
Why would you pay full price if you could save a little money while shopping? Most people hunt for deals when purchasing products online or in the store—it’s not even hard to do. The websites discussed below are the best when it comes to finding online coupons and deals.

如果购物时可以省点钱,为什么还要全价付款? 大多数人在网上或在商店购买产品时都在寻找交易,这甚至都不难。 在寻找在线优惠券和交易时,下面讨论的网站是最好的。

不零售我 (Retail Me Not)

Retail Me Not is one of the giants in the coupon and deal space. It offers a vast number of online coupons, printable coupons, and free-shipping deals. One of the strengths of Retail Me Not is its thriving community. Thousands of users of the website take part in the community and submit and share the coupons they find. To give you some perspective, the top contributor in the community has submitted over 2000 coupons and saved $500,000 for others.

Retail Me Not是优惠券和交易领域的巨头之一。 它提供了大量的在线优惠券,可打印的优惠券和免费送货交易。 Retail Me Not的优势之一就是其蓬勃发展的社区。 该网站的成千上万的用户加入了社区,并提交并分享了他们发现的优惠券。 为了给您一些视角,社区中的杰出贡献者已提交了2000多张优惠券,并为其他人节省了500,000美元。

Recently, Retail Me Not also launched a browser extension named Genie. Once installed, Genie automatically hunts for coupons and deals in the background while you continue shopping online as usual.

最近,Retail Me Not还启动了一个名为Genie的浏览器扩展。 安装完成后,Genie会在您照常继续在线购物时在后台自动寻找优惠券和交易。

Coupons.com (Coupons.com)

Coupons.com claims to be the largest provider of digital coupons in the United States. Their website lists hundreds of thousands of coupons, hundreds of stores, and cashback offers on their website. Their website experience is similar to that of real coupon clipping. Instead of picking one coupon at a time, you can select all the coupons you want to use, and they are added to your coupon cart.

Coupons.com声称是美国最大的数字优惠券提供商。 他们的网站上列出了数十万张优惠券,数百家商店和现金返还优惠。 他们的网站体验类似于真实的优惠券剪辑。 您可以一次选择所有要使用的优惠券,而不必一次选择一张优惠券,而是将它们添加到您的优惠券购物车中

Their home page shows the total amount of savings available through the coupons, so you know if you’re leaving money at the table. Once you’ve clipped enough coupons, you can print all of them in one go and then use them for your shopping needs.

他们的主页显示了可通过优惠券使用的储蓄总额,因此您知道是否要把钱留在桌上。 裁剪完足够的优惠券后,您可以一次性打印所有优惠券,然后将其用于购物需求。

Groupon和社交生活 (Groupon and Living Social)

Groupon is one of the more popular deal sites out there. If you’ve done any deal hunting, then you’ve come across Groupon. It covers a wide variety of businesses, including technology, clothing, food, services and more.

Groupon是那里最受欢迎的交易网站之一。 如果您进行过交易寻找,那么您会遇到Groupon。 它涵盖了广泛的业务,包括技术,服装,食品,服务等。

Instead of giving away coupons for you to download and print, Groupon lets you purchase the deal directly on their site. There is no additional fee, so all your money is going to the deal. Depending on the deal, you might have to download and print a receipt to use, and sometimes you might get an email which will be more than enough to get the discounted price.

Groupon无需提供优惠券供您下载和打印,而是让您直接在其网站上购买交易。 没有额外的费用,所以您所有的钱都将用于这笔交易。 根据交易的不同,您可能必须下载并打印收据才能使用,有时您可能会收到一封电子邮件,该电子邮件足以获得折扣价。

Living Social is an online deal website similar to Groupon. In fact, you’ll find that a lot of same deals on both sites. That is because both these websites started as competitors, but Groupon acquired Living Social in 2016 and continued to operate it as a separate business. But, not all the deals on Living Social are from Groupon, so it’s worth checking both of them out to get the best deal.

Living Social是一个类似于Groupon的在线交易网站。 实际上,您会在两个站点上发现很多相同的交易。 这是因为这两个网站最初都是竞争对手,但Groupon在2016年收购了Living Social,并继续将其作为单独的业务来运营。 但是,并非所有关于Living Social的交易都来自Groupon,因此值得将它们全部都签下来以获得最佳交易。

亚马逊优惠券 (Amazon Coupons)

Many people are surprised to know that Amazon themselves lists a variety of coupons on their website. The deals are for products listed on Amazon, of course, so keep that in mind before you start hunting for a bargain.

许多人惊讶地发现亚马逊自己在其网站上列出了各种优惠券 。 这些交易是针对亚马逊上列出的产品的,因此,在开始讨价还价之前,请记住这一点。

Once you find a deal you like, click the Clip Coupon button (you’ll need to be signed in) and it’ll be clipped to your cart, and all the eligible products will be displayed on the screen. Any eligible product that you add to your cart will reflect the discounted price.

找到喜欢的交易后,单击“ Clip Coupon”按钮(您需要登录),它会被裁剪到购物车中,所有符合条件的产品都会显示在屏幕上。 您添加到购物车中的所有合格产品都将反映折扣价。

免费送货 (Free Shipping)

Free Shipping was started by a couple who hated to pay for shipping. Together, they set out to find websites that offered free shipping by themselves or with the help of coupons. Over time, the site has transformed into an online deal and coupon site with discounts from hundreds of retailers. The website is clean, easy to use, and you can find coupons for your favorite websites easily. If you hate paying for shipping too, check them out.

免费送货由一对讨厌支付运费的夫妇发起。 他们一起出发寻找自己或在优惠券的帮助下免费送货的网站。 随着时间的流逝,该网站已转变为在线交易和优惠券网站,并获得数百家零售商的折扣。 该网站干净,易于使用,您可以轻松找到自己喜欢的网站的优惠券。 如果您也讨厌支付运费,请检查一下。

疯狂优惠券女士 (TheKrazyCouponLady)

TheKrazyCouponLady is a fantastic website that can help you save money no matter what you’re shopping for. You can find coupons listed by store, by category, or by specific deals. The number of coupons on the site is massive—they have over 4000 coupons just for grocery shoppers.

TheKrazyCouponLady是一个很棒的网站,无论您要购买什么,它都可以帮助您省钱。 您可以找到按商店,类别或特定交易列出的优惠券。 该网站上的优惠券数量众多-仅杂货店购物者就有4000多张优惠券。

Once you’ve saved a bunch of money by using their coupons, you can post about your savings in the brag section of the site. Apart from just listing coupons, they also have a helpful blog that focuses on teaching couponing, budgeting, saving hacks, and more.

通过使用他们的优惠券节省了一大笔钱后,您可以在网站的吹牛部分发布有关您的储蓄的信息。 除了列出优惠券外,他们还提供了一个有用的博客,侧重于教授优惠券,预算编制,节省黑客等内容。

These are our favorite websites to find the best deals and coupons. As all websites offer different deals, we recommend that you try them all a few times to find the ones you prefer. Once you do, make sure to let us know your favorites in the comments below.

这些是我们最喜欢的网站,以查找最佳优惠和优惠券。 由于所有网站都提供不同的优惠,因此我们建议您尝试几次,以找到自己喜欢的优惠。 完成后,请确保在下面的评论中告诉我们您的收藏夹。

Image Credit: Cover image by Fancycrave on Unsplash

图片来源: Fancycrave的Unsplash封面图片

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/395802/the-best-sites-for-online-coupons-and-deals/



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