当前点周围4*4-9*9范围各类点的数量openNum, unknownNum, redNum = getItemNum(x, y)if unknownNum == 0:# 周围没有未点过的点可以直接忽略flag[y, x] = Truecontinue# 获取周围的点的位置points = getUnknownPointList(x, y)if boom_number == unknownNum+redNum:# 如果当前点周围雷数=未点+插旗,说明所有未点位置都是雷,可以全部插旗flag[y, x] = Truefor px, py in points:res.add((px, py, False))elif boom_number == redNum:# 如果当前点周围雷数=插旗,说明所有未点位置都没有雷,可以全部点开flag[y, x] = Truefor px, py in points:res.add((px, py, True))for px, py, left in res:click_mine_area(px, py, left)if len(res) == 0 and (board == -1).sum() != 0:# 本轮循环没有进行任何操作,说明没有任何可以确定点击的地方,只能随机点击py, px = random.choice(list(zip(*np.where(board == -1))))click_mine_area(px, py)if (board == -1).sum() == 0:print("顺利!!!")breakif (board == -3).sum() != 0:print("踩到雷了,游戏结束!")breakupdate_board(board)










对于每一个连通块共有n个格子没有打开,每个格子都存在有雷和没有雷两种情况,那么至多存在 2 n \large 2^n 2n种可能的解,除与已知格子矛盾的解后一共有m种可能的解。我们统计出每一个格子在多少种解中是有雷的,除以m就得到这一格是雷的概率。显然当概率百分比等于0时,一定不是雷;当概率百分比等于100时,一定是雷。




def getOpenNum(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围有雷数标志的格子的数量"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)num = 0for py in range(y1, y2+1):for px in range(x1, x2+1):if px == x and py == y:continuenum += (1 <= board[py, px] <= 8)return numdef srhAdjBlock(x, y):"搜索与数字位置相邻的未打开块,,使用flags标记已经访问过的位置"stack = [(x, y)]block = []while stack:x, y = stack.pop()if flags[y, x]:continueflags[y, x] = Trueblock.append((x, y))for px, py in getUnknownPointList(x, y):if flags[py, px] or getOpenNum(px, py) <= 0:continuestack.append((px, py))return blockupdate_board(board)flags = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="bool")
# 联通块列表
block_list = []
# 孤立位置列表
single_list = []
pys, pxs = np.where(board == -1)
for px, py in zip(pxs, pys):if flags[py, px]:continueif getOpenNum(px, py) > 0:block_list.append(srhAdjBlock(px, py))else:single_list.append((px, py))


def show_dest_area(area):for px, py in area:message_click_mine_area(px, py, False)message_click_mine_area(px, py, False)img = ImageGrab.grab().crop(rect)for px, py in area:message_click_mine_area(px, py, False)return imgactivateWindow(hwnd)
for block in block_list:display(show_dest_area(block))




def getOpenNumList(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围有雷数标志的格子坐标列表"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)num = 0for py in range(y1, y2+1):for px in range(x1, x2+1):if px == x and py == y:continueif 1 <= board[py, px] <= 8:yield px, pydef update_block(x, y, result):# 根据随机算法的基础规则更新board周边块result.clear()for px, py in getOpenNumList(x, y):unknownNum, redNum = getItemNum(px, py)# 实际雷数 小于 标记雷数目if board[py, px] < redNum:return False# 实际雷数 大于 未点开的格子数量+标记雷数目if board[py, px] > unknownNum + redNum:return Falseif unknownNum == 0:continueunknownPoints = getUnknownPointList(px, py)# 如果当前点周围雷数=未点+插旗,说明所有未点位置都是雷,可以全部插旗if board[py, px] == unknownNum + redNum:for px2, py2 in unknownPoints:result.append((px2, py2))board[py2, px2] = -2# 如果当前点周围雷数=插旗,说明所有未点位置都没有雷,可以全部点开if board[py, px] == redNum:for px2, py2 in unknownPoints:result.append((px2, py2))# 9表示临时无雷标记board[py2, px2] = 9return Truedef updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt):"根据搜索得到的方案更新 nm2schemeCnt"nm = sum(mine_flag)if nm not in nm2schemeCnt:  # 新增一种方案nm2schemeCnt[nm] = [1, mine_flag.copy()]else:  # 更新v = nm2schemeCnt[nm]v[0] += 1v[1] += mine_flagdef srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k, nm2schemeCnt):""":param block: 连通块中的格子列表:param mine_flag: 是否有雷标记列表:param k: 从位置k开始搜索所有可行方案,结果存储于 nm2schemeCnt:param nm2schemeCnt: nm:(t,lstcellCnt),代表这个联通块中,假设有nm颗雷的情况下共有t种方案,lstcellCnt表示各个格子中共有其中几种方案有雷:return: """x, y = block[k]res = []if board[y, x] == -1:  # 两种可能:有雷、无雷# 9作为作为临时无雷标记,-2作为临时有雷标记for m, n in [(0, 9), (1, -2)]:# m和n 对应了无雷和有雷两种情况下的标记mine_flag[k] = mboard[y, x] = n# 根据基础规则更新周围点的标记,返回更新格子列表和成功标记if update_block(x, y, res):if k == len(block) - 1:  # 得到一个方案updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt)else:srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k+1, nm2schemeCnt)# 恢复for px, py in res:board[py, px] = -1# 恢复board[y, x] = -1else:if board[y, x] == -2:mine_flag[k] = 1  # 有雷else:mine_flag[k] = 0  # 无雷# 根据规则1判断并更新周边块board标记,返回更新格子列表和成功标记if update_block(x, y, res):if k == len(block) - 1:  # 得到一个方案updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt)else:srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k+1, nm2schemeCnt)# 恢复for px, py in res:board[py, px] = -1


nm2schemeCnt_list = []
nmin = 0
nmax = 0
for block in block_list:# 搜索联通块k的可行方案# 当前连通块中,每个可能的总雷数对应的方案数和每个格子在其中几种方案下有雷nm2schemeCnt = {}mine_flag = np.zeros(len(block), dtype='int16')srhScheme(block, mine_flag, 0, nm2schemeCnt)nm2schemeCnt_list.append(nm2schemeCnt)nmin += min(nm2schemeCnt)nmax += max(nm2schemeCnt)
[{10: [28,array([ 4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 14,  0,  0,0,  0,  0, 14, 14,  0, 28,  0,  0,  0, 14,  4, 14, 14, 24,  0, 28,24,  4,  4, 24, 16, 12,  4], dtype=int16)],11: [136,array([ 20,  20,  20,  20,  20,  16,  24,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,0,  68,   0,   0,   0,  14,  14,  54,  54, 112,  52,  28,  28,28,  68,  40,  54,  82,  96,   0, 136,  96,  40,  40,  96,  80,56,  20], dtype=int16)],12: [96,array([16, 16, 16, 16, 16,  0, 96,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 48,  0,  0,0, 12, 12, 36, 36, 96, 24, 24, 24, 24, 48, 96, 36, 60,  0,  0, 96,0, 96, 96,  0, 64, 32, 16], dtype=int16)]},{1: [3, array([1, 1, 1], dtype=int16)]}]



