css nth-child

CSS has a number of pseudo-classes to help you style your app with ease. Having lots of options can be great, but it can also be confusing to know which pseudo-class to use and what it really does. Here we’ll look at CSS’s nth-child and nth-of-type pseudo-classes to get a better understanding of when to use each and what the actual difference is.

CSS有许多伪类,可帮助您轻松设置应用样式。 有很多选项可能很棒,但是知道要使用哪个伪类以及它的实际作用也可能会造成混淆。 在这里,我们将查看CSS的nth-child和nth-of-type伪类,以更好地理解何时使用每种伪类以及它们之间的实际区别。

The nth-child and nth-of-type CSS pseudo-classes are interesting compared to other types of pseudo-classes because they select elements based on their position in the DOM. Whereas some pseudo-classes select a specific state of an element (e.g. the hover, active, target pseudo-classes), nth-child and nth-of-type are more concerned with the structure of your markup.

与其他类型的伪类相比, nth-childnth-of-type CSS伪类很有趣,因为它们基于元素在DOM中的位置来选择元素。 尽管某些伪类选择元素的特定状态(例如, 悬停,活动 , 目标伪类),但是nth-child nth-of-typenth-of-type更关心标记的结构。

设置我们HTML (Setting Up Our HTML)

To understand the difference between nth-child and nth-of-type, let’s first build our HTML to know what we’re going to be styling.


Let’s say we have a section on our webpage that has a mix of header (<h1>, <h3>) and paragraph (<p>) elements.

假设我们的网页上有一部分包含标头( <h1><h3> )和段落( <p> )元素。

<article><h1>Here's a Header</h1><p>I'm a paragraph with all kinds of information.</p><p>Let's add another paragraph for fun.</p><p>yadda yadda yadda</p><p>blah blah blah</p><p>yadda yadda yadda</p><h3>Here's a Subheader</h3><p>blah blah blah</p><p>And maybe just one more.</p>

This markup will look something like this:


In total, we have an <article> element as the parent, and nine child elements: one <h1>, one <h3>, and seven <p> tags.

总的来说,我们有一个<article>元素作为父元素,还有9个子元素:一个<h1> ,一个<h3>和七个<p>标记。

nth-child和nth-of-type语法 (nth-child and nth-of-type Syntax)

There are a few options for what values you can pass the nth-child and nth-of-type pseudo-classes. Note: nth-child is used here but it can be replaced with nth-of-type too.

对于可以传递第nth-childnth-of-type伪类的值,有一些选择。 注意:此处使用了nth-child ,但也可以将其替换为nth-of-type

  • :nth-child(2n+3): This option requires some math. The numbers are up to you; it’s the n that will vary. This will take your selected elements, set n to 0 to start, and increment from there. So, similarly to a for loop in JavaScript, it will iterate through your selected elements by updating the n value: 2(0)+3 = 3, 2(1)+3 = 5, 2(2)+3 = 7, and so on. The result of this will be selecting the third, fifth, seventh, etc. elements.

    :nth-​​child(2n + 3) :此选项需要一些数学运算。 数字由您决定; 是n会有所不同。 这将采用您选择的元素,将n设置为0开始,并从此处开始递增。 因此,类似于JavaScript中的for循环,它将通过更新n值来遍历您选择的元素: 2(0)+3 = 3 2(1)+3 = 5 2(2)+3 = 7 ,等等。 这样的结果将是选择第三,第五,第七等元素。

  • :nth-child(odd/even): The strings odd or even can be passed to select the odd and even elements available.

    :nth-​​child(odd / even) :可以传递oddeven字符串以选择可用的奇数和偶数元素。

  • :nth-child(3n): You can also pass a number with the n variable, which will select that interval of the selected element’s occurrence. If 3 is passed, it will select the third, sixth, ninth, etc. elements.

    :nth-​​child(3n) :您还可以传递带有n变量的数字,该数字将选择所选元素出现的时间间隔。 如果3通过,它将选择的第三,第六,第九,等元素。

  • :nth-child(3): If you just pass a number (without the n), it will select that element from the DOM specifically. Passing 3 will select the third matching element only.

    :nth-​​child(3) :如果只传递一个数字(不带n ),它将从DOM中专门选择该元素。 传递3只会选择第三个匹配元素。

使用CSS的第n个子级伪类 (Using CSS’s nth-child Pseudo-Class)

The nth-child pseudo-class has two important components to consider:


  • the element(s) selected that will have the pseudo-class applied to it/them所选元素将应用伪类的伪元素
  • the value passed to the pseudo-class.传递给伪类的值。

If we go to our CSS stylesheet for the HTML example above, we can select our paragraph elements and make the font color maroon like so:


article p {color: maroon;

Let’s say we want every other paragraph element to be a yellow-ish color, though. (An “interesting” style choice…

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