modprobe -- program to add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel

modprobe intelligently adds or removes a module from the Linux kernel:  note  that  for  convenience, there  is  no  difference  between  _  and - in module names.  modprobe looks in the module directory /lib/modules/`uname -r` for all the modules and  other  files,  except  for  the  optional  /etc/mod probe.conf configuration file and /etc/modprobe.d directory (see modprobe.conf(5)).  All files in the /etc/modprobe.d/arch/ directory are ignored.

为了一致性,模块名字中包含的_和-是没有任何区别的。modprobe会检查/lib/modules/`uname -r`下的所有模块, 除了/etc/modprobe.conf配置文件和/etc/modprobe.d目录以外。所有/etc/modprobe.d/arch/目录下的文件将被忽略。

Note that this version of modprobe does not do anything to the module itself: the work  of  resolving symbols  and  understanding  parameters  is  done  inside the kernel.  So module failure is sometimes accompanied by a kernel message: see dmesg(8).

值得注意的是现在modprobe不会对模块本身进行操作,解析symbols和理解参数的工作都交由kernel来作,所以模块 加载等错误有时将会包含在内核信息中,利用dmesg可以查看到。

modprobe expects an up-to-date modules.dep file, as generated by depmod (see depmod(8)).   This  file
lists  what  other  modules each module needs (if any), and modprobe uses this to add or remove these
dependencies automatically.  See modules.dep(5)).


If any arguments are given after the modulename, they are passed to the kernel (in  addition  to  any
options listed in the configuration file).

-l --list List all modules matching the given wildcard (or "*" if no wildcard is given).  This option
                 is provided for backwards compatibility: see find(1) and basename(1) for  a  more  flexible

-r --remove

This  version  of  modprobe is for kernels 2.5.48 and above.  If it detects a kernel with support for old-style modules (for which much of the work was done in userspace), it will  attempt  to  run  mod probe.modutils in its place, so it is completely transparent to the user.

现在版本的modprobe只支持2.5.48及以上的内核,如果它发现内核支持老的模块或者内核本身就低于2.5.48, 它将尝试运行modprobe.modutils来代替自己。

通过了解modprobe的manpage我们知道,我可以通过modprobe -l来显示可以当前可以加载的模块,所谓
当前可以加载的模块,实际上就是modules.dep文件中包含的那些模块,而不是manpage里说的modprobe会加载 /lib/modules/`uname -r`下的所有模块(也许是我理解错误),下面我们将会证明这一点.
modprobe xxx.ko        #加载某个模块
modprobe -r xxx.ko     #卸载某个模块
上面提到modprobe加载某个模块是根据/lib/modules/`uname -r`目录下的modules.dep文件中的模块列表,这个文件中有的模块modprobe会正确加载,否则就会出错。
vi /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.dep
modinfo ntfs
modinfo: could not find module ntfs
modprobe ntfs
FATAL: Module ntfs not found.
locate ntfs.ko

man depmod
depmod -- program to generate modules.dep and map files. Blank lines, and lines starting with a '#' (ignoring spaces) are ignored in modules.dep.

Linux kernel modules can provide services (called "symbols") for  other
modules  to  use (using EXPORT_SYMBOL in the code). 

depmod  creates  a  list of module dependencies, by reading each module
under /lib/modules/version and determining what symbols it exports, and
what  symbols it needs.

If a version is provided, then that kernel version's  module  directory
is  used, rather than the current kernel version (as returned by "uname

depmod will also generate various map files in this directory, for  use
by the hotplug infrastructure.

-a --all  Probe  all  modules.  This option is enabled by default if no
            file names are given in the command-line.

-A --quick  This option scans to see if any modules are  newer  than  the
                 modules.dep file before any work is done: if not, it silently
                 exits rather than regenerating the files.

-e --errsyms
                 When  combined  with  the -F option, this reports any symbols
                 which a module needs which are not supplied by other  modules
                 or the kernel.  Normally, any symbols not provided by modules
                 are assumed to be provided by the  kernel  (which  should  be
                 true in a perfect world).

-F --filesyms
                 Supplied  with  the  produced when the kernel was
                 built, this allows the -e option to  report  unresolved  sym-

-n --dry-run
                 This  sends  the  resulting modules.dep, then the various map
                 files, to standard output, rather than writing them into  the
                 module directory.


This version of depmod is for kernels 2.5.48 and above.  If it detects a kernel with support for old style modules, or the version specified is before 2.5.48, it will attempt to run  depmod.modutils  in its place, so it is completely transparent to the user.


通常我们安装一个新的模块,先是编译出相应的ko文件,然后移动/lib/modules/`uname -r`/目录或者某个子
目录下,locate xxx.ko确定该模块确实在上面提到的目录下面,执行depmod -aeF,depmod将会检查
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/目录及其子目录中的所有模块文件,并根据相依性生成新的modules.dep文件,这时我们执行modprobe xxx.ko,该模块就会被正常加载了。
所以这时我们重新执行depmod -aeF会生成新的modules.dep,刚才注释掉了的那个#也消失了。
vi /etc/modules
# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.


