

Hugues Hoppe   »DemosPublicationsTalksAcademicProfessionalMisc
Hugues Hoppe  

Hugues Hoppe


Principal researcher & Manager, Computer Graphics Group of Microsoft Research.
Address: Microsoft Research, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA

Web: http://hhoppe.com/
Internal: http://msrweb/~hhoppe/


I recently created a GitHub repository with C++ source code and demos for many of my 1992-1998 SIGGRAPH papers.

See my notes for using math in Microsoft Word, including this cheat sheet.


Demo of fast computation of seamless video loops
Fast computation of seamless video loops.

This tool quickly computes a 5-second looping video from a non-looping input video.Demo (v1.0 2015-10-25; v1.1 2015-11-12)

Demo of video looping
Automated video looping with progressive dynamism.

Tool to extract a 5-second looping video from a non-looping input video. Also a viewer application to enable both interactive control over the level of dynamism of the output video, as well as manual editing of which regions are animated or static.Demo (v1.0 2013-11-21; v2.0 2014-03-28)

Demo of cliplets
Cliplets: Juxtaposing still and dynamic imagery.

This tool creates cinemagraphs and more general spatiotemporal compositions from ordinary handheld video.project pagedemo

Demo of freeform vector graphics
Freeform vector graphics.

Interactive authoring system that builds on thin-plate splines to enable a richer class of vector graphics. The user sketches a variety of curves and points to intuitively control color interpolation within the resulting image. (This demo runs best on a fast multicore CPU.) Demo (v1.0 2011-10-03)

Demo of random-access vector graphics
Random-access vector graphics.

Antialiased vector graphics rendered on arbitrary surfaces or under arbitrary deformations. We create a coarse lattice in which each cell contains a variable-length encoding of the graphics primitives that overlap it. These cell-specialized encodings are interpreted at runtime within a pixel shader. Demo (v1.0 2008-06-13; v1.1 2014-09-02 bug fixes)

Demo of terrain rendering using geometry clipmaps
Rendering of terrains using geometry clipmaps.

Terrain rendering using a set of nested regular grids. The terrain is either incrementally decompressed from a compact in-memory representation or synthesized on the fly as a user navigates within an infinite landscape.Demo (v1.0 2006-03-28)