在枚举过程中,对每个联通块我们可以统计出 b l o c k C n t s \Large blockCnt_{s} blockCnts​ ,代表这个联通块的未知格中一共有 s 颗雷的方案数。 对每个格子 x 可以统计出: c e l l C n t x , s \Large cellCnt_{x,s} cellCntx,s​ 代表当格子所在的联通块中一共有 s 颗雷时,多少种方案中这个 x 格子是雷。

那么我们依次考虑每个格子的胜率。除开格子本身所在的联通块不看,考虑其它所有联通块(假设一共有 n n n 个连通块),我们可以计算出计算 D P i , j \Large DP_{i,j} DPi,j​ 代表前 i i i 个连通块共 j j j 个雷的方案数,这里是一个背包问题,转移方程:

D P i , j = ∑ s = 0 m a x D P i − 1 , j − s ∗ b l o c k C n t s \Large DP_{i,j} = \sum_{s = 0}^{max}{DP_{i-1, j-s} * blockCnt_s} DPi,j​=s=0∑max​DPi−1,j−s​∗blockCnts​

假设当前剩下 mine 个雷,枚举当前格子所在联通块的雷数 s ,有 b l o c k C n t s ∗ D P n − 1 , m i n e − s \Large blockCnt_s * DP_{n-1,mine - s} blockCnts​∗DPn−1,mine−s​ 种可行方案,其中 c e l l C n t x , s ∗ D P n − 1 , m i n e − s \Large cellCnt_{x, s} * DP_{n - 1, mine - s} cellCntx,s​∗DPn−1,mine−s​ 种方案中当前格有雷,对这两个值分别求和,就可以得到当前格有雷的精确概率。


# 如果非联通块中包含的雷数大于0,考虑剩余雷数对概率影响
if single_list:block_list.append(single_list)rnm2schemeCnt = {}  # 剩余格子概率计算n2 = len(single_list)for i in range(nmin, nmax + 1):n1 = mine_num - imine_flag = [n1 for _ in range(n2)]rnm2schemeCnt[n1] = [n2, mine_flag]nm2schemeCnt_list.append(rnm2schemeCnt)


# 考虑剩余雷数的可能方案数计算
def calDP(lk, nm, nm2schemeCnt_list):ndp = 0k = lk[0]nm2schemeCnt = nm2schemeCnt_list[k]if len(lk) == 1:if nm in nm2schemeCnt:cnt, cnt_list = nm2schemeCnt[nm]ndp = cntelse:for k1 in nm2schemeCnt:lk1 = lk[1:]n1 = calDP(lk1, nm - k1, nm2schemeCnt_list)cnt, cnt_list = nm2schemeCnt[k1]ndp += n1 * cntreturn ndppboard = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="int8")
# 基准有雷概率百分比
pboard.fill(mine_num*100//nb)# 计算概率
for k in range(len(nm2schemeCnt_list)):lk = [t for t in range(len(nm2schemeCnt_list)) if t != k]# 考虑剩余雷数的可能方案数计算NBcnt = 0block = block_list[k]Ncnt = [0]*len(block)for nm, (cnt, cnt_list) in nm2schemeCnt_list[k].items():if len(lk) > 0:ndp = calDP(lk, mine_num - nm, nm2schemeCnt_list)else:ndp = 1NBcnt += cnt * ndpfor i in range(len(Ncnt)):Ncnt[i] += cnt_list[i] * ndp# print("k,NBcnt,Ncnt=",k,NBcnt,Ncnt)for i in range(len(Ncnt)):x, y = block[i]pboard[y, x] = Ncnt[i] * 100 // NBcnt




pys, pxs = np.where(board == -1)
res = set()
for x, y in zip(pxs, pys):if pboard[y, x] == 100:# 有雷概率为100说明必定有雷,插旗res.add((x, y, False))elif pboard[y, x] == 0:# 有雷概率为0说明必定没有雷,点开res.add((x, y, True))
{(8, 10, True),(9, 10, True),(10, 10, True),(12, 9, True),(13, 7, True),(13, 9, True),(14, 9, True),(15, 7, False),(15, 9, True),(16, 7, True),(16, 8, True),(16, 9, True)}



for r in res:message_click_mine_area(*r)


if len(res) == 0:# 计算最小比例列表pys, pxs = np.where((board == -1) & (pboard == pboard[board == -1].min()))points = list(zip(pxs, pys))if len(points) > 10:# 超过10个以上这样的点则随机选一个x, y = random.choice(points)elif len(points) > 0:# 否则取周围未点开格子最少的格子x, y = min(points, key=getFiveMapNum)else:return resres.add((x, y, True))


