这两天实验室网络不给力,后来发现是有人占用了实验室太多的带宽,而登陆到实验室老的h3c s5500交换机上看端口流量情况很不方便,于是萌生写个小工具来统计端口流量情况,已求找到谁占用了大量带宽。

于是查了下,发现python 有个telnetlib的库,登陆交换机以及进行简单的操作相当简单,于是就写了这么个小工具:


1、本程序采用telnet的方式登陆到交换机并通过不停的发送display interface [接口] 的方式请求交换机接口

信息并从中提取total input 和 total output的方式计算当前端口速率。

2、本程序仅统计状态为UP的端口的信息。使用display brief interface获取到状态为UP的接口。









import re

import telnetlib

import time

import platform

import os

Host = ‘.....‘

username = ‘‘

password = ‘‘

finish = ‘<....>‘

MIN_INTERVAL = 5.0 # use float

PORT_COUNT = 52 # h3c s5500 has 52 gigabyte ports

# return system type as a string

def get_system_info():

sys_platform = platform.system()

if sys_platform == ‘Linux‘ or sys_platform == ‘Darwin‘:

return ‘UNIX‘

elif sys_platform == ‘Windows‘:

return ‘WINDOWS‘


return ‘UNIX‘

def clear_screen():

sys_type = get_system_info()

if sys_type == ‘UNIX‘:


elif sys_type == ‘WINDOWS‘:




# login to the device and return the Telnet object

def login():

# telnet to the device

print ‘connect...‘

tn = telnetlib.Telnet(Host,timeout = 5)


tn.write(username + ‘\n‘)


tn.write(password + ‘\n‘)


print ‘telnet success‘

return tn

#‘‘‘using Telnet object to get port status and return a tuple filled with ‘UP‘ ports‘‘‘

def get_up_ports(tn):

example = ‘‘‘

The brief information of interface(s) under bridge mode:

Interface Link Speed Duplex Link-type PVID

GE1/0/1 UP 100M(a) full(a) access 409

GE1/0/2 UP 100M(a) full(a) access 409

GE1/0/3 DOWN auto auto access 409‘‘‘

tn.write(‘display brief interface\n‘)

tn.write(‘ ‘)

tn.write(‘ ‘)

ports_brief = tn.read_until(finish)

up_ports = []

port_info= re.findall(r"GE1/0/(\d+)(\s+)(\w+)",ports_brief)

for i in port_info:

if i[-1] == ‘UP‘:


print up_ports

return tuple(up_ports)

def extract_data(port_str):

‘‘‘ get the data from the result of command ‘display interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/i‘


# (VLAN_ID, total_input, total_output, max_input, max_output)

if re.search(‘GigabitEthernet‘, port_str) == None:

return None

VLAN_ID_list = re.findall(r"PVID: (\d+)",port_str)

input_total_list = re.findall(r"Input \(total\): (\d+) packets, (\d+) bytes", port_str)

output_total_list = re.findall(r"Output \(total\): (\d+) packets, (\d+) bytes", port_str)

peak_input_list = re.findall(r"Peak value of input: (\d+) bytes/sec,", port_str);

peak_output_list= re.findall(r"Peak value of output: (\d+) bytes/sec,", port_str);

state_list= re.findall(r"current state: (.+)",port_str)

VLAN_ID = VLAN_ID_list[0] # string

input_total = long((list(input_total_list[0]))[1])# long

output_total= long((list(output_total_list[0]))[1])# long

peak_input = long(peak_input_list[0])# long

peak_output = long(peak_output_list[0])# long

state = str(state_list[0])# string

return (VLAN_ID, input_total, output_total, peak_input, peak_output, state)

def do_statistic():

last_input = [0] * PORT_COUNT

last_output = [0] * PORT_COUNT

last_update = time.time()

tn = login()

up_ports = get_up_ports(tn)


print ‘connected, waiting...‘


ports_str = []

# h3c s5500 g1/0/1 - g1/0/52

# input command to get output

for i in up_ports:

tn.write(‘display interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/‘ + str(i) +‘\n‘)

tn.write(‘ ‘)

port_info = tn.read_until(finish)


# get interval

interval = (time.time() - last_update)

if interval < MIN_INTERVAL:

time.sleep(MIN_INTERVAL - interval)

interval = MIN_INTERVAL

# get data and print


print "the input/output is from the port view of the switch."

print "From the user‘s view: input download; output upload."

print "the VLAN 1000 is connected to the firewall. So, it‘s opposite\n\n"


port_index = 0

for _port_str in ports_str:

# (VLAN_ID, total_input, total_output, max_input, max_output)

data = extract_data(_port_str)

if data == None:


port_no = up_ports[port_index]

vlan_id = data[0]

speed_input = (data[1] - last_input[port_index]) / (interval * 1024 * 1024)

speed_output = (data[2] - last_output[port_index]) / (interval * 1024 * 1024)

max_input = data[3] / (1024 * 1024 )

max_output = data[4] / (1024 * 1024 )

state = data[5]

last_input[port_index] = data[1]

last_output[port_index] = data[2]

port_index += 1

# show

print port_no, ‘\t‘, vlan_id, ‘\t‘,float(‘%.2f‘ %speed_input), ‘\t‘, float(‘%.2f‘ %speed_output), ‘\t‘,

print float(‘%.2f‘ %max_input), ‘\t‘ ,float(‘%.2f‘ %max_output), ‘\t‘, state

last_update = time.time()

if __name__ == "__main__":

username = raw_input("please input username:")

password = raw_input("please input password:")

print username

print password




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