See also all abstracts and hindsights, ACM author profile, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search.
Motion graphs for unstructured textured meshes
Motion graphs for unstructured textured meshes.
Fabian Prada, Michael Kazhdan, Ming Chuang, Alvaro Collet, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 35(4), 2016.
Automatic smooth transitions between similar meshes in a scanned sequence.
New controls for combining images in correspondence
New controls for combining images in correspondence.
Jing Liao, Diego Nehab, Hugues Hoppe, Pedro Sander.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graphics, 22(7), 2016. (Presented at I3D 2016.)
Multiscale edge-aware melding of geometry and shape from two images.
Fast computation of seamless video loops
Fast computation of seamless video loops.
Jing Liao, Mark Finch, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 34(6), 2015.
High-quality looping video generated in nearly real-time.
High-quality streamable free-viewpoint video
High-quality streamable free-viewpoint video.
Alvaro Collet, Ming Chuang, Pat Sweeney, Don Gillett, Dennis Evseev, David Calabrese, Hugues Hoppe, Adam Kirk, Steve Sullivan.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 34(4), 2015.
Multimodal reconstruction of tracked textured meshes.
Semi-automated video morphing
Semi-automated video morphing.
Jing Liao, Rodolfo Lima, Diego Nehab, Hugues Hoppe, Pedro Sander.
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, 2014.
Transition across two videos using optimized spatiotemporal alignment.
Automating image morphing using structural similarity on a halfway domain
Automating image morphing using structural similarity on a halfway domain.
Jing Liao, Rodolfo Lima, Diego Nehab, Hugues Hoppe, Pedro Sander, Jinhui Yu.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 33(5), 2014. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2014.)
Fast optimization to align intricate shapes using little interactive guidance.
A fresh look at generalized sampling
A fresh look at generalized sampling.
Diego Nehab, Hugues Hoppe.
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, 8(1), 2014.
Extension of recent signal-processing techniques to graphics filtering.
Automated video looping with progressive dynamism
Automated video looping with progressive dynamism.
Zicheng Liao, Neel Joshi, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 32(4), 2013.
Representation for seamlessly looping video with controllable level of dynamism.
Screened Poisson surface reconstruction
Screened Poisson surface reconstruction.
Michael Kazhdan, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 32(3), 2013. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2013.)
Improved geometric fidelity and linear-complexity adaptive hierarchical solver.
Cliplets: Juxtaposing still and dynamic imagery
Cliplets: Juxtaposing still and dynamic imagery.
Neel Joshi, Sisil Mehta, Steven Drucker, Eric Stollnitz, Hugues Hoppe, Matt Uyttendaele, Michael Cohen.
Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2012. (Best Paper Award)
Cinemagraphs and more general spatiotemporal compositions from handheld video.
A subdivision-based representation for vector image editing
A subdivision-based representation for vector image editing.
Zicheng Liao, Hugues Hoppe, David Forsyth, Yizhou Yu.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graphics, 18(11), Nov. 2012. (Presented at I3D 2013.)
(Spotlight Paper)
Piecewise-smooth subdivision for representing and manipulating images.
Freeform vector graphics with controlled thin-plate splines
Freeform vector graphics with controlled thin-plate splines.
Mark Finch, John Snyder, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 30(6), 2011.
Rich set of curve and point controls for intuitive and expressive color interpolation.
GPU-efficient recursive filtering and summed-area tables
GPU-efficient recursive filtering and summed-area tables.
Diego Nehab, André Maximo, Rodolfo Lima, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 30(6), 2011.
Efficient overlapped computation of successive recursive filters on 2D images.
Image-space bidirectional scene reprojection
Image-space bidirectional scene reprojection.
Lei Yang, Yu-Chiu Tse, Pedro Sander, Jason Lawrence, Diego Nehab, Hugues Hoppe, Clara Wilkins.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 30(6), 2011.
Real-time temporal upsampling through image-based reprojection of adjacent frames.
Real-time classification of dance gestures from skeleton animation
Real-time classification of dance gestures from skeleton animation.
Michalis Raptis, Darko Kirovski, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Computer Animation 2011. (Honorable Mention)
Recognition of Kinect motions using robust, low-dimensional feature vectors.
Antialiasing recovery
Antialiasing recovery.
Lei Yang, Pedro Sander, Jason Lawrence, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 30(3), 2011. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2011.)
Fast removal of jaggies introduced by many nonlinear image processing operations.
Optimizing continuity in multiscale imagery
Optimizing continuity in multiscale imagery.
Charles Han, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 29(6), 2010.
Visually continuous mipmap pyramid spanning differing coarse- and fine-scale images.
Metric-aware processing of spherical imagery
Metric-aware processing of spherical imagery.
Michael Kazhdan, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 29(6), 2010.
Adaptively discretized equirectangular map for accurate spherical processing.
Seamless montage for texturing models
Seamless montage for texturing models.
Ran Gal, Yonatan Wexler, Eyal Ofek, Hugues Hoppe, Daniel Cohen-Or.
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics), 29(2), 479-486, 2010.
Optimized alignment and merging of photographs for texturing approximate geometry.
Distributed gradient-domain processing of planar and spherical images
Distributed gradient-domain processing of planar and spherical images.
Michael Kazhdan, Dinoj Surendran, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 29(2), 14, 2010. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2010.)
Spherical gradient-domain processing on a Terapixel sky.
Amortized supersampling
Amortized supersampling.
Lei Yang, Diego Nehab, Pedro Sander, Pitchaya Sitthi-amorn, Jason Lawrence, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 28(5), 2009.
Adaptive reuse of pixels from previous frames for high-quality antialiasing.
Parallel Poisson surface reconstruction
Parallel Poisson surface reconstruction.
Matthew Bolitho, Michael Kazhdan, Randal Burns, Hugues Hoppe.
International Symposium on Visual Computing 2009.
Parallelization of Poisson reconstruction using domain decomposition.
Parallel view-dependent level-of-detail control
Parallel view-dependent level-of-detail control.
Liang Hu, Pedro Sander, Hugues Hoppe.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graphics, 16(5), 2010.
Extended journal version with applications.
Parallel view-dependent refinement of progressive meshes
Parallel view-dependent refinement of progressive meshes.
Liang Hu, Pedro Sander, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2009, 169-176.
Selective refinement of irregular mesh hierarchy using GPU streaming passes.
Efficient traversal of mesh edges using adjacency primitives
Efficient traversal of mesh edges using adjacency primitives.
Pedro Sander, Diego Nehab, Eden Chlamtac, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 27(5), 2008.
Fast rendering of shadow volumes, silhouettes, and motion blur.
Random-access rendering of general vector graphics
Random-access rendering of general vector graphics.
Diego Nehab, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 27(5), 2008.
GPU rendering of vector art over surfaces using cell-specialized descriptions.
Factoring repeated content within and among images
Factoring repeated content within and among images.
Huamin Wang, Yonatan Wexler, Eyal Ofek, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 27(3), 2008.
Megatexture encoded by indirecting into an optimized epitome image.
Streaming multigrid for gradient-domain operations on large images
Streaming multigrid for gradient-domain operations on large images.
Michael Kazhdan, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 27(3), 2008.
Perform k multigrid V-cycles in just k-1 streaming passes over the data.
Multi-view stereo for community photo collections
Multi-view stereo for community photo collections.
Michael Goesele, Noah Snavely, Brian Curless, Hugues Hoppe, Steven Seitz.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2007.
Detailed 3D models reconstructed from crawled Internet images.
Design of tangent vector fields
Design of tangent vector fields.
Matthew Fisher, Peter Schröder, Mathieu Desbrun, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 26(3), 2007.
Interactive control of direction fields for real-time surface texture synthesis.
Compressed random-access trees for spatially coherent data
Compressed random-access trees for spatially coherent data.
Sylvain Lefebvre, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Rendering 2007.
Efficient representation of coherent image data such as lightmaps and alpha mattes.
Unconstrained isosurface extraction on arbitrary octrees
Unconstrained isosurface extraction on arbitrary octrees.
Michael Kazhdan, Allison Klein, Ketan Dalal, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2007.
Highly adaptable watertight surface from an unconstrained octree.
Multi-level streaming for out-of-core surface reconstruction
Multi-level streaming for out-of-core surface reconstruction.
Matthew Bolitho, Michael Kazhdan, Randal Burns, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2007.
Out-of-core solution of huge Poisson system to reconstruct 3D scans.
Poisson surface reconstruction
Poisson surface reconstruction.
Michael Kazhdan, Matthew Bolitho, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2006, 61-70.
Reconstruction that considers all points at once for resilience to data noise.
Perfect spatial hashing
Perfect spatial hashing.
Sylvain Lefebvre, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 25(3), 2006.
Sparse spatial data packed into a dense table using a simple collision-free map.
Appearance-space texture synthesis
Appearance-space texture synthesis.
Sylvain Lefebvre, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 25(3), 2006.
Improved synthesis quality and efficiency by pre-transforming the exemplar.
Parallel controllable texture synthesis
Parallel controllable texture synthesis.
Sylvain Lefebvre, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 24(3), 2005.
Parallel synthesis of infinite deterministic content, with intuitive user controls.
Fast exact and approximate geodesics on meshes
Fast exact and approximate geodesics on meshes.
Vitaly Surazhsky, Tatiana Surazhsky, Danil Kirsanov, Steven Gortler, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 24(3), 2005.
Efficient computation of shortest paths and distances on triangle meshes.