def getOpenNum(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围有雷数标志的格子的数量"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)num = 0for py in range(y1, y2+1):for px in range(x1, x2+1):if px == x and py == y:continuenum += (1 <= board[py, px] <= 8)return numdef srhAdjBlock(x, y):"搜索与数字位置相邻的未打开块,,使用flags标记已经访问过的位置"stack = [(x, y)]block = []while stack:x, y = stack.pop()if flags[y, x]:continueflags[y, x] = Trueblock.append((x, y))for px, py in getUnknownPointList(x, y):if flags[py, px] or getOpenNum(px, py) <= 0:continuestack.append((px, py))return blockdef getOpenNumList(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围有雷数标志的格子坐标列表"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)num = 0for py in range(y1, y2+1):for px in range(x1, x2+1):if px == x and py == y:continueif 1 <= board[py, px] <= 8:yield px, pydef update_block(x, y, result):"根据随机算法的基础规则更新board周边块"result.clear()for px, py in getOpenNumList(x, y):unknownNum, redNum = getItemNum(px, py)# 实际雷数 小于 标记雷数目if board[py, px] < redNum:return False# 实际雷数 大于 未点开的格子数量+标记雷数目if board[py, px] > unknownNum + redNum:return Falseif unknownNum == 0:continueunknownPoints = getUnknownPointList(px, py)# 如果当前点周围雷数=未点+插旗,说明所有未点位置都是雷,可以全部插旗if board[py, px] == unknownNum + redNum:for px2, py2 in unknownPoints:result.append((px2, py2))board[py2, px2] = -2# 如果当前点周围雷数=插旗,说明所有未点位置都没有雷,可以全部点开if board[py, px] == redNum:for px2, py2 in unknownPoints:result.append((px2, py2))# 9表示临时无雷标记board[py2, px2] = 9return Truedef updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt):"根据搜索得到的方案更新 nm2schemeCnt"nm = sum(mine_flag)if nm not in nm2schemeCnt:  # 新增一种方案nm2schemeCnt[nm] = [1, mine_flag.copy()]else:  # 更新v = nm2schemeCnt[nm]v[0] += 1v[1] += mine_flagdef srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k, nm2schemeCnt):""":param block: 连通块中的格子列表:param mine_flag: 是否有雷标记列表:param k: 从位置k开始搜索所有可行方案,结果存储于 nm2schemeCnt:param nm2schemeCnt: nm:(t,lstcellCnt),代表这个联通块中,假设有nm颗雷的情况下共有t种方案,lstcellCnt表示各个格子中共有其中几种方案有雷:return: """x, y = block[k]res = []if board[y, x] == -1:  # 两种可能:有雷、无雷# 9作为作为临时无雷标记,-2作为临时有雷标记for m, n in [(0, 9), (1, -2)]:# m和n 对应了无雷和有雷两种情况下的标记mine_flag[k] = mboard[y, x] = n# 根据基础规则更新周围点的标记,返回更新格子列表和成功标记if update_block(x, y, res):if k == len(block) - 1:  # 得到一个方案updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt)else:srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k+1, nm2schemeCnt)# 恢复for px, py in res:board[py, px] = -1# 恢复board[y, x] = -1else:if board[y, x] == -2:mine_flag[k] = 1  # 有雷else:mine_flag[k] = 0  # 无雷# 根据规则1判断并更新周边块board标记,返回更新格子列表和成功标记if update_block(x, y, res):if k == len(block) - 1:  # 得到一个方案updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt)else:srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k+1, nm2schemeCnt)# 恢复for px, py in res:board[py, px] = -1def calDP(lk, nm, nm2schemeCnt_list):"考虑剩余雷数的可能方案数计算"ndp = 0k = lk[0]nm2schemeCnt = nm2schemeCnt_list[k]if len(lk) == 1:if nm in nm2schemeCnt:cnt, cnt_list = nm2schemeCnt[nm]ndp = cntelse:for k1 in nm2schemeCnt:lk1 = lk[1:]n1 = calDP(lk1, nm - k1, nm2schemeCnt_list)cnt, cnt_list = nm2schemeCnt[k1]ndp += n1 * cntreturn ndpdef getCLKPoints(board):"获取节点列表"flags.fill(0)# 联通块列表block_list = []# 孤立位置列表single_list = []pys, pxs = np.where(board == -1)for px, py in zip(pxs, pys):if flags[py, px]:continueif getOpenNum(px, py) > 0:block_list.append(srhAdjBlock(px, py))else:single_list.append((px, py))nm2schemeCnt_list = []nmin = 0nmax = 0for block in block_list:# 搜索联通块k的可行方案# 当前连通块中,每个可能的总雷数对应的方案数和每个格子在其中几种方案下有雷nm2schemeCnt = {}mine_flag = np.zeros(len(block), dtype='int16')srhScheme(block, mine_flag, 0, nm2schemeCnt)nm2schemeCnt_list.append(nm2schemeCnt)nmin += min(nm2schemeCnt)nmax += max(nm2schemeCnt)# 如果非联通块中包含的雷数大于0,考虑剩余雷数对概率影响if single_list:block_list.append(single_list)rnm2schemeCnt = {}  # 剩余格子概率计算n2 = len(single_list)for i in range(nmin, nmax + 1):n1 = mine_num - imine_flag = [n1 for _ in range(n2)]rnm2schemeCnt[n1] = [n2, mine_flag]nm2schemeCnt_list.append(rnm2schemeCnt)pboard = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="int8")# 基准有雷概率百分比pboard.fill(mine_num*100//nb)# 计算概率for k in range(len(nm2schemeCnt_list)):lk = [t for t in range(len(nm2schemeCnt_list)) if t != k]# 考虑剩余雷数的可能方案数计算NBcnt = 0block = block_list[k]Ncnt = [0]*len(block)for nm, (cnt, cnt_list) in nm2schemeCnt_list[k].items():if len(lk) > 0:ndp = calDP(lk, mine_num - nm, nm2schemeCnt_list)else:ndp = 1NBcnt += cnt * ndpfor i in range(len(Ncnt)):Ncnt[i] += cnt_list[i] * ndp# print("k,NBcnt,Ncnt=",k,NBcnt,Ncnt)for i in range(len(Ncnt)):x, y = block[i]pboard[y, x] = Ncnt[i] * 100 // NBcntpys, pxs = np.where(board == -1)res = set()for x, y in zip(pxs, pys):if pboard[y, x] == 100:# 有雷概率为100说明必定有雷,插旗res.add((x, y, False))elif pboard[y, x] == 0:# 有雷概率为0说明必定没有雷,点开res.add((x, y, True))if len(res) == 0:# 计算最小比例列表pys, pxs = np.where((board == -1) & (pboard == pboard[board == -1].min()))points = list(zip(pxs, pys))if len(points) > 10:# 超过10个以上这样的点则随机选一个x, y = random.choice(points)elif len(points) > 0:# 否则取周围未点开格子最少的格子x, y = min(points, key=getFiveMapNum)else:return resres.add((x, y, True))return res


flags = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="bool")


