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日期: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 09:07:37 +0530
发件人: "Anand Rao"   
收件人: "Oracle-l"
主题: 10053 Trace and OBJ$ (DBA_SEGMENTS)

Has anyone come across this issue where,

you run a simple query on dba_segments (or user_segments) and produce a 10053 trace. The trace file does not contain the " BASE STATISTICAL INFORMATION" section. The table and index stats are completely missing. So, i don't see the  #Rows:, #Blks:, AvgRowLen:, AvgLen:, NDV:, Nulls:, Density: and so on...

Dictionary stats have been gathered, i haven't gathered System stats.

The query is,

SELECT NVL2(partition_name,
                            segment_name || ':' || partition_name,
                  FROM user_segments
                 WHERE segment_type IN ('TABLE', 'TABLE PARTITION') AND
                       segment_name NOT IN
                       (SELECT object_name
                          FROM recyclebin bin) AND
                       segment_name NOT IN (:p1,:p2,:p3,:p4,:p5)
                            ORDER BY bytes DESC

Now, if i run another query based on some other non-dictionary based tables (EMP, DEPT), then everything is fine.

It seems to be an issue with some access rights to OBJ$ is what i can figure out but what permission needs to be granted is the question. The user is a OS authenticated user, OPS$DEV1 and has DBA privilege. Even if i execute the same query as user ' oracle', the owner of the database, it doesn't help.

Oracle version is on Sun Solaris 9.

is there something fundamental i am missing here? RTFM...??? i did a bit of Meta-linking, searching the list and RTFMs but could not find anything in particular.




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