Terrain rendering using GPU-based geometry clipmaps
Terrain rendering using GPU-based geometry clipmaps.
Arul Asirvatham, Hugues Hoppe.
GPU Gems 2, M. Pharr and R. Fernando, eds., Addison-Wesley, March 2005.
Real-time terrain rendering with all data processing on the GPU.
Geometry clipmaps: Terrain rendering using nested regular grids
Geometry clipmaps: Terrain rendering using nested regular grids.
Frank Losasso, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 23(3), 2004.
New terrain data structure enabling real-time decompression and synthesis.
Digital photography with flash and no-flash image pairs
Digital photography with flash and no-flash image pairs.
Georg Petschnigg, Maneesh Agrawala, Hugues Hoppe. Richard Szeliski, Michael Cohen, Kentaro Toyama.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 23(3), 2004.
Combining detail of a flash image with ambient lighting of a non-flash image.
Inter-surface mapping
Inter-surface mapping.
John Schreiner, Arul Asirvatham, Emil Praun, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 23(3), 2004.
Automatic creation of low-distortion parametrizations between meshes.
Removing excess topology from isosurfaces
Removing excess topology from isosurfaces.
Zoë Wood, Hugues Hoppe, Mathieu Desbrun, Peter Schröder.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 23(2), April 2004, 190-208.
Repair of tiny topological handles in scanned surface models.
Signal-specialized parameterization for piecewise linear reconstruction
Signal-specialized parameterization for piecewise linear reconstruction.
Geetika Tewari, John Snyder, Pedro Sander, Steven Gortler, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004, 57-66.
Optimizing texture coordinates based on nonlinearity of texture content.
Consistent spherical parameterization
Consistent spherical parameterization.
Arul Asirvatham, Emil Praun, Hugues Hoppe.
Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling (CGGM) 2005 Workshop.
Low-distortion mapping between genus-zero shapes.
Shape compression using spherical geometry images
Shape compression using spherical geometry images.
Hugues Hoppe, Emil Praun.
MINGLE 2003 Workshop. In Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling, N. Dodgson, M. Floater, M. Sabin (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 27-46.
Concise shape description exploiting 2D image compression techniques.
Smooth geometry images
Smooth geometry images.
Frank Losasso, Hugues Hoppe, Scott Schaefer, Joe Warren.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2003, 138-145.
Subdivision and displacement of genus-zero mesh realized as GPU image processing.
Spherical parametrization and remeshing
Spherical parametrization and remeshing.
Emil Praun, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 22(3), 2003.
Robust mapping of a surface onto a sphere, allowing 2D-grid resampling.
Multi-chart geometry images
Multi-chart geometry images.
Pedro Sander, Zoë Wood, Steven Gortler, John Snyder, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2003, 146-155.
Surface shape represented using an atlas of charts within a regular grid.
Geometry videos: A new representation for 3D animations
Geometry videos: A new representation for 3D animations.
Hector Briceño, Pedro Sander, Leonard McMillan, Steven Gortler, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Computer Animation 2003, 136-146.
3D animated shape represented as a geometry-image volume.
Geometry images
Geometry images.
Xianfeng Gu, Steven Gortler, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 21(3), 2002.
Connectivity-free resampling of an arbitrary shape into a regular 2D grid.
Signal-specialized parametrization
Signal-specialized parametrization.
Pedro Sander, Steven Gortler, John Snyder, Hugues Hoppe.
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 2002, 87-100.
Optimization of texture coordinates for accurate representation of given content.
Texture mapping progressive meshes
Texture mapping progressive meshes.
Pedro Sander, John Snyder, Steven Gortler, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Proceedings, 409-416.
Texture atlas compatible across levels of detail, and parameterization stretch.
Fine tone control in hardware hatching
Fine tone control in hardware hatching.
Matthew Webb, Emil Praun, Adam Finkelstein, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) 2002, 53-58.
Crisper rendering of illumination-modulated ink strokes.
Real-time hatching
Real-time hatching.
Emil Praun, Hugues Hoppe, Matthew Webb, Adam Finkelstein.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Proceedings, 581-586.
Fast nonphotorealistic rendering using precomputed tonal art maps.
Real-time fur over arbitrary surfaces
Real-time fur over arbitrary surfaces.
Jed Lengyel, Emil Praun, Adam Finkelstein, Hugues Hoppe.
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics 2001, 227-232.
Rendering of shells and fins over general meshes.
Lapped textures
Lapped textures.
Emil Praun, Adam Finkelstein, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Proceedings, 465-470.
Texture synthesis over arbitrary surfaces.
Displaced subdivision surfaces
Displaced subdivision surfaces.
Aaron Lee, Henry Moreton, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Proceedings, 85-94.
Automatic conversion of detailed mesh to displaced surface, and its benefits.
Discontinuity edge overdraw
Discontinuity edge overdraw.
Pedro Sander, Hugues Hoppe, John Snyder, Steven Gortler.
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics 2001, 167-174.
Antialiased edges rendered along silhouettes to remove spatiotemporal jaggies.
Silhouette clipping
Silhouette clipping.
Pedro Sander, Xianfeng Gu, Steven Gortler, Hugues Hoppe, John Snyder.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Proceedings, 327-334.
Efficient computation of mesh silhouette, used to clip coarse geometry.
Silhouette mapping
Silhouette mapping.
Xianfeng Gu, Steven Gortler, Hugues Hoppe, Leonard McMillan, Benedict Brown, Abraham Stone.
Technical Report TR-1-99, Dept. of Computer Science, Harvard University, March 1999.
Interpolation among a sparse set of precomputed object silhouettes.
Efficient minimization of new quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes
Efficient minimization of new quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes.
Hugues Hoppe, Steve Marschner.
Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2000-64, June 2000.
Fast solution of quadric metric exploiting its sub-block structure.
New quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes
New quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes.
Hugues Hoppe.
IEEE Visualization 1999 Conference, 59-66.
Efficient simplification metric designed around correspondence in 3D space.
Optimization of mesh locality for transparent vertex caching
Optimization of mesh locality for transparent vertex caching.
Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1999 Proceedings, 269-276.
Face reordering for efficient GPU vertex cache, advocating a FIFO policy.
Robust mesh watermarking
Robust mesh watermarking.
Emil Praun, Hugues Hoppe, Adam Finkelstein.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1999 Proceedings, 69-76.
Imperceptible low-frequency shape perturbations resilient to remeshing.
View-based rendering: Visualizing real objects from scanned range and color data
View-based rendering: Visualizing real objects from scanned range and color data.
Kari Pulli, Michael Cohen, Tom Duchamp, Hugues Hoppe, Linda Shapiro, Werner Stuetzle.
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 1997, 23-34.
Blending of textured depth meshes using soft z-buffering.
Robust meshes from multiple range maps
Robust meshes from multiple range maps.
Kari Pulli, Tom Duchamp, Hugues Hoppe, John McDonald, Linda Shapiro, Werner Stuetzle.
Intnl. Conf. on Recent Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, May 1997.
Robust surface reconstruction using interval analysis over volumetric octree.
Efficient implementation of progressive meshes
Efficient implementation of progressive meshes.
Hugues Hoppe.
Computers & Graphics, 22(1), 1998, 27-36.
Progressive mesh data structures compatible with GPU vertex buffers.
Smooth view-dependent level-of-detail control and its application to terrain rendering
Smooth view-dependent level-of-detail control and its application to terrain rendering.
Hugues Hoppe.
IEEE Visualization 1998 Conference, 35-42.
Visually smooth adaptation of mesh refinement using cascaded temporal geomorphs.
View-dependent refinement of progressive meshes
View-dependent refinement of progressive meshes.
Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Proceedings, 189-198.
Lossless multiresolution structure for incremental local refinement/coarsening.
Progressive simplicial complexes
Progressive simplicial complexes.
Jovan Popovic, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Proceedings, 217-224.
Progressive encoding of both topology and geometry.
Progressive meshes
Progressive meshes.
Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Proceedings, 99-108.
Efficient, lossless, continuous-resolution representation of surface triangulations.
Automatic reconstruction of B-spline surfaces of arbitrary topological type
Automatic reconstruction of B-spline surfaces of arbitrary topological type.
Matthias Eck, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Proceedings, 325-334.
Fully automatic creation of B-spline patch network from 3D point cloud.
Multiresolution analysis of arbitrary meshes
Multiresolution analysis of arbitrary meshes.
Matthias Eck, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Hugues Hoppe, Michael Lounsbery, Werner Stuetzle.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1995 Proceedings, 173-182.
Semi-regular remeshing for wavelet-based representation of surfaces.
Surface reconstruction from unorganized points (PhD Thesis)
Surface reconstruction from unorganized points (PhD Thesis).
Hugues Hoppe.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, June 1994.
Robust surface topology and optimized geometry from scanned 3D points.
Piecewise smooth surface reconstruction
Piecewise smooth surface reconstruction.
Hugues Hoppe, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Michael Halstead, Hubert Jin, John McDonald, Jean Schweitzer, Werner Stuetzle.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1994 Proceedings, 295-302.
Subdivision surfaces with sharp features, and their automatic creation by data fitting.
Mesh optimization
Mesh optimization.
Hugues Hoppe, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, John McDonald, Werner Stuetzle.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1993 Proceedings, 19-26.
Traversing the space of triangle meshes to optimize model fidelity and conciseness.
Surface reconstruction from unorganized points
Surface reconstruction from unorganized points.
Hugues Hoppe, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, John McDonald, Werner Stuetzle.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1992 Proceedings, 71-78.
Signed-distance field estimated from a set of unoriented noisy points.
See content copyrights.


