
Microsoft’s Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Dave Heiner, has revealed further information about Windows 7 and how the company will comply with European competition laws regarding Internet Explorer.

微软副总裁兼副总法律顾问戴夫·海纳(Dave Heiner)透露了有关Windows 7的更多信息,以及该公司将如何遵守有关Internet Explorer的欧洲竞争法。

Windows 7 E was originally intended to ship without Internet Explorer or any other browser. That idea had not impressed the European Commission. Microsoft’s partners and computer manufacturers also expressed concerned that it would lead to product confusion. Therefore, a single version of Windows 7 will shipped throughout the world that includes IE.

Windows 7 E最初打算在没有Internet Explorer或任何其他浏览器的情况下出厂。 这个想法并没有给欧洲委员会留下深刻的印象。 微软的合作伙伴和计算机制造商也表示担心会导致产品混乱。 因此,包含IE的Windows 7的单个版本将在全球范围内发售。

Note: no announcement has been made about Windows 7 E pre-orders. Version E was a full Windows installation disk rather than an XP/Vista upgrade which could be pre-ordered throughout July at a 50% discount.

注意:尚未发布有关Windows 7 E预订的公告。 版本E是完整的Windows安装磁盘,而不是XP / Vista升级,可以在整个7月以50%的折扣预订。

The browser ballot screen is a web page that will be shown to any European Windows user who has Internet Explorer set as their default browser. It will appear:

浏览器投票屏幕是一个网页,将向任何将Internet Explorer设置为其默认浏览器的欧洲Windows用户显示。 它将出现:

  • following a new installation of Windows 7 during the first automatic update在首次自动更新期间新安装Windows 7之后
  • during a future automatic update of Vista and XP, and在将来自动更新Vista和XP时,以及
  • whenever the user chooses to return to the web page.每当用户选择返回网页时。

Microsoft’s browser ballot screen


I hope that isn’t the final design!


As suspected, IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera are offered in decreasing order of market share. IE therefore has the prominent left-most position although I think Firefox and Opera stand out more. I’m certain many people will click Google because it’s a commonly-recognized name.

据怀疑,IE,Firefox,Safari,Chrome和Opera的市场份额递减。 因此,尽管我认为Firefox和Opera更引人注目,但IE的最左边位置仍然很突出。 我敢肯定,很多人都会点击Google,因为它是一个公认的名称。

IE’s market share will almost certainly reduce because the screen is only shown when people have IE set as their default browser. It will not appear if a PC is supplied with a competing browser installed by default. Microsoft accepts that Google, Apple, and other competitors could instigate browser distribution deals with PC manufacturers which they would be powerless to prevent.

IE的市场份额几乎肯定会减少,因为仅当人们将IE设置为其默认浏览器时才会显示该屏幕。 如果PC随默认安装了竞争的浏览器,则不会出现。 微软接受谷歌,苹果和其他竞争对手可能会发起与PC制造商的浏览器分销协议,但他们无力阻止。

To comply with EU rules, the ballot screen shows people that they have a choice of web browsing software and can change their mind at will. Microsoft hopes the European Commission will accept this proposal and will implement the technology when it is officially approved.

为了符合欧盟法规,投票屏幕显示人们可以选择网络浏览软件,并且可以随意改变主意。 微软希望欧盟委员会接受这项建议,并在正式批准该技术后实施该技术。

Is the browser ballot screen good or bad for user choice? Should it be adopted throughout the world as well as Europe? Has Microsoft been treated unfairly by the EU? Comments welcome…

浏览器的投票屏幕对用户的选择是好是坏? 是否应该在全世界以及欧洲采用? 微软是否受到欧盟的不公平对待? 欢迎评论...

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-windows-browser-ballot/


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