JSON2DOM = react的render函数


  • JSON2DOM = react的render函数
    • 功能介绍
    • 实现 _render 函数
    • 测试结果


const vnode = {tag: 'DIV',attrs: {id: 'app'},children: [{tag: 'SPAN',children: [{tag: 'A',children: ["text1"]}]},{tag: 'DIV',children: [{tag: 'SECTION',attrs: {class: 'box','data-birthday': '02-17',},children: [666,{tag: 'h3',children: ["text2"]},{tag: 'h4',children: ["text3"]},{tag: 'h5',children: ["text4"]}]},{tag: 'A',attrs: {class: 'link',style: {color: 'red','text-decoration': 'underline'}},children: [[1, 2, 3]]}]}]
// 转化为下述 DOM 结构
<div id="app"><span><a>text1</a></span><div><section class="box" data-birthday="02-17">666<h3>text2</h3><h4>text3</h4><h5>text4</h5></section><a class="link" style="color: red; text-decoration: underline;">1,2,3</a></div>

实现 _render 函数

function _render(vnode) {if (vnode === null || typeof vnode !== 'object') {return document.createTextNode(vnode);}if (Array.isArray(vnode)) {return document.createTextNode(vnode.toString());}let root = null;if (vnode.tag) {root = document.createElement(vnode.tag);}if (vnode.attrs) {Object.entries(vnode.attrs).forEach(item => {if (item[0] !== 'style') {root.setAttribute(item[0], item[1]);}else {root.style.cssText = Object.entries(item[1]).reduce((prev, curr) => (prev += `${curr[0]}:${curr[1]};`, prev), '');}})}if (vnode.children) {vnode.children.forEach(item => root.appendChild(_render(item)));}return root;


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