__author__ = '小小明'
__time__ = '2021/8/8'import functools
import random
import time
from collections import Counter
from concurrent import futuresimport numpy as np
import win32api
import win32com.client as win32
import win32con
import win32gui
from PIL import ImageGrab# 每个方块16*16
bw, bh = 16, 16
# 剩余雷数图像特征码
code2num = {247: 0, 50: 1, 189: 2,187: 3, 122: 4, 203: 5,207: 6, 178: 7, 255: 8, 251: 9
# 雷区图像特征码
# 数字1-8表示周围有几个雷
#  0 表示已经点开是空白的格子
# -1 表示还没有点开的格子
# -2 表示红旗所在格子
# -3 表示踩到雷了已经失败
# -4 表示被玩家自己标记为问号
rgb_signs = ['281d9cc0', '414b83c0', '3e4c86c0', '380f8cc0','46267ec0', '485a7cc0', '2c0098c0', '4c8078c0', 'c4c0','198092c019ff', '1600114c19806bc019ff', '4d0073c004ff','4d00734c04ff', '34002e4c61c001ff', '180019807ac019ff'
values = [1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 0,-1, -2, -3,-3, -3, -4, -4
img_match = dict(zip(rgb_signs, values))
# 雷区格子在窗体上的起始坐标
offest_x, offest_y = 0xC, 0x37def get_board_size(hwnd):left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)# 横向有w个方块l, t, r, b = (left + 15, top + 101, right - 11, bottom - 11)w = (r - l) // bw# 纵向有h个方块h = (b - t) // bhreturn (w, h), (l, t, r, b)def get_pixel_code(pixels):key_points = np.array([pixels[5, 1], pixels[1, 5], pixels[9, 5],pixels[9, 5], pixels[5, 10],pixels[1, 15], pixels[9, 15], pixels[5, 19]]) == 76code = int("".join(key_points.astype("int8").astype("str")), 2)return codedef get_mine_num(hwnd, full_img=None):if full_img is None:full_img = ImageGrab.grab()left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)num_img = full_img.crop((left + 20, top + 62, left + 20 + 39, top + 62 + 23))mine_num = 0for i in range(3):num_i = num_img.crop((13 * i + 1, 1, 13 * (i + 1) - 1, 22)).convert("L")code = get_pixel_code(num_i.load())mine_num = mine_num * 10 + code2num[code]return mine_numdef colors2signature(colors):return "".join(hex(b)[2:].zfill(2) for c in colors for b in c)def update_board(board, full_img=None):if full_img is None:full_img = ImageGrab.grab()left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)rect = (left + 15, top + 101, right - 11, bottom - 11)img = full_img.crop(rect)for y in range(h):for x in range(w):img_block = img.crop((x * bw + 1, y * bh + 1, (x + 1) * bw - 1, (y + 1) * bh - 1))colors = img_block.convert("L").getcolors()signature = colors2signature(colors)board[y, x] = img_match[signature]return boarddef get_hwnd():class_name, title_name = "扫雷", "扫雷"return win32gui.FindWindow(class_name, title_name)def activateWindow(hwnd):# SetForegroundWindow调用有一些限制,我们可以再调用之前输入一个键盘事件shell = win32.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")shell.SendKeys('%')win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd)def new_board(w, h):board = np.zeros((h, w), dtype="int8")board.fill(-1)return boarddef click(x, y, is_left_click=True):if is_left_click:win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)else:win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)def click_mine_area(px, py, is_left_click=True):x, y = l + px * bw + bw // 2, t + py * bh + + bh // 2click(x, y, is_left_click)def get_bound(x, y):"获取指定坐标周围4*4-9*9的边界范围"x1, x2 = max(x - 1, 0), min(x + 1, w - 1)y1, y2 = max(y - 1, 0), min(y + 1, h - 1)return x1, y1, x2, y2def getItemNum(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围没有点开和已确定有雷的格子的数量"# -1 表示还没有点开的格子# -2 表示红旗所在格子x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)count = Counter(board[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1].reshape(-1))return count[-1], count[-2]def getUnknownPointList(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围还没有点开的格子坐标列表"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)for py in range(y1, y2 + 1):for px in range(x1, x2 + 1):if px == x and py == y:continueif board[py, px] == -1:yield px, pydef getOpenNum(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围有雷数标志的格子的数量"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)num = 0for py in range(y1, y2 + 1):for px in range(x1, x2 + 1):if px == x and py == y:continuenum += (1 <= board[py, px] <= 8)return numdef srhAdjBlock(x, y):"搜索与数字位置相邻的未打开块,,使用flags标记已经访问过的位置"stack = [(x, y)]block = []while stack:x, y = stack.pop()if block_flag[y, x]:continueblock_flag[y, x] = Trueblock.append((x, y))for px, py in getUnknownPointList(x, y):if block_flag[py, px] or getOpenNum(px, py) <= 0:continuestack.append((px, py))return blockdef getOpenNumList(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围有雷数标志的格子坐标列表"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)num = 0for py in range(y1, y2 + 1):for px in range(x1, x2 + 1):if px == x and py == y:continueif 1 <= board[py, px] <= 8:yield px, pydef update_block(x, y, result):"根据随机算法的基础规则更新board周边块"result.clear()for px, py in getOpenNumList(x, y):unknownNum, redNum = getItemNum(px, py)# 实际雷数 小于 标记雷数目if board[py, px] < redNum:return False# 实际雷数 大于 未点开的格子数量+标记雷数目if board[py, px] > unknownNum + redNum:return Falseif unknownNum == 0:continueunknownPoints = getUnknownPointList(px, py)# 如果当前点周围雷数=未点+插旗,说明所有未点位置都是雷,可以全部插旗if board[py, px] == unknownNum + redNum:for px2, py2 in unknownPoints:result.append((px2, py2))board[py2, px2] = -2# 如果当前点周围雷数=插旗,说明所有未点位置都没有雷,可以全部点开if board[py, px] == redNum:for px2, py2 in unknownPoints:result.append((px2, py2))# 9表示临时无雷标记board[py2, px2] = 9return Truedef updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt):"根据搜索得到的方案更新 nm2schemeCnt"nm = sum(mine_flag)if nm not in nm2schemeCnt:  # 新增一种方案nm2schemeCnt[nm] = [1, mine_flag.copy()]else:  # 更新v = nm2schemeCnt[nm]v[0] += 1v[1] += mine_flagdef srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k, nm2schemeCnt):""":param block: 连通块中的格子列表:param mine_flag: 是否有雷标记列表:param k: 从位置k开始搜索所有可行方案,结果存储于 nm2schemeCnt:param nm2schemeCnt: nm:(t,lstcellCnt),代表这个联通块中,假设有nm颗雷的情况下共有t种方案,lstcellCnt表示各个格子中共有其中几种方案有雷:return:"""x, y = block[k]res = []if board[y, x] == -1:  # 两种可能:有雷、无雷# 9作为作为临时无雷标记,-2作为临时有雷标记for m, n in [(0, 9), (1, -2)]:# m和n 对应了无雷和有雷两种情况下的标记mine_flag[k] = mboard[y, x] = n# 根据基础规则更新周围点的标记,返回更新格子列表和成功标记if update_block(x, y, res):if k == len(block) - 1:  # 得到一个方案updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt)else:srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k + 1, nm2schemeCnt)# 恢复for px, py in res:board[py, px] = -1# 恢复board[y, x] = -1else:if board[y, x] == -2:mine_flag[k] = 1  # 有雷else:mine_flag[k] = 0  # 无雷# 根据规则1判断并更新周边块board标记,返回更新格子列表和成功标记if update_block(x, y, res):if k == len(block) - 1:  # 得到一个方案updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt)else:srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k + 1, nm2schemeCnt)# 恢复for px, py in res:board[py, px] = -1def calDP(lk, nm, nm2schemeCnt_list):"考虑剩余雷数的可能方案数计算"ndp = 0k = lk[0]nm2schemeCnt = nm2schemeCnt_list[k]if len(lk) == 1:if nm in nm2schemeCnt:cnt, cnt_list = nm2schemeCnt[nm]ndp = cntelse:for k1 in nm2schemeCnt:lk1 = lk[1:]n1 = calDP(lk1, nm - k1, nm2schemeCnt_list)cnt, cnt_list = nm2schemeCnt[k1]ndp += n1 * cntreturn ndpclass TimeOut:__executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1)def __init__(self, seconds):self.seconds = secondsdef __call__(self, func):@functools.wraps(func)def wrapper(*args, **kw):future = TimeOut.__executor.submit(func, *args, **kw)return future.result(timeout=self.seconds)return wrapper@TimeOut(2)
def getCLKPoints(board):"获取节点列表"block_flag.fill(0)# 联通块列表block_list = []# 孤立位置列表single_list = []pys, pxs = np.where(board == -1)for px, py in zip(pxs, pys):if block_flag[py, px]:continueif getOpenNum(px, py) > 0:block_list.append(srhAdjBlock(px, py))else:single_list.append((px, py))nm2schemeCnt_list = []nmin = 0nmax = 0for block in block_list:# 搜索联通块k的可行方案# 当前连通块中,每个可能的总雷数对应的方案数和每个格子在其中几种方案下有雷nm2schemeCnt = {}mine_flag = np.zeros(len(block), dtype='int16')srhScheme(block, mine_flag, 0, nm2schemeCnt)nm2schemeCnt_list.append(nm2schemeCnt)nmin += min(nm2schemeCnt)nmax += max(nm2schemeCnt)# 如果非联通块中包含的雷数大于0,考虑剩余雷数对概率影响if single_list:block_list.append(single_list)rnm2schemeCnt = {}  # 剩余格子概率计算n2 = len(single_list)for i in range(nmin, nmax + 1):n1 = mine_num - imine_flag = [n1 for _ in range(n2)]rnm2schemeCnt[n1] = [n2, mine_flag]nm2schemeCnt_list.append(rnm2schemeCnt)pboard = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="uint8")# 基准有雷概率百分比nb = (board == -1).sum()pboard.fill(mine_num * 100 // nb)# 计算概率for k in range(len(nm2schemeCnt_list)):lk = [t for t in range(len(nm2schemeCnt_list)) if t != k]# 考虑剩余雷数的可能方案数计算NBcnt = 0block = block_list[k]Ncnt = [0] * len(block)for nm, (cnt, cnt_list) in nm2schemeCnt_list[k].items():if len(lk) > 0:ndp = calDP(lk, mine_num - nm, nm2schemeCnt_list)else:ndp = 1NBcnt += cnt * ndpfor i in range(len(Ncnt)):Ncnt[i] += cnt_list[i] * ndpfor i in range(len(Ncnt)):x, y = block[i]pboard[y, x] = (Ncnt[i] * 100 // NBcnt)pys, pxs = np.where(board == -1)res = set()for x, y in zip(pxs, pys):if pboard[y, x] == 100:# 有雷概率为100说明必定有雷,插旗res.add((x, y, False))elif pboard[y, x] == 0:# 有雷概率为0说明必定没有雷,点开res.add((x, y, True))def getFiveMapNum(p):"获取指定坐标点5*5地图内还没有点开格子的数量"# -1 表示还没有点开的格子# 获取指定坐标周围4*4-9*9的边界范围x, y = px1, x2 = max(x - 2, 0), min(x + 2, w - 1)y1, y2 = max(y - 2, 0), min(y + 2, h - 1)return (board[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1] == -1).sum()if len(res) == 0:# 计算最小比例列表pys, pxs = np.where((board == -1) & (pboard == pboard[board == -1].min()))points = list(zip(pxs, pys))if len(points) > 10:# 超过10个以上这样的点则随机选一个x, y = random.choice(points)elif len(points) > 0:# 否则取周围未点开格子最少的格子x, y = min(points, key=getFiveMapNum)else:return resres.add((x, y, True))return resdef base_op():# 筛选出所有未确定的数字位置 坐标pys, pxs = np.where((1 <= board) & (board <= 8) & (~flag))res = set()for x, y in zip(pxs, pys):boom_number = board[y, x]# 统计当前点周围 4*4-9*9 范围各类点的数量unknownNum, redNum = getItemNum(x, y)if unknownNum == 0:# 周围没有未点过的点可以直接忽略flag[y, x] = Truecontinue# 获取周围的点的位置points = getUnknownPointList(x, y)if boom_number == unknownNum + redNum:# 如果当前点周围雷数=未点+插旗,说明所有未点位置都是雷,可以全部插旗flag[y, x] = Truefor px, py in points:res.add((px, py, False))elif boom_number == redNum:# 如果当前点周围雷数=插旗,说明所有未点位置都没有雷,可以全部点开flag[y, x] = Truefor px, py in points:res.add((px, py, True))return reshwnd = get_hwnd()
# 获取雷盘大小和位置
(w, h), rect = get_board_size(hwnd)
mine_num = get_mine_num(hwnd)
board = new_board(w, h)
l, t, r, b = rect
# 点击任意位置激活窗口
click(l + 50, t - 30)
# 标记周围已经完全确定的数字位置
flag = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="bool")
# 标记已经访问过的连通块
block_flag = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="bool")
while True:res = base_op()nb = (board == -1).sum()if len(res) == 0 and nb != 0:tmp = board.copy()try:res = getCLKPoints(board)except futures._base.TimeoutError:board = tmppy, px = random.choice(list(zip(*np.where(board == -1))))res.add((px, py, True))for px, py, left in res:click_mine_area(px, py, left)if not left:mine_num -= 1print("剩余雷数:", mine_num)if nb == 0:print("顺利!!!")breakif (board == -3).sum() != 0:print("踩到雷了,游戏结束!")break# 操作完毕后,更新最新的雷盘数据update_board(board)