Automating image/video morphing and looping
Automating image/video morphing and looping.
Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2015.
Looping videos
Looping videos.
Eurographics 2013.
Processing large-scale imagery
Processing large-scale imagery.
Pacific Graphics 2010.
Exploring new graphics data structures designed for GPU parallelism
Exploring new graphics data structures designed for GPU parallelism.
UIUC, March 2009.
Poisson surface reconstruction and its applications
Poisson surface reconstruction and its applications.
Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2008.
Geometry images: Sampling surfaces on regular grids
Geometry images: Sampling surfaces on regular grids.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004.
Irregular to completely regular meshing in computer graphics
Irregular to completely regular meshing in computer graphics.
International Meshing Roundtable 2002.

Academic background

  • Ph.D. in 1994 from the University of WashingtonDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering.
    Thesis: Surface reconstruction from unorganized points (Advisor:Tony DeRose).
  • B.S. summa cum laude in 1989 from the University of Washington Electrical Engineering Department.
  • Salutatorian, 1985 class of Richland High School Bombers. Richland High School logo(Yes, that is a mushroom cloud)

Professional service

  • Technical papers chair, SIGGRAPH 2011.
  • Editor-in-chief, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2009-2011.
  • Associate editor, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2003-2008.
  • Editorial board, Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, 2004-present.
  • Founding co-chair, Symposium on Geometry Processing 2003.
  • Co-chair, Eurographics 2004.
  • SIGGRAPH papers advisory group, 2014-2019.
  • Papers advisory board, SIGGRAPH 2010, 2012, 2014.
  • Papers advisory board, SIGGRAPH Asia 2011, 2015.
  • Papers area coordinator, SIGGRAPH, 2007, 2008.
  • Papers sort, SIGGRAPH Asia, 2014.
  • Papers committee, SIGGRAPH, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015.
  • Papers committee, SIGGRAPH Asia, 2009, 2010.
  • Papers committee, Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 1999.
  • Papers committee, Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2007, 2008, 2009.
  • Papers committee, Graphics Interface, 1999.
  • Papers committee, IEEE Visualization, 1999, 2002.
  • Papers committee, Eurographics, 2000, 2001, 2014, 2015.
  • Papers committee, Shape Modeling International, 2004, 2009.
  • Papers committee, Symposium on Geometry Processing, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
  • Papers committee, Pacific Graphics, 2006.
  • Papers committee, SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, 2013.
  • Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Geometric Design 1999.
  • Papers committee, Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2008.
  • Technical sketches jury, SIGGRAPH 2000.


I received the 2004 ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award (citation) and became anACM Fellow in 2011.

My interests include traveling, bicycling, hiking, trekking, and all good things from Belgium (Gueuze beer,Côte d'Or chocolate,Leonidas pralines, mussels, waffles from Liège, spéculoos cookies).

Here is my official Microsoft picture.

See my notes on using Microsoft Word to write technical papers.

One of my favorite music albums is Branduardi Canta Yeats by Angelo Branduardi (though I don't speak Italian). My favorite comics artist isFrançois Bourgeon (in French).

Mesh Processing Library


This GitHub package contains a C++ library and several application programs that demonstrate mesh processing technologies published in research papers at ACM SIGGRAPH in 1992–1998:

  • surface reconstruction (from unorganized, unoriented points)
  • mesh optimization
  • subdivision surface fitting
  • mesh simplification
  • progressive meshes (level-of-detail representation)
  • geomorphs (smooth transitions across LOD meshes)
  • view-dependent mesh refinement
  • smooth terrain LOD
  • progressive simplicial complexes

The source code follows modern C++11 style and is designed for cross-platform use.

Version history

2016-04-28 — initial release.

Requirements / dependencies

The source code can be compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 from the included solution (*.sln) and project (*.vcxproj) files, using either the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or the msbuild command.

On Unix-based platforms (including Linux, Mac OS, and Cygwin), the code can also be compiled using gcc and clang compilers (and Visual Studio cl compiler) using Makefiles designed for GNU make.

Reading/writing of images and videos is enabled using several options. If available, image I/O can use libpng/libjpeg or Windows Imaging Component (WIC). Video I/O can use Windows Media Foundation (WMF). Across all platforms, if the command ffmpeg is present in the PATH, it is spawned in a piped subprocess for both image and video I/O.

On Mac OS X, it is necessary to install XQuartz for X11 support and ffmpeg for image/video I/O.

Code compilation

Compiling using the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE

Open the distrib.sln file and build the solution (typically using the "ReleaseMD - x64" build configuration). Executables are placed in the bin, bin/debug, bin/Win32, or bin/Win32/debug directory, depending on the build configuration (64-bit versus 32-bit, and release versus debug).

Compiling using msbuild

Set the appropriate environment variables and run msbuild, e.g.:

PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin;%PATH%
msbuild -nologo -verbosity:minimal distrib.sln -maxcpucount:4 -p:PlatformToolset=v140 -p:platform=x64 -p:configuration=ReleaseMD

(Some alternatives are to set platform to Win32, or configuration to DebugMD, Release, or Debug; here MD stands for multithreaded DLL.) Executables are placed in the same target directory as in the IDE.

