
Turner Classic Movies (TCM) has films from almost every decade, and you can watch some of the service’s movies from your living room. These flicks are 10 of the best options from TCM that you can stream through HBO Max.

特纳经典电影(TCM)几乎每十年都有一部电影,您可以在客厅观看一些该服务的电影。 这些轻弹是TCM的10种最佳选择,您可以通过HBO Max进行流媒体播放。

斑点 (The Blob)

The Blob follows the story of Steve Andrews and his girlfriend as they investigate a fallen meteor. But things go from bad to worse when they see a farmer being devoured by a protoplasm blob, and they go to tell the town. No one believes them, and they have no idea of the fate that is about to take over their home.

Blob沿用了史蒂夫·安德鲁斯(Steve Andrews)和他的女友调查流星的故事。 但是,当看到农民被原生质斑块吞噬时,情况变得越来越糟,他们去告诉小镇。 没有人相信他们,他们也不知道即将接管他们家的命运。

恐怖小店 (Little Shop of Horrors)

This fun little musical follows the story of Seymour, played by Rick Moranis, who has a crush on his coworker. However, he must give all his attention to Audrey II, a bloodthirsty-talking plant that eats all she can to gain power. Seymour must do what he can in Little Shop of Horrors to save the plant store.

这部有趣的小音乐剧改编自里克·莫拉尼斯(Rick Moranis)扮演的西摩(Seymour)的故事,他迷恋他的同事。 但是,他必须全神贯注于奥黛丽二世(Audrey II),这是一种嗜口酒的植物,它尽其所能获取能量。 Seymour必须尽他所能在“恐怖小商店”中拯救工厂。

绿野仙踪 (The Wizard of Oz)

Dorothy and her little friend Toto are taken on a mystical journey when a tornado rips through her home. Wizard of Oz takes her on a journey where she meets new friends and travels to Emerald City. Throughout her travels, the Wicked Witch of the West does all she can to stop her.

当龙卷风掠过她的家时,桃乐丝和她的小朋友托托被带上了一个神秘的旅程。 绿野仙踪(Wizard of Oz)带她去认识新朋友并前往翡翠城。 在她的整个旅途中,西方邪恶女巫竭尽所能阻止她。

活死人之夜 (Night of the Living Dead)

Night of the Living Dead is one of the best horror movies ever filmed. The film follows a group of teens trapped in a farm home as they are attacked by the living dead. They have to do what they can to survive these strange attacks.

《活死人之夜》是有史以来拍摄的最好的恐怖电影之一。 影片讲述了一群被活死人袭击而被困在农舍中的青少年。 他们必须竭尽所能,以应对这些奇怪的袭击。

西部往事 (Once Upon a Time in the West)

When a woman returns to her home to find her husband killed, she sets out to find a way to avenge his death. Once Upon a Time in the West has her team up with a young cowboy to take on the outlaws that killed him. Their personalities may clash throughout, but their journey all ends the same for these travelers.

当一个女人回到家中发现丈夫被杀时,她着手寻找报仇方法。 曾几何时,西方有她的团队和一个年轻的牛仔一起承担杀死他的野蛮行为。 他们的个性可能会在整个过程中发生冲突,但是对于这些旅行者来说,他们的旅程都是一样的。

生存还是毁灭 (To Be or Not to Be)

To Be or Not to Be follows a group of actors that join together to take down the Nazis. When they head to the Polish underground, they have to stop a spy from giving the Nazis information that might take down their resistance. Watch as they use their wits to vest the enemy and save their Polish resistance.

成为或不成为跟随者跟随着一群演员,他们一起摧毁了纳粹分子。 当他们前往波兰地下时,他们必须阻止间谍向纳粹提供可能削弱抵抗力量的情报。 看着他们用自己的智慧为敌人加油,并拯救他们的波兰抵抗军。

无因的反叛 (Rebel Without a Cause)

Take a journey with these rebellious teens who have started a life of drag racing to win the hearts of fellow girls. Rebel Without a Cause follows their journey as Jim Stark makes his mark on this new town with his troublesome past. He goes back to his roots in gang life and uses his tactics to take down his enemies.

与这些叛逆的青少年一起旅行,他们开始了飙车竞赛,赢得了少女的心。 反叛者无缘无故跟随他们的旅程,吉姆·史塔克(Jim Stark)带着艰难的过去在这个新镇上留下了自己的印记。 他回到帮派生活的根源,并运用自己的战术消灭了敌人。

邦妮和克莱德 (Bonnie and Clyde)

A young waitress falls in love with an ex-criminal and they team up to start a lifestyle of crime together. Bonnie and Clyde follows the real-life story of this duo who takes on multiple bank robberies and bring others along on their hits. Watch this estranged duo as they take on banks without trying to harm anyone on their way to make money.

一位年轻的女服务员爱上了前犯罪分子,他们携手合作,共同犯罪。 邦妮(Bonnie)和克莱德(Clyde)讲述了这对二人的真实故事,他们二人进行了多次银行抢劫,并带动了其他人。 观看这个疏远的二人组,他们在接管银行时不会试图损害任何人的赚钱方式。

2001年:太空漫游 (2001: A Space Odyssey)

2001: A Space Odyssey takes you on a strange journey through the story of evolution. With HAL by his side, Dr. Dave Bowman, played by Keir Dullea, is trying to get to the monolith placers that have evolved humankind. This movie will truly mess with your mind as the showdown between man and machine races on.

2001年:《太空漫游》带您穿越进化故事的一段奇异旅程。 由凯尔·杜勒亚(Keir Dullea)扮演的戴夫·鲍曼(Dave Bowman)博士在哈尔(HAL)的陪同下,试图接触进化出人类的整体式砂矿。 随着人与机器竞赛之间的对决,这部电影将真正打乱您的思想。

在雨中唱歌 (Singin’ in the Rain)

Singin’ in the Rain is a fun musical that follows the on- and off-screen relationship of Hollywood’s most prominent couple. However, their relationship off-screen may not be as glamourous as they make it out to be. The couple goes on a journey to deal with their relationship as well as their professional journeys.

《雨中的歌》是一部有趣的音乐剧,遵循好莱坞最杰出夫妇的银幕和银幕关系。 但是,他们在屏幕外的关系可能不像他们说的那么迷人。 这对夫妻将继续处理他们的关系以及专业旅程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/677501/the-best-tcm-movies-to-stream-on-hbo-max/


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