Microsoft 智能手机(Smartphone)C#开发入门


ByLogu Krishnan



The objective of this article is to provide the prelude to the beginners of SmartPhone programming. This article provides introduction to SmartPhone, its features and APIs. Also, the article discusses on creating a simple program using C# for the SmartPhone.


In recent days, mobility is getting its momentum and attention both from the public consumers of mobile services and major corporations of the world. Mobility today equips knowledge workers with the power to access information and data from any part of the world.


As any other rapid technology evolution, mobility has certainly evolved and its recent form is on Mobile Phones, but be sure that, this mobility would create a whole new world and accessories useful for mankind, starting from a lay man to the richest. And it is also true that soon mobility would take another form and shape, and would become part of our lives.


Fine… But what do I get as a developer on all these happening around me… Actually, there is a whole new exciting world opened up for developers which is definitely a paradigm shift from today’s Desktop and Web Application development. New technology, new challenges, new opportunities, and… new way to earn… $ Money $ ;-)


Mobility Evolution(移动设备的发展)

As part of the evolution, we had various handheld devices, Pocket PCs, PDAs et al. Today’s mobility world is trying to gain advantage by leveraging advantages of successful cellular phones which are truly mobile and is owned by people of all sectors of the world.


There have been various models of phones available in today’s market. As of today, the market is ruled by Symbion OS embedded on the Nokia Phones and other proprietary phones like Sony, Samsung et al.

今天的市场上有各种型号的电话。内嵌Symbion OSNokia(诺基亚)手机和其他电话如索尼、三星等。

Much like the Web Browser market, Microsoft is a bit late to enter the mobile world. Today Microsoft has its own proprietary operation system, called as Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003, powered by the strong WinCE 4.2 OS. These phones with the Microsoft OS is slowly capturing up the market, and the developers' world.

非常像web浏览器市场,微软进入移动世界的时机有点晚。现在微软已经有他们的操作系统(移动平台),叫做Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003,基于强大的WinCE 4.2操作系统(PS:现在WM 6.0WinCE 5.2.这些使用微软操作系统的手机进入市场和开发人员的时间较迟。

As always, Microsoft provides adequate developer support to program these phones using existing languages and technologies. Microsoft .NET Compact Framework, a subset of the rich .NET Framework, does this magic. One great news is that the .NET CF runtime is now preloaded on the ROM of the Microsoft, which definitely eases the burden during the application deployment.

微软总是给开发人员提供足够的支持来开发这些手机的程序,可以利用现有的语言和技术。Microsoft .NET Compact Framework(微软的.NET 小型框架包)是强大的.net framework的一个子集。一个好消息是.NET CF运行时将在微软的ROMA中预装,这将对这些程序的部署起到简化的作用。


Microsoft SmartPhone is loaded with a very rich suite of software, which communicates to the user through Voice, Text and Internet capable applications, by leveraging the connectivity options like GSM, GPRS, SMS, PPTP, Bluetooth, USB, and Infrared IrDA.

微软的智能手机已经预装了丰富的软件,可以通过语音通信、处理文本和访问互联网的程序,可以使用GSM, GPRS(目前cn的手机上网方式), SMS, PPTP, Bluetooth(蓝牙), USB和红外线。


Pocket Internet Explorer


No more plain vanilla WAP Browser on phones, instead a full blown IE 5 is loaded on the phones supporting HTML 3.2, XML, XSL, cHTML, WAP 1.2.1, WML Script, Active Script, ActiveX, SSL, JPEG, GIF etc.

Pocket Outlook


With tools for contacts, calendar, email, tasks and voice notes. Along with support for IMAP4, POP3 and SMS.

MSN Messenger


A full blown messenger

Microsoft ActiveSync


Supports Server and Desktop synchronization.

Windows Media Player


Plays MP3, WMA, AVI

Voice Notes


To quickly record voices



Variety of Mobilegames.

File Management Utilities


File Manager [like Windows Explorer], Task Manager


Wireless Modem


Options to connect through USB, IR, COM

MMS Client


Send and receive MMS messages



Camera support for image capture and video capture

SmartPhone Layout(智能手机的功能键布局)

Microsoft has suggested a standard layout and control structure for the devices. [Ref: SmartPhone SDK]

微软推荐的标准布局和该类设备的控制结构【参考自智能手机 SDK

The placement of soft keys, the Home key, the Back key, and the five-way navigation pad illustrated in the preceding figure is strongly recommended. All the hardware controls (soft keys, and so on) must be present; however, a device manufacturer is free to deviate from the design.


Recently, Microsoft launched the Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, and the following developer tools are available, based on its open Win32 development environment and an SDK for SmartPhone [can be downloaded].

  • Embedded VC++ 4.0
  • Visual Studio .NET – C#, VB.NET

近来,微软发布了Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003第二版,还有下面的开发工具,基于win32开发环境和智能手机SDK

A Simple Hello World Program(一个简单的Hello world程序)

Now, let’s get into business. Let us write a simple Hello World program. The first and foremost activity we need to do for programming the SmartPhone using Visual Studio 2003 is to download the SmartPhone 2003 SDK. Upon installing the SDK, the smart device extensions are extended with support for SmartPhone development along with the SmartPhone emulator.

现在,让我们切入正题。写个简单的Hello World程序。首先也是最重要的是我们需要一VS2003(并下载Smartphone 2003 SDK,其实你用vs2005都自带了,不过我现在用vs2008)来开发智能手机程序。当安装SDK后,就可以利用模拟器并支持智能手机开发扩张。

After the SDK is installed, launch Visual Studio, choose Smart Device Application under project templates, and give a name for your application, and click OK. Now, you should see a screen as below:





随意添加几个,下面双击菜单的其中那个Say Hello的项目,加入代码如下:

privatevoidmenuItem2_Click(objectsender,System.EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Hello Logu!");



privatevoidmenuItem3_Click(objectsender, System.EventArgs e)



F5运行,会让你选择模拟器,Smartphone 2003 Emulator (Virtual Radio) (Default)”, and hit “Deploy”.




还有要说的是那个模拟器似乎效率低下,我双核4400+ 2G内存都觉得很慢。所以还是直接拷贝到手机上运行快很多。


  • ActiveSync API
  • Bluetooth API
  • CE Messaging API
  • Device Management API
  • Home Screen API
  • Object Exchange (OBEX)
  • Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM)
  • Speech Recognizer
    • Telephony - TAPI
    • Accessing the SIM card
    • P/Invoke to native SIM Toolkit APIs
  • RAPI – Remote API to connect to the desktops programmatically
  • GAPI – To develop Mobilegames
  • Vibrate API
  • Voice Recorder Controls


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