  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/memoryapi/nf-memoryapi-readprocessmemory
  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getwindowthreadprocessid
  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/processthreadsapi/nf-processthreadsapi-openprocess








from ctypes import *
import win32gui# 扫雷游戏窗口
class_name, title_name = "扫雷", "扫雷"
hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(class_name, title_name)kernel32 = cdll.LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll")
ReadProcessMemory = kernel32.ReadProcessMemory
WriteProcessMemory = kernel32.WriteProcessMemory
OpenProcess = kernel32.OpenProcess


import win32process
import win32conhreadID, processID = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)
process = OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, processID)


mine_num, w, h = c_ulong(), c_ulong(), c_ulong()
ReadProcessMemory(process, 0x1005330, byref(mine_num), 4)
ReadProcessMemory(process, 0x1005334, byref(w), 4)
ReadProcessMemory(process, 0x1005338, byref(h), 4)
mine_num, w, h = mine_num.value, w.value, h.value


max_w, max_h = 30, 24
# 外围有一个值为 0x10 的边界,所以长宽均+2
data_type = (c_byte * (max_w + 2)) * (max_h + 2)
board = data_type()
bytesRead = c_ulong(0)
ReadProcessMemory(process, 0x1005340, byref(board), sizeof(board), byref(bytesRead))
for y in range(1, h+1):for x in range(1, w+1):sign = board[y][x]print(sign, end=",")print()



import win32apidef message_click(x, y, is_left_click=True):if is_left_click:win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN,win32con.MK_LBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP,win32con.MK_LBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))else:win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_RBUTTONDOWN,win32con.MK_RBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_RBUTTONUP,win32con.MK_RBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))# 雷区格子在窗体上的起始坐标
offest_x, offest_y = 0xC, 0x37
# 每个格子方块的宽度和高度 16*16
bw, bh = 16, 16
def message_click_mine_area(px, py, is_left_click=True):x, y = offest_x+px*bw + bw // 2, offest_y+py*bh + bh // 2message_click(x, y, is_left_click)for y in range(h):for x in range(w):if board[y + 1][x + 1] == 15:message_click_mine_area(x, y)


import win32api
import win32con
import win32process
from ctypes import *
import win32gui# 扫雷游戏窗口
class_name, title_name = "扫雷", "扫雷"
hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(class_name, title_name)kernel32 = cdll.LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll")
ReadProcessMemory = kernel32.ReadProcessMemory
WriteProcessMemory = kernel32.WriteProcessMemory
OpenProcess = kernel32.OpenProcesshreadID, processID = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)
process = OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, processID)
bytesRead = c_ulong(0)
mine_num, w, h = c_ulong(), c_ulong(), c_ulong()
ReadProcessMemory(process, 0x1005330, byref(mine_num), 4, byref(bytesRead))
ReadProcessMemory(process, 0x1005334, byref(w), 4, byref(bytesRead))
ReadProcessMemory(process, 0x1005338, byref(h), 4, byref(bytesRead))
mine_num, w, h = mine_num.value, w.value, h.value
print(f"宽:{w},高:{h},剩余雷数:{mine_num}")max_w, max_h = 30, 24
# 外围有一个值为 0x10 的边界,所以长宽均+2
data_type = (c_byte * (max_w + 2)) * (max_h + 2)
board = data_type()ReadProcessMemory(process, 0x1005340, byref(board), sizeof(board), byref(bytesRead))def message_click(x, y, is_left_click=True):if is_left_click:win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN,win32con.MK_LBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP,win32con.MK_LBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))else:win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_RBUTTONDOWN,win32con.MK_RBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))win32api.SendMessage(hwnd,win32con.WM_RBUTTONUP,win32con.MK_RBUTTON,win32api.MAKELONG(x, y))# 雷区格子在窗体上的起始坐标
offest_x, offest_y = 0xC, 0x37
# 每个格子方块的宽度和高度 16*16
bw, bh = 16, 16def message_click_mine_area(px, py, is_left_click=True):x, y = offest_x+px*bw + bw // 2, offest_y+py*bh + bh // 2message_click(x, y, is_left_click)for y in range(h):for x in range(w):if board[y + 1][x + 1] == 15:message_click_mine_area(x, y)




  • 初级3bv/s:12.04 鞠泽恩(中国)
  • NF初级3bv/s:8.53 鞠泽恩(中国)
  • 中级3bv/s:7.445 鞠泽恩(中国)
  • NF中级3bv/s:6.33 郭蔚嘉(中国)
  • 高级3bv/s:6.06 鞠泽恩(中国)
  • NF高级3bv/s:4.93 郭蔚嘉(中国)
  • 中级time:6.96s 鞠泽恩(中国)
  • NF中级time:7.03s Kamil Muranski(波兰)
  • 高级time:28.70s 鞠泽恩(中国)
  • NF高级time:31.17s鞠泽恩(中国)






