(1)range() 和 xrange( )【python内置函数】


值得注意的是:生成数列最后一个数< 结束值。

返回结果类型:list,其中元素是integer类型。(说明 python2中range()返回的是list,python3中range返回的是类对象,需要用list()函数转成list,如 list(range(...)) )


备注说明: python 3 把 xrange( )去掉了

(2) numpy.linspace() 【numpy库文件中的函数】




[1] https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.linspace.html

numpy.linspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False, dtype=NoneReturn evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval.

Returns num evenly spaced samples, calculated over the interval [start, stop].

The endpoint of the interval can optionally be excluded.


start : scalar

The starting value of the sequence.

stop : scalar

The end value of the sequence, unless endpoint is set to False. In that case, the sequence consists of all but the last of num + 1 evenly spaced samples, so that stop is excluded. Note that the step size changes when endpoint is False.

num : int, optional

Number of samples to generate. Default is 50. Must be non-negative.

endpoint : bool, optional

If True, stop is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included. Default is True.

retstep : bool, optional

If True, return (samples, step), where step is the spacing between samples.

dtype : dtype, optional

The type of the output array. If dtype is not given, infer the data type from the other input arguments.

New in version 1.9.0.


samples : ndarray

There are num equally spaced samples in the closed interval [start, stop] or the half-open interval [start, stop) (depending on whether endpoint is True or False).

step : float, optional

Only returned if retstep is True

Size of spacing between samples.

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