Compiling using GNU make

The CONFIG environment variable determines which make/Makefile_config_* definition file is loaded. On Windows, CONFIG can be chosen among {win, w32, cygwin, mingw, mingw32, clang}, defaulting to win if undefined. On Unix-derived platforms (including Linux and Mac OS), CONFIG=unix is the unique and default setting.

For example, to build using the Microsoft cl compiler (Debug, with 8 parallel processes, placing *.exe into directory bin/win):

make -j8

To build all programs (into either bin/unix or bin/win) and run all unit tests:

make -j test

To build just the main library using the mingw gcc compiler on Windows:

make CONFIG=mingw -j libHh

To build the Filtermesh program (into bin/clang) using the clang compiler on Windows:

make CONFIG=clang -j Filtermesh

To build all programs (into bin/cygwin) and run all demos using the gcc compiler under Cygwin:

make CONFIG=cygwin -j demos

To clean up all files in all configurations:

make CONFIG=all -j deepclean

Note that additional options such as debug/release, 32-bit/64-bit, and compiler tool paths/parameters are set in the various make/Makefile_* files. These need to be adjusted depending on the versions and installation paths of the tools. For instance, the line "rel ?= 0" in make/Makefile_config_win specifies a debug (non-release) build, and "$(call prepend_PATH,...)" in make/Makefile_base_vc sets the compiler directory.

Publications and associated programs/demos

Surface reconstruction from unorganized points.
Hugues Hoppe, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, John McDonald, Werner Stuetzle.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1992 Proceedings, 71-78.
Signed-distance field estimated from a set of unoriented noisy points.
programs: Recon
demos: create_recon_*.{sh,bat}, view_recon_*.{sh,bat}
Mesh optimization.
Hugues Hoppe, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, John McDonald, Werner Stuetzle.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1993 Proceedings, 19-26.
Traversing the space of triangle meshes to optimize model fidelity and conciseness.
programs: Meshfit
demos: create_recon_*, view_recon_*, create_simplified_using_meshopt, view_simplified_using_meshopt
Piecewise Smooth Surface Reconstruction.
Hugues Hoppe, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Michael Halstead, Hubert Jin, John McDonald, Jean Schweitzer, Werner Stuetzle.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1994 Proceedings, 295-302.
Subdivision surfaces with sharp features, and their automatic creation by data fitting.
programs: Subdivfit
demos: create_recon_cactus, view_recon_cactus
Progressive meshes.
Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Proceedings, 99-108.
Efficient, lossless, continuous-resolution representation of surface triangulations.
programs: MeshSimplify, reverselines, Filterprog
demos: create_geomorphs, view_geomorphs
Efficient implementation of progressive meshes.
Hugues Hoppe.
Computers & Graphics, 22(1), 1998, 27-36.
Progressive mesh data structures compatible with GPU vertex buffers.
programs: FilterPM, G3dOGL
demos: create_pm_club, view_pm_club, determine_approximation_error
View-dependent refinement of progressive meshes.
Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Proceedings, 189-198.
Lossless multiresolution structure for incremental local refinement/coarsening.
programs: FilterPM, G3dOGL
demos: create_sr_office, view_sr_office
Smooth view-dependent level-of-detail control and its application to terrain rendering.
Hugues Hoppe.
IEEE Visualization 1998 Conference, 35-42.
Visually smooth adaptation of mesh refinement using cascaded temporal geomorphs.
programs: StitchPM, G3dOGL
demos: create_terrain_hierarchy, view_terrain_hierarchy, create_sr_terrain, view_sr_terrain, view_gcanyon_*
Progressive simplicial complexes.
Jovan Popovic, Hugues Hoppe.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Proceedings, 217-224.
Progressive encoding of both topology and geometry.
programs: G3dOGL
demos: view_psc_drumset


After the code is compiled, the demos can be run as follows.

In Windows, create, view, and clean up all the results using the batch scripts


On Unix-based systems (e.g. Linux, Mac OS, Cygwin), either run the bash scripts


or alternatively (and faster), invoke make to create all results in parallel and then view them sequentially:

make [CONFIG=config] -j demos   # config ∈ {unix, win, w32, cygwin, mingw, mingw32, clang}

Note that pressing the Esc key closes any open program window.

Filter programs

All programs recognize the argument --help (or -?) to show their many options.

The programs Filterimage, Filtermesh, Filtervideo, FilterPM, and Filterframe are all designed to:

  • read media from std::cin (or from files or procedures specified as initial arguments),
  • perform operations specified by arguments, and
  • write media to std::cout (unless -nooutput is specified).

For example, the command

Filterimage demos/data/gaudipark.png -rotate 20 -cropleft 100 -cropright 100 -filter lanczos6 -scaletox 100 -color 0 0 255 255 -boundary border -cropall -20 -setalpha 255 -color 0 0 0 0 -drawrectangle 30% 30% -30% -30% -gdfill -info -to jpg >gaudipark.new.jpg
  • reads the specified image,
  • rotates it 20 degrees counterclockwise (with the default reflection boundary rule),
  • crops its left and right sides by 100 pixels,
  • scales it uniformly to a horizontal resolution of 100 pixels using a 6×6 Lanczos filter,
  • adds a 20-pixel blue border on all sides,
  • creates an undefined (alpha=0) rectangular region in the image center,
  • fills this region using gradient-domain smoothing,
  • outputs some statistics on pixel colors (to std::cerr), and
  • writes the result to a file under a different encoding.

As another example, the command

FilterPM demos/data/standingblob.pm -info -nfaces 1000 -outmesh |
Filtermesh -info -signeddistcontour 60 -genus |
G3dOGL -key DmDe
  • reads a progressive mesh stream to construct a mesh with 1000 faces,
  • reports statistics on the mesh geometry,
  • remeshes the surface as the zero isocontour of its signed-distance function on a 603 grid,
  • reports the new mesh genus, and
  • shows the result in an interactive viewer using the specified view parameters,
  • simulating keypresses Dm to enable flat shading and De to make mesh edges visible.

The command

FilterPM demos/data/spheretext.pm -nf 2000 -outmesh |
Filtermesh -angle 35 -silsubdiv -silsubdiv -mark |
G3dOGL -key DmDeDbJ---- -st demos/data/spheretext.s3d
  • reads a 2000-face mesh, marks all edges with dihedral angle greater than 35 degrees as sharp,
  • applies two steps of adaptive subdivision near these sharp edges, and
  • shows the result flat-shaded (Dm), with edges (De), without backface culling (Db), spinning (J) somewhat slowly (----),
  • starting from the view parameters stored in the spheretext.s3d file.

The command

Filtervideo demos/data/palmtrees_small.mp4 -filter keys -scaleu 1.5 >palmtrees_small.scale1.5.mp4
  • reads the video (entirely into memory),
  • uniformly scales the two spatial dimensions by a factor 1.5 using the Keys bicubic filter, and
  • saves the new video.

