
Hello, my name is XX, born in XX, which is the main reason I choose XXXXX University to have my graduate study.

Communication is a fresh field to me, since my major in undergraduate is accounting. I have little professional training in this area before, but out of love I keep focusing on communication, by studying related theses and publications, and by communicating with practitioner in the field. I also seized every chance to audit courses on communication in some leading universities. Apart from my strong interest in communication, my talents in languages and writing, which have been demonstrated by my outstanding performance in many competitions, also make me qualified for communication study at graduate level.

I am a highly organized person who always keeps her words. In my past four years, I never stop working hard to prove myself a capable person. Since I am crystal clear about the disadvantages of my undergraduate university, such awarenestimulates my strong desire for knowledge. In addition to my various internships in banks and consulting firms, I make full use of my leisure time to improve my language skills, which helped obtain very high score in CET6 and further brought me the first prize in National English Contest for College Students.

If I am admitted to graduate study on communication at XXXX University, I will definitely put all my passion and focus into this exciting field. I firmly believe that diligence can make up for deficiency, and I have successfully proven this in my excellent performance of preliminary exam. I regard it a golden chance to be taught by your prestigious faculty. Lifelong benefit will be gained in the next three years if I am enrolled. Thank you!

Hello, my name is XX, master of computer applications at Tianjin University. I graduated in 2021 June. My research direction is xx,

I would like to introduce myself in three ways:

1 learning. Third graduate walks, after entering the laborator


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