__author__ = '小小明'
__time__ = '2021/8/8'import functools
import random
import time
from collections import Counter
from concurrent import futuresimport numpy as np
import win32api
import win32com.client as win32
import win32con
import win32gui
from PIL import ImageGrab# 每个方块16*16
bw, bh = 16, 16
# 剩余雷数图像特征码
code2num = {247: 0, 50: 1, 189: 2,187: 3, 122: 4, 203: 5,207: 6, 178: 7, 255: 8, 251: 9
}def get_img_matchs():"""雷区图像特征码数字1-8表示周围有几个雷0 表示已经点开是空白的格子-1 表示还没有点开的格子-2 表示红旗所在格子-3 表示踩到雷了已经失败"""values = [1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 0,-1, -2,-3, -3, -4]rgb_signs_0 = ['281d9cc0', '414b83c0', '3e4c86c0', '380f8cc0','46267ec0', '485a7cc0', '2c0098c0', '4c8078c0', 'c4c0','198092c019ff', '1600114c19806bc019ff','4d0073c004ff', '4d00734c04ff', '34002e4c61c001ff']rgb_signs_1 = ['281d9cc0', '414b83c0', '3e4c86c0', '380f8cc0','46267ec0', '485a7cc0', '2c0098c0', '4c8078c0', 'c4c0','278091c00cff', '1600114c27806ac00cff','4d0073c004ff', '4d00734c04ff', '4d00734c04ff']return {"扫雷": dict(zip(rgb_signs_0, values)),"Arbiter": dict(zip(rgb_signs_1, values))}img_matchs = get_img_matchs()def get_hwnd():"先搜索普通扫雷,再搜索扫雷网的扫雷"global namenames = {"扫雷": ("扫雷", "扫雷"), "Arbiter": ("TMain", "Minesweeper Arbiter ")}for n, (class_name, title_name) in names.items():hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(class_name, title_name)if hwnd:name = nreturn hwnddef get_board_size():offests = {"扫雷": (15, 101, -11, -11), "Arbiter": (15, 102, -15, -42)}left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)o1, o2, o3, o4 = offests[name]# 横向有w个方块l, t, r, b = (left + o1, top + o2, right + o3, bottom + o4)w = (r - l) // bw# 纵向有h个方块h = (b - t) // bhreturn (w, h), (l, t, r, b)def get_pixel_code(pixels):key_points = np.array([pixels[5, 1], pixels[1, 5], pixels[9, 5],pixels[9, 5], pixels[5, 10],pixels[1, 15], pixels[9, 15], pixels[5, 19]]) == 76code = int("".join(key_points.astype("int8").astype("str")), 2)return codedef get_mine_num(hwnd, full_img=None):if full_img is None:full_img = ImageGrab.grab()left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)num_img = full_img.crop((left + 20, top + 62, left + 20 + 39, top + 62 + 23))mine_num = 0for i in range(3):num_i = num_img.crop((13 * i + 1, 1, 13 * (i + 1) - 1, 22)).convert("L")code = get_pixel_code(num_i.load())mine_num = mine_num * 10 + code2num[code]return mine_numdef colors2signature(colors):return "".join(hex(b)[2:].zfill(2) for c in colors for b in c)def update_board(full_img=None):if full_img is None:full_img = ImageGrab.grab()size, rect = get_board_size()img = full_img.crop(rect)ys, xs = np.where(~mine_know)for x, y in zip(xs, ys):block_split = x * bw + 1, y * bh + 1, (x + 1) * bw - 1, (y + 1) * bh - 1img_block = img.crop(block_split)colors = img_block.convert("L").getcolors()signature = colors2signature(colors)board[y, x] = img_match[signature]def activateWindow(hwnd):# SetForegroundWindow调用有一些限制,我们可以再调用之前输入一个键盘事件shell = win32.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")shell.SendKeys('%')win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd)def new_board(w, h):board = np.zeros((h, w), dtype="int8")board.fill(-1)return boarddef click(x, y, is_left_click=True):if is_left_click:win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)else:win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)def click_mine_area(px, py, is_left_click=True):x, y = l + px * bw + bw // 2, t + py * bh + + bh // 2click(x, y, is_left_click)def get_bound(x, y):"获取指定坐标周围4*4-9*9的边界范围"x1, x2 = max(x - 1, 0), min(x + 1, w - 1)y1, y2 = max(y - 1, 0), min(y + 1, h - 1)return x1, y1, x2, y2def getItemNum(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围没有点开和已确定有雷的格子的数量"# -1 表示还没有点开的格子# -2 表示红旗所在格子x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)count = Counter(board[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1].reshape(-1))return count[-1], count[-2]def getUnknownPointList(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围还没有点开的格子坐标列表"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)for py in range(y1, y2 + 1):for px in range(x1, x2 + 1):if px == x and py == y:continueif board[py, px] == -1:yield px, pydef getOpenNum(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围有雷数标志的格子的数量"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)num = 0for py in range(y1, y2 + 1):for px in range(x1, x2 + 1):if px == x and py == y:continuenum += (1 <= board[py, px] <= 8)return numdef srhAdjBlock(x, y):"搜索与数字位置相邻的未打开块,,使用flags标记已经访问过的位置"stack = [(x, y)]block = []while stack:x, y = stack.pop()if block_flag[y, x]:continueblock_flag[y, x] = Trueblock.append((x, y))for px, py in getUnknownPointList(x, y):if block_flag[py, px] or getOpenNum(px, py) <= 0:continuestack.append((px, py))return blockdef getOpenNumList(x, y):"获取指定坐标点周围有雷数标志的格子坐标列表"x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_bound(x, y)num = 0for py in range(y1, y2 + 1):for px in range(x1, x2 + 1):if px == x and py == y:continueif 1 <= board[py, px] <= 8:yield px, pydef update_block(x, y, result):"根据随机算法的基础规则更新board周边块"result.clear()for px, py in getOpenNumList(x, y):unknownNum, redNum = getItemNum(px, py)# 实际雷数 小于 标记雷数目if board[py, px] < redNum:return False# 实际雷数 大于 未点开的格子数量+标记雷数目if board[py, px] > unknownNum + redNum:return Falseif unknownNum == 0:continueunknownPoints = getUnknownPointList(px, py)# 如果当前点周围雷数=未点+插旗,说明所有未点位置都是雷,可以全部插旗if board[py, px] == unknownNum + redNum:for px2, py2 in unknownPoints:result.append((px2, py2))board[py2, px2] = -2# 如果当前点周围雷数=插旗,说明所有未点位置都没有雷,可以全部点开if board[py, px] == redNum:for px2, py2 in unknownPoints:result.append((px2, py2))# 9表示临时无雷标记board[py2, px2] = 9return Truedef updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt):"根据搜索得到的方案更新 nm2schemeCnt"nm = sum(mine_flag)if nm not in nm2schemeCnt:  # 新增一种方案nm2schemeCnt[nm] = [1, mine_flag.copy()]else:  # 更新v = nm2schemeCnt[nm]v[0] += 1v[1] += mine_flagdef srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k, nm2schemeCnt):""":param block: 连通块中的格子列表:param mine_flag: 是否有雷标记列表:param k: 从位置k开始搜索所有可行方案,结果存储于 nm2schemeCnt:param nm2schemeCnt: nm:(t,lstcellCnt),代表这个联通块中,假设有nm颗雷的情况下共有t种方案,lstcellCnt表示各个格子中共有其中几种方案有雷:return:"""x, y = block[k]res = []if board[y, x] == -1:  # 两种可能:有雷、无雷# 9作为作为临时无雷标记,-2作为临时有雷标记for m, n in [(0, 9), (1, -2)]:# m和n 对应了无雷和有雷两种情况下的标记mine_flag[k] = mboard[y, x] = n# 根据基础规则更新周围点的标记,返回更新格子列表和成功标记if update_block(x, y, res):if k == len(block) - 1:  # 得到一个方案updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt)else:srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k + 1, nm2schemeCnt)# 恢复for px, py in res:board[py, px] = -1# 恢复board[y, x] = -1else:if board[y, x] == -2:mine_flag[k] = 1  # 有雷else:mine_flag[k] = 0  # 无雷# 根据规则1判断并更新周边块board标记,返回更新格子列表和成功标记if update_block(x, y, res):if k == len(block) - 1:  # 得到一个方案updateNm2schemeCnt(block, mine_flag, nm2schemeCnt)else:srhScheme(block, mine_flag, k + 1, nm2schemeCnt)# 恢复for px, py in res:board[py, px] = -1def calDP(lk, nm, nm2schemeCnt_list):"考虑剩余雷数的可能方案数计算"ndp = 0k = lk[0]nm2schemeCnt = nm2schemeCnt_list[k]if len(lk) == 1:if nm in nm2schemeCnt:cnt, cnt_list = nm2schemeCnt[nm]ndp = cntelse:for k1 in nm2schemeCnt:lk1 = lk[1:]n1 = calDP(lk1, nm - k1, nm2schemeCnt_list)cnt, cnt_list = nm2schemeCnt[k1]ndp += n1 * cntreturn ndpclass TimeOut:__executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1)def __init__(self, seconds):self.seconds = secondsdef __call__(self, func):@functools.wraps(func)def wrapper(*args, **kw):future = TimeOut.__executor.submit(func, *args, **kw)return future.result(timeout=self.seconds)return wrapper@TimeOut(1)
def getCLKPoints(board):"获取节点列表"block_flag.fill(0)# 联通块列表block_list = []# 孤立位置列表single_list = []pys, pxs = np.where(board == -1)for px, py in zip(pxs, pys):if block_flag[py, px]:continueif getOpenNum(px, py) > 0:block_list.append(srhAdjBlock(px, py))else:single_list.append((px, py))nm2schemeCnt_list = []nmin = 0nmax = 0for block in block_list:# 搜索联通块k的可行方案# 当前连通块中,每个可能的总雷数对应的方案数和每个格子在其中几种方案下有雷nm2schemeCnt = {}mine_flag = np.zeros(len(block), dtype='int16')srhScheme(block, mine_flag, 0, nm2schemeCnt)nm2schemeCnt_list.append(nm2schemeCnt)nmin += min(nm2schemeCnt)nmax += max(nm2schemeCnt)# 如果非联通块中包含的雷数大于0,考虑剩余雷数对概率影响if single_list:block_list.append(single_list)rnm2schemeCnt = {}  # 剩余格子概率计算n2 = len(single_list)for i in range(nmin, nmax + 1):n1 = mine_num - imine_flag = [n1 for _ in range(n2)]rnm2schemeCnt[n1] = [n2, mine_flag]nm2schemeCnt_list.append(rnm2schemeCnt)pboard = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="uint8")# 基准有雷概率百分比nb = (board == -1).sum()pboard.fill(mine_num * 100 // nb)# 计算概率for k in range(len(nm2schemeCnt_list)):lk = [t for t in range(len(nm2schemeCnt_list)) if t != k]# 考虑剩余雷数的可能方案数计算NBcnt = 0block = block_list[k]Ncnt = [0] * len(block)for nm, (cnt, cnt_list) in nm2schemeCnt_list[k].items():if len(lk) > 0:ndp = calDP(lk, mine_num - nm, nm2schemeCnt_list)else:ndp = 1NBcnt += cnt * ndpfor i in range(len(Ncnt)):Ncnt[i] += cnt_list[i] * ndpfor i in range(len(Ncnt)):x, y = block[i]pboard[y, x] = (Ncnt[i] * 100 // NBcnt)pys, pxs = np.where(board == -1)res = set()for x, y in zip(pxs, pys):if pboard[y, x] == 100:# 有雷概率为100说明必定有雷,插旗res.add((x, y, False))elif pboard[y, x] == 0:# 有雷概率为0说明必定没有雷,点开res.add((x, y, True))def getFiveMapNum(p):"获取指定坐标点5*5地图内还没有点开格子的数量"# -1 表示还没有点开的格子# 获取指定坐标周围4*4-9*9的边界范围x, y = px1, x2 = max(x - 2, 0), min(x + 2, w - 1)y1, y2 = max(y - 2, 0), min(y + 2, h - 1)return (board[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1] == -1).sum()if len(res) == 0:# 计算最小比例列表pys, pxs = np.where((board == -1) & (pboard == pboard[board == -1].min()))points = list(zip(pxs, pys))if len(points) > 10:# 超过10个以上这样的点则随机选一个x, y = random.choice(points)elif len(points) > 0:# 否则取周围未点开格子最少的格子x, y = min(points, key=getFiveMapNum)else:return resres.add((x, y, True))return resdef base_op():# 筛选出所有未确定的数字位置 坐标pys, pxs = np.where((1 <= board) & (board <= 8) & (~visited))res = set()for x, y in zip(pxs, pys):boom_number = board[y, x]# 统计当前点周围 4*4-9*9 范围各类点的数量unknownNum, redNum = getItemNum(x, y)if unknownNum == 0:# 周围没有未点过的点可以直接忽略visited[y, x] = Truecontinue# 获取周围的点的位置points = getUnknownPointList(x, y)if boom_number == unknownNum + redNum:# 如果当前点周围雷数=未点+插旗,说明所有未点位置都是雷,可以全部插旗visited[y, x] = Truefor px, py in points:res.add((px, py, False))elif boom_number == redNum:# 如果当前点周围雷数=插旗,说明所有未点位置都没有雷,可以全部点开visited[y, x] = Truefor px, py in points:res.add((px, py, True))return resname = ""
hwnd = get_hwnd()
img_match = img_matchs[name]activateWindow(hwnd)
# 获取雷盘大小和位置
(w, h), rect = get_board_size()
mine_num = get_mine_num(hwnd)
board = new_board(w, h)
# 已经确定是雷的位置
mine_know = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="bool")
l, t, r, b = rect# 标记周围已经完全确定的数字位置
visited = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="bool")
# 标记已经访问过的连通块
block_flag = np.zeros_like(board, dtype="bool")
while True:res = base_op()nb = (board == -1).sum()if len(res) == 0 and nb != 0:# py, px = random.choice(list(zip(*np.where(board == -1))))# res.add((px, py, True))tmp = board.copy()try:res = getCLKPoints(board)except futures._base.TimeoutError:board = tmppy, px = random.choice(list(zip(*np.where(board == -1))))res.add((px, py, True))for px, py, left in res:if left:click_mine_area(px, py)else:board[py, px] = -2mine_know[py, px] = Truenb = (board == -1).sum()if nb == 0:print("顺利!!!")breakif (board == -3).sum() != 0:print("踩到雷了,游戏结束!")break# 操作完毕后,更新最新的雷盘数据update_board()



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