The command

Filtervideo demos/data/palmtrees_small.mp4 -info -trimbeg 4 -boundary clamped -trimend -20% -tscale 1.5 -framerate 150% -croprectangle 50% 50% 400 240 -gamma 1.5 -bitrate 10m |
VideoViewer demos/data/palmtrees_small.mp4 - -key =an
  • reads the video (entirely into memory),
  • reports statistics on the color channels,
  • trims off 4 frames at the beginning,
  • adds repeated copies of the last frames (with length 20% of the video),
  • temporally scales the content by a factor of 1.5 and adjusts the framerate accordingly,
  • spatially crops a centered rectangle with width 400 pixels and height 240 pixels,
  • adjusts the color gamma,
  • sets the output bitrate to 10 megabits/sec, and
  • shows the result (- for std::cin) together with the original video in an interactive viewer,
  • with keypress = to scale the window size by 2, a to loop all (two) videos, and n to initially select the next (second) video.

Surface reconstruction


This program reads a list of 3D (x, y, z) points assumed to be sampled near some unknown manifold surface, and reconstructs an approximating triangle mesh. For example,

Recon <demos/data/distcap.pts -samplingd 0.02 |
Filtermesh -genus -rmcomp 100 -fillholes 30 -triangulate -genus | tee distcap.recon.m |
G3dOGL -st demos/data/distcap.s3d -key DmDe
  • reads the text file of points,
  • reconstructs a triangle mesh assuming a maximum sample spacing (δ+ρ in paper) of 2% of the bounding volume,
  • reports the genus of this initial mesh,
  • removes all connected components with fewer than 100 triangle faces,
  • fills and triangulates any hole bounded by 30 or fewer mesh edges,
  • reports the genus of the modified mesh,
  • saves it to a file, and
  • displays it interactively starting from a specified viewpoint, with flat-shaded faces (Dm) and mesh edges (De).

To show the progression of the Marching Cubes algorithm,

Recon <demos/data/distcap.pts -samplingd 0.02 -what c |
Filtera3d -split 30 | G3dOGL -key DCDb -st demos/data/distcap_backside.s3d -terse
  • selects the 'c' (cubes) output stream,
  • forces a frame refresh every 30 polygon primitive, and
  • shows the result without display-list caching (DC) and without backface culling (Db).

To show a similar streaming reconstruction of the surface mesh,

Recon <demos/data/distcap.pts -samplingd 0.02 -what m | Filtermesh -toa3d |
Filtera3d -split 30 | G3dOGL demos/data/distcap.pts -key DCDb -st demos/data/distcap_backside.s3d -terse -input -key _Jo
  • selects the default 'm' (mesh) output stream,
  • converts the mesh to a stream of polygons, and
  • shows the points and streamed reconstruction with a slow (_) automatic rotation (J) about the object frame (o).

The same program can also read a list of 2D (y, z) points to reconstruct an approximating curve:

Recon <demos/data/curve1.pts -samplingd 0.06 -grid 30 |
Filtera3d -joinlines | tee curve1.a3d |
G3dOGL demos/data/curve1.pts -input -st demos/data/curve1.s3d


Given an initial mesh and a list of 3D points, this program optimizes both the mesh connectivity and geometry to improve the fit, i.e. minimizing the squared distances from the points to the surface. For example,

Meshfit -mfile distcap.recon.m -file demos/data/distcap.pts -crep 1e-5 -reconstruct |
tee distcap.opt.m | G3dOGL -st demos/data/distcap.s3d -key DmDe
  • reads the previously reconstructed mesh and the original list of points,
  • applies an optimized sequence of perturbations to improve both the mesh connectivity and geometry,
  • using a specified tradeoff between mesh conciseness and fidelity (crep=1e-4 yields a coarser mesh),
  • saves the result to a file, and displays it interactively.

The input points can also be sampled from an existing surface, e.g.:

Filtermesh demos/data/blob5.orig.m -randpts 10000 -vertexpts |
Meshfit -mfile demos/data/blob5.orig.m -file - -crep 1e-6 -simplify |
G3dOGL -st demos/data/blob5.s3d -key DmDe

To view the real-time fitting optimization,

Meshfit -mfile distcap.recon.m -file demos/data/distcap.pts -crep 1e-5 -outmesh - -record -reconstruct | G3dOGL -st demos/data/distcap.s3d -key DmDeDC -async -terse
  • writes both the initial mesh and the stream of mesh modifications, and
  • displays the changing mesh asynchronously with display-list caching disabled (DC).


This related program performs a similar optimization of a 1D polyline (either open or closed) to fit a set of 2D points. For example,

Polyfit -pfile curve1.a3d -file demos/data/curve1.pts -crep 3e-4 -spring 1 -reconstruct |
G3dOGL demos/data/curve1.pts -input -st demos/data/curve1.s3d
  • reads the previously reconstructed polyline and the original list of points,
  • optimizes vertex positions and simplifies the number of line segments according to some representation cost, and
  • displays the result together with the original points.


In a subdivision surface representation, a coarse base mesh tagged with sharp edges defines a piecewise smooth surface as the limit of a subdivision process. Such a representation both improves geometric fidelity and leads to a more concise description.

Filtermesh distcap.opt.m -angle 52 -mark |
Subdivfit -mfile - -file demos/data/distcap.pts -crep 1e-5 -csharp .2e-5 -reconstruct >distcap.sub0.m
  • reads the previously optimized mesh and tags all edges with dihedral angle greater than 52 degrees as sharp,
  • loads this tagged mesh and the original list of points,
  • optimizes the mesh connectivity, geometry, and assignment of sharp edges to fit a subdivision surface to the points,
  • with a representation cost of 1e-5 per vertex and .2e-5 per sharp edge, and
  • saves the resulting optimized base mesh to a file. (The overall process takes a few minutes.)

To view the result,

G3dOGL distcap.sub0.m "Subdivfit -mf distcap.sub0.m -nsub 2 -outn |" -st demos/data/distcap.s3d -key NDmDe -hwdelay 5 -hwkey N
  • reads the base mesh together with a second mesh obtained by applying two iterations of subdivision,
  • shows the first mesh (N) with flat-shaded faces and edges (DmDe),
  • waits for 5 seconds, and displays the second mesh (N) as a smooth surface without edges.


This program computes measures of differences between two meshes. It samples a dense set of points from a first mesh and computes the projections of each point onto the closest point on a second mesh.

