What is a NIP

NIPs (Nostr Implementation Possibilities) document what MUST, what SHOULD and what MAY be implemented by Nostr-compatible relay and client software. See a complete list of nips here.

NIP-05 提案是针对用户 Nostr 帐户的验证方法,可以将其视为 Twitter 或 Instagram 上的蓝标。


NIP-05 enables a nostr user to map their public key to a DNS-based internet identifier. This allows a nostr user to be identified by a human-readable name, instead of a long, hard-to-remember public key. This enables nostr users to verify their identify and easily share their identity with others.

To utilize NIP-05, nostr users add a nip05 url to their profile (most clients have support for this). NIP-05 urls look like bob@example.com. The name before the @ symbol must match the value of the name field in your nostr profile.

When clients see a nip05 url, they will look for a /.well-known/nostr.json file at the specified domain. This file must contain the nostr public key for the specified user. Read more specifics in the NIP-05 spec.

How to set up a NIP-05 identifier

Option 1: Host a nostr.json file on your own domain

If you already own a domain/website this is a free option. You can add a .well-known/nostr.json file with your public key in a JSON object of the format { "names": { "NOSTR_NAME": "NOSTR_PUBKEY" }. Make sure to serve this file with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header set to *.

Option 2: Use an existing NIP-05 service

If you don't want to set up your own nostr.json, you can take advantage of a NIP-05 service, such as nostrplebs.com. In exchange for a handlefull of sats, you can add your public key to thier nostr.json.

Snort App

Get Verified

NIP-05 is a DNS based verification spec which helps to validate you as a real user.

Getting NIP-05 verified can help:

  • Prevent fake accounts from imitating you

  • Make your profile easier to find and share

  • Fund developers and platforms providing NIP-05 verification services


Our very own NIP-05 verification service, help support the development of this site and get a shiny special badge on our site!

Find out more info about Snort at https://snort.social/


Nostr Plebs

Nostr Plebs is one of the first NIP-05 providers in the space and offers a good collection of domains at reasonable prices

Find out more info about Nostr Plebs at https://nostrplebs.com/






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