即开机后lsmod后就会看到ntfs而不用等mount或者modprobe ntfs等命令。
man modprobe.conf
modprobe.conf -- Configuration file/directory for modprobe
modprobe.conf 传递给modprobe的配置文件或目录。

Because  the  modprobe  command can add or remove extra more than one module, due to module dependen-
cies, we need a method of specifying what options are to  be  used  with  those  modules.   /etc/mod-
probe.conf  (or,  if  that  does  not exist, all files under the /etc/modprobe.d directory) specifies
those options, as required.  It can also be used to create convenient aliases: alternate names for  a
module.   Finally,  it can override the normal modprobe behavior altogether, for those with very spe-
cial requirements (such as inserting more than one module).

The  format  of  modprobe.conf and files under modprobe.d is simple: one command per line, with blank
lines and lines starting with # ignored (useful for adding comments).  A  at the end of a line causes
it to continue on the next line, which makes the file a bit neater.

The syntax is a simplification of modules.conf, used in 2.4 kernels and earlier.

alias wildcard modulename
                 This  allows  you  to  give  alternate  names  for  a  module.   For example: "alias my-mod
                 really_long_modulename"  means  you  can  use  "modprobe  my-mod"  instead   of   "modprobe
                 really_long_modulename".   You  can  also  use  shell-style  wildcards,  so  "alias my-mod*
                 really_long_modulename" means that "modprobe my-mod-something" has the  same  effect.   You
                 can't  have aliases to other aliases (that way lies madness), but aliases can have options,
                 which will be added to any other options.
alias my-mod really_long_modulename
这意味着你可以用modprobe  my-mod"来代替"modprobe really_long_modulename.

Note that modules can also contain their own aliases, which  you  can  see  using  modinfo.
These  aliases  are used as a last resort (ie. if there is no real module, install, remove,
or alias       command in the configuration).


options modulename option...
                 This command allows you to add options to the module modulename (which might be  an  alias)
                 every  time it is inserted into the kernel: whether directly (using modprobe modulename, or
                 because the module being inserted depends on this module.

All options are added together: they can come from an option for the module itself, for  an
                 alias, and on the command line.


install modulename command...
                 This is the most powerful primitive in modprobe.conf: it tells modprobe to run your command
                 instead of inserting the module in the kernel as normal.  The command can be any shell com-
                 mand: this allows you to do any kind of complex processing you might wish.  For example, if
                 the module "fred" worked better with the module "barney" already installed (but  it  didn't
                 depend  on  it,  so  modprobe  won't  automatically  load  it), you could say "install fred
                 /sbin/modprobe barney; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install  fred",  which  would  do  what  you
                 wanted.   Note  the  --ignore-install,  which stops the second modprobe from re-running the
                 same install command.  See also remove below.
install fred /sbin/modprobe barney; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install  fred.
install fred 是指定modprobe在加载fred这个模块之前要运行后面的这个命令来替代本来的动作(modprobe fred)。也就是:
/sbin/modprobe barney; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install  fred 代替了modprobe fred

You can also use install to make up modules which  don't  otherwise  exist.   For  example:
                 "install  probe-ethernet  /sbin/modprobe  e100  || /sbin/modprobe eepro100", which will try
                 first the e100 driver, then the eepro100 driver, when you do "modprobe probe-ethernet".
install  probe-ethernet  /sbin/modprobe  e100  || /sbin/modprobe eepro100
当你下达modprobe probe-ethernet的命令时,将会先尝试加载e100driver,如果不行再加载eepro100driver。

If you use the string "$CMDLINE_OPTS" in the command, it will be replaced  by  any  options
                 specified  on the modprobe command line.  This can be useful because users expect "modprobe
                 fred opt=1" to pass the "opt=1" arg to the module, even if there's an  install  command  in
                 the  configuration file.  So our above example becomes "install fred /sbin/modprobe barney;
                 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install fred $CMDLINE_OPTS"

install fred /sbin/modprobe barney;/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install fred $CMDLINE_OPTS
那么当你下达modprobe fred opt=1时,这个opt=1参数将被传递给模块,它将取代$CMDLINE_OPTS.

remove modulename command...
                 This is similar to the install command above, except it is invoked when  "modprobe  -r"  is
                 run.   The removal counterparts to the two examples above would be: "remove fred /sbin/mod-
                 probe -r --ignore-remove fred && /sbin/modprobe  -r  barney",  and  "remove  probe-ethernet
                 /sbin/modprobe -r eepro100 || /sbin/modprobe -r e100".
这个命令和install类似,只不过它只在modprobe -r时才起作用。上边的例子对应:
"remove fred /sbin/modprobe -r --ignore-remove fred && /sbin/modprobe  -r  barney",  and
"remove  probe-ethernet/sbin/modprobe -r eepro100 || /sbin/modprobe -r e100".

blacklist modulename
                 Modules  can  contain  their  own aliases: usually these are aliases describing the devices
                 they support, such as "pci:123...".  These "internal" aliases can be overridden  by  normal
                 "alias"  keywords,  but  there  are  cases  where two or more modules both support the same
                 devices, or a module invalidly claims to support a device: the blacklist keyword  indicates
                 that all of that particular module's internal aliases are to be ignored.


Backwards Compatibility
       Although the syntax is similar to the older  /etc/modules.conf,  there  are  many  features  missing.
       There  are two reasons for this: firstly, install and remove commands can do just about anything, and secondly, the module-init-tools modprobe is designed to be  simple  enough  that  it  can  be  easily replaced.

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