MeshDistance -mfile distcap.recon.m -mfile distcap.opt.m -bothdir 1 -maxerror 1 -distance
  • MeshDistance loads the earlier results of mesh reconstruction and mesh optimization,
  • computes correspondences from points sampled on each mesh to the other mesh (in both directions), and
  • reports differences in geometric distance, color, and surface normals, using both L2 (rms) and L (max) norms.

Mesh simplification

Given a mesh, MeshSimplify applies a sequence of edge collapse operations to simplify it to a coarse base mesh while trying to best preserve the appearance of the original model. It supports many different simplification criteria, as well as face properties, edges tagged as sharp, and vertex and corner attributes (nx,ny,nz normals, r,g,b colors, and u,v texture coordinates).

For example,

MeshSimplify demos/data/club.orig.m -prog club.prog -simplify >club.base.m
  • reads the original mesh and randomly samples points over its surface,
  • progressively simplifies it by examining point residual distances, while recording changes to a *.prog file, and
  • writes the resulting base mesh.

The next step is to reverse the sequence of stored edge collapses, i.e. forming a progressive sequence of vertex splits:

reverselines club.prog >club.rprog

We construct a concise progressive mesh by encoding the base mesh together with the sequence of vertex splits that exactly recover the original mesh:

Filterprog -fbase club.base.m -fprog club.rprog -pm_encode >club.pm

The complete process from the original mesh to the progressive mesh is implemented by the script call

demos/bin/meshtopm.{sh,bat} demos/data/club.orig.m >club.pm

Given a progressive mesh, we can interactively traverse its continuous levels of detail:

G3dOGL -pm_mode club.pm -st demos/data/club.s3d -lightambient .4
  • by dragging the left vertical slider using the left or right mouse button, and
  • toggling mesh edges using the De key sequence.

We can also define geomorphs between discrete levels of detail, e.g.

FilterPM club.pm -nfaces 2000 -geom_nfaces 3300 -geom_nfaces 5000 -geom_nfaces 8000 |
G3dOGL -st demos/data/club.s3d -key SPDeN -lightambient .5 -thickboundary 1 -video 101 - | VideoViewer - -key m
  • creates a geomorph between 2000 and 3300 faces, another between 3300 and 5000 faces, and similarly one more,
  • shows these in a viewer with the level-of-detail slider enabled (S),
  • selects all three geomorph meshes (P), enables mesh edges (De), selects the first mesh (N),
  • records a video of 101 frames while moving the LOD slider, and
  • shows the resulting video with mirror looping enabled (m).

This example displays a progressive mesh after truncating all detail below 300 faces and above 10000 faces:

FilterPM demos/data/standingblob.pm -nf 300 -truncate_prior -nf 10000 -truncate_beyond |
G3dOGL -pm_mode - -st demos/data/standingblob.s3d

As an example of simplifying meshes with appearance attributes,

Filterimage demos/data/gaudipark.png -scaletox 200 -tomesh |
MeshSimplify - -nfaces 4000 -simplify |
G3dOGL -st demos/data/imageup.s3d -key De -lightambient 1 -lightsource 0
  • forms a planar grid mesh whose 200×200 vertices have colors sampled from a downsampled image,
  • simplifies the mesh to 4000 faces while minimizing color differences,
  • shows the result with mesh edges (De) and only ambient lighting.

Selective view-dependent mesh refinement

Within demos/create_sr_office, the script call

demos/bin/meshtopm.{sh,bat} demos/data/office.nf80000.orig.m -vsgeom >office.sr.pm

creates a progressive mesh in which the simplified vertices are constrained to lie at their original positions (-vsgeom). This enables selective refinement, demonstrated by

G3dOGL -eyeob demos/data/unit_frustum.a3d -sr_mode office.sr.pm -st demos/data/office_srfig.s3d -key ,DnDeDoDb -lightambient .4 -sr_screen_thresh .002 -frustum_frac 2

The mesh is adaptively refined within the view frustum, shown as the inset rectangle (key Do) or in the top view (key Dr). Drag the mouse buttons to rotate, pan, and dolly the object.

Terrain level-of-detail control

Within demos/create_sr_terrain.{sh,bat},

Filterimage demos/data/gcanyon_elev_crop.bw.png -tobw -elevation -step 6 -scalez 0.000194522 -removekinks -tomesh |
Filtermesh -assign_normals >gcanyon_sq200.orig.m
demos/bin/meshtopm.{sh,bat} gcanyon_sq200.orig.m -vsgeom -terrain >gcanyon_sq200.pm
  • converts an elevation image to a smoothed terrain grid mesh, and
  • simplifies it to create a selectively refinable mesh.

Then, within demos/view_sr_terrain.sh,

(common="-eyeob demos/data/unit_frustum.a3d -sr_mode gcanyon_sq200.pm -st demos/data/gcanyon_fly_v98.s3d -texturemap demos/data/gcanyon_color.1024.png -key DeDtDG -sr_screen_thresh .02292 -sr_gtime 64 -lightambient .5"; \
export G3D_REV_AUTO=1; \
G3dOGL $common -geom 800x820+100+10 -key "&O" -key ,o----J |
G3dOGL $common -geom 800x820+920+10 -async -killeof -input -key Dg)
  • opens two synchronized side-by-side windows of the same texture mapped terrain,
  • in which the first windows shows the temporal pops resulting from instantaneous mesh operations,
  • whereas the second window shows the smooth appearance provided by runtime geomorphs (Dg).

For large terrain meshes, we form a hierarchical progressive mesh by partitioning the terrain mesh into tiles, simplifying each tile independently to form a progressive mesh, stitching the progressive meshes together 2-by-2, and recursively simplifying and merging at coarser pyramid levels.

An example is presented in demos/create_terrain_hierarchy. It makes use of

StitchPM -rootname terrain.level0 -blockx 2 -blocky 2 -blocks 32 -stitch >terrain.level0.stitched.pm

to assemble each 2-by-2 set of progressive mesh tiles terrain.level0.x{0,1}.y{0,1}.pm at the finest level.

The script demos/view_gcanyon_interactive launches an interactive flythrough over a Grand Canyon terrain model, using a progressive mesh precomputed from an original 4096×2048 height field.

Alternatively, demos/view_gcanyon_frames shows a real-time flythrough using a pre-recorded flight path, whereby keystroke commands embedded within the input stream automatically change viewing modes.

Topology simplification

The program MinCycles removes topological noise from a mesh by iteratively pinching off the smallest nonseparating cycle of edges until a specified criterion (cycle length, number of cycle edges, number of cycles, or mesh genus) is reached.

For example, within demos/create_topologically_simplified.{sh,bat},

FilterPM demos/data/office.pm -nf 200000 -outmesh |
MinCycles - -fraccyclelength 1.2 -maxcyclelen .10 -closecycles |
G3dOGL -st demos/data/office.s3d -key DeDEJ---- -thickboundary 0 -lightambient .9
  • extracts a mesh of 200000 faces from a progressive mesh,
  • closes 46 topological handles to reduce the mesh genus from 50 to 4,
  • where the final remaining handle would require a nonseparating cycle of length greater than .10
  • speeding up the process by identifying approximately shortest nonseparating cycles within a factor 1.2 of optimal, and
  • shows the resulting closed edge cycles (tagged as sharp) in blue.

Geometry viewer

The G3dOGL program shows interactive rasterized renderings of 3D (and 2D) geometry, represented as

  • streams of polygons/polylines/points (*.a3d format),
  • triangle meshes including geomorphs (*.m),
  • progressive meshes (*.pm),
  • encoded selectively refinable meshes (*.srm),
  • progressive simplicial complexes (*.psc), or
  • simple *.ply files.

Please see the many examples presented earlier. The viewer can also read *.frame elements to position the viewer and the objects in world space. Elements of *.a3d, *.m, and *.frame streams can all be interleaved in a single input stream.

The viewer can take image snapshots (see demos/create_rendered_mechpart_image) and record videos (see demos/create_rendered_mechpart_video).

The mouse/keyboard UI controls include:

   Mouse movements:left mouse:          rotatemiddle mouse:        panright mouse:         dollyshift-left:          panshift-middle mouse:  rollshift-right mouse:   zoom(mouse movements are with respect to current object; see '0-9' below)Important key strokes:? : print complete list of keysD?: print list of keys prefixed by 'D'De: toggle edgesDs: toggle shading of facesDb: toggle backface cullingDm: toggle Gouraud/flat shadingDP: save current window as an image fileDS: toggle show some slidersS : toggle show some other slidersj : jump to a default viewpointJ : automatically rotate objectD/: edit viewpoint filename, : read the viewpoint. : save the viewpoint0-9: select object (0=eye_frame, 1=first object, 2=second object...)u : display/hide current objectN : select next objectP : select previous object-=: decrease/increase the magnitude of all movementsf : toggle flying (usually with '0' eye selected)

To record a 6-second (360-frame) video of a rotating mesh and then view the resulting video:

G3dOGL demos/data/standingblob.orig.m -st demos/data/standingblob.s3d -key iioJ -video 360 output_video.mp4
VideoViewer output_video.mp4

The related program G3dVec shows wireframe hidden-line-removed renderings of *.a3d streams and *.m meshes. It can write vector-based Postscript figures (see demos/view_hidden_line_removed).

In both programs, the keys ? and D? show a list of available keyboard commands.

Image/video viewer

The VideoViewer program enables interactive viewing and simple editing of both images and videos. Again, the key ? shows a list of available keyboard commands. Press pageup/pagedown to quickly browse through the videos and/or images in a directory. Audio is not currently supported.

File formats

Mesh (*.m)

See the documentation at the end of libHh/GMesh.h

A mesh is a set of vertices and faces. These in turn also define edges and corners. Arbitrary string tuples can be associated with vertices, faces, edges, and corners. Examples of string tuples: {normal=(.1 .2 .3) rgb=(1 1 1) matid=5 material="string"}. See the several demos/data/*.m files for examples of the mesh format. Note that the indices of vertices and faces start at 1 instead of 0; in hindsight that was a poor choice.

Geometry stream (*.a3d, *.pts)

See the documentation at the end of libHh/A3dStream.h

The stream contains polygons, polylines, points, and control codes (like end-of-frame, end-of-input, change-of-object). Unlike in a mesh, these primitives do not share vertices. The stream can be either text or binary.

Frame stream (*.frame, *.s3d)

See the documentation at the end of libHh/FrameIO.h

This text or binary format encodes a 4×3 affine transformation (plus an object id and a scalar field-of-view zoom). It is used to record default viewing configurations, and sequences of frames for flythroughs. It usually represents the linear transform from object space (or eye space) to world space. The stream can be either text or binary.

Progressive mesh (*.pm)

This is a binary representation that consists of a coarse base mesh and a sequence of vertex split records.

Edge collapse / vertex split records (*.prog, *.rprog)

These are temporary text files containing verbose information for a sequence of edge collapse / vertex split records used by MeshSimplify / reverselines / Filterprog to create a progressive mesh.


The library libHh contains the main reusable classes. All files include Hh.h which sets up a common cross-platform environment.

The libraries libHWin and libHWX define different implementations of a simple windowing interface (class HW), under Win32 and X Windows, respectively. Both implementations support OpenGL rendering.

Code details

The include file libHh/RangeOp.h defines many functions that act on ranges, which are containers or views for which begin() and end() are defined. For example, the function call hh::fill(ar, 1.f) assigns the value 1.f to all elements in the array named ar, and the function call hh::mean(matrix) computes the average value of all entries in the named matrix.

The debugging macro SHOW(expr) outputs expr = ... on std::cerr and also returns expr. It also accepts multiple arguments in which case it returns void. For example, SHOW(min(1, 2), "hello", 3*2) outputs the line min(1, 2)=1 hello 3*2=6. Note the special treatment of literal string values.

Unicode strings are stored using UTF-8 encoding into ordinary std::string variables. The functions hh::widen() and hh::narrow() convert to and from the std::wstring UTF-16 encodings used in Win32 system calls.

All files use end-of-line encodings based on Unix '\n' LF (rather than DOS '\r\n' CR+LF). All streams are opened in binary mode. This allows text and binary to coexist in the same file.


See the file ./license.txt.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.


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    为帮助每位IT管理者与决策者全面的了解企业相关技术.产品与解决方案,扫除技术与产品选型难题.2020年6月3日,CSDN联合20位行业专家组成的选型智囊团,在云服务.BI大数据.协同办公.安全与运维五 ...

  7. 百位云计算专家齐聚湖畔大学,阿里云MVP全球闭门会聚焦数字化转型

    "阿里云MVP是中国互联网的力量,是中国技术变革.经济变革的力量."9月18日,阿里云MVP全球闭门会现场,阿里云总裁胡晓明的话引发了会议现场热烈的掌声. 小桥流水.小亭古乐,阿里 ...

  8. 十多位IT专家分享他们离不开的实用工具

    有一种方式可令你的工作变得简单一些,就是看看其他的IT专家依赖于哪些工具,然后自己试试.Susan Harkins精选出了13位IT专家喜爱的工具清单.这些专家包括了从顾问.程序员到数据库管理员等. ...

  9. 十多位IT专家分享他们离不开的实用工具 1

    日期: 2009年2月4日 作者: Susan Harkins 目录: 10 things 标签: Software, Security, Microsoft SQL Server, Informat ...


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