简介:工作中使用LLDB调试器调试这一段C++多继承程序的时候,发现通过lldb print(expression命令的别名) 命令获取的指针地址和实际理解的C++的内存模型的地址不一样。那么到底是什么原因呢?

作者 | 扬阜
来源 | 阿里技术公众号

一 问题背景

1 实践验证

工作中使用LLDB调试器调试这一段C++多继承程序的时候,发现通过lldb print(expression命令的别名) 命令获取的指针地址和实际理解的C++的内存模型的地址不一样。那么到底是什么原因呢?程序如下:

class Base {
protected:float x;
class VBase {
public:VBase(){}virtual void test(){};virtual void foo(){};
protected:float x;
class VBaseA: public VBase {
public:VBaseA(){}virtual void test(){}virtual void foo(){};
protected:float x;
class VBaseB: public VBase  {
public:VBaseB(){}virtual void test(){printf("test \n");}virtual void foo(){};
protected:float x;
class VDerived : public VBaseA, public Base, public VBaseB {
public:VDerived(){}virtual void test(){}virtual void foo(){};
protected:float x;
int  main(int argc, char *argv[])
{VDerived *pDerived = new VDerived(); //0x0000000103407f30Base  *pBase = (Base*)pDerived; //0x0000000103407f40VBaseA *pvBaseA = static_cast< VBaseA*>(pDerived);//0x0000000103407f30VBaseB  *pvBaseB = static_cast< VBaseB*>(pDerived);//0x0000000103407f30 这里应该为0x0000000103407f48,但是显示的是0x0000000103407f30unsigned long pBaseAddressbase = (unsigned long)pBase;unsigned long pvBaseAAddressbase = (unsigned long)pvBaseA;unsigned long pvBaseBAddressbase = (unsigned long)pvBaseB;pvBaseB->test();

通过lldb print命令获取的地址如下图:



按正常的理解的C++内存模型:pDerived转换为Base 类型pBase,地址偏移了16,是没问题的。


但是pDerived转化为VBase 类型pBaseB内存地址应该偏移24,为0x0000000103407f48;而不是0x0000000103407f30(对象的首地址),这个到底是什么原因引起的的呢?

2 验证引发的猜测


Base 类中没有虚函数,VBaseB 中有虚函数test和foo,猜测如下



二 现象带来的问题



  • 那C++中在通过基类指针调用派生类重写的虚函数以及通过派生类指针调用虚函数的时候,编译器是如何保证这两种调用this指针的值是一样的,以确保调用的正确性的?
  • 那为什么LLDB expression获取的地址是派生类对象的首地址呢?


三 现象核心原因

  1. 编译器背后和普通的非虚函数继承一样,也做了指针的偏移。
  2. 做了指针偏移,C++ 中基类对象指针调用派生类对象时,编译器通过thunk技术来实现每次参数调用和参数返回this地址的调整。
  3. LLDB expression显示的是派生类对象的首地址(0x0000000103407f30),而不是偏移后基类对象的首地址(0x0000000103407f48),是由于LLDB调试器在expression向用户展示的时候,对于虚函数继承的基类指针LLDB内部会通过summary format来对要获取的结果进行格式化。summary format时,会根据当前的内存地址获取C++运行时的动态类型和地址,来向用户展示。

四 证实结论过程

1 指针类型转换时编译器是否做了偏移?







movl %esp, %ebp  //movl是指令名称。%则表明esp和ebp是寄存器.在AT&T语法中, 第一个是源操作数,第二个是目的操作数。


MOVQ EBP, ESP //interl手册,你会看到是没有%的intel语法, 它的操作数顺序刚好相反


1.第一个参数基本上放在:RDI/edi寄存器,第二个参数:RSI/esi寄存器,第三个参数:RDX寄存器,第四个参数:RCD寄存器,第五个参数:R8寄存器,第六个参数:R9 寄存器;



下面使用的mac Unix操作系统,本文用到的汇编指令都是AT&T语法,在函数传参数时的第一个参数都放在RDI寄存器中。




上面的猜测,后来我通过LLDB调试器提供的:memory read ptr(memory read 命令缩写 x )得到了验证

(lldb) memory read pDerived
0x103407f30: 40 40 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  @@..............
0x103407f40: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 40 00 00 01 00 00 00  ........`@......
(lldb) memory read pvBaseB
0x103407f48: 60 40 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  `@..............
0x103407f58: de 2d 05 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .-..............

我们发现不同类型的指针 在内存中确实读取到的内容分别是pDerived:0x103407f30 pvBaseB:0x103407f48内存地址都不一样;都是实际偏移后地址。

2 虚函数调用如何保证this的值一致的呢?


在网上查阅资料得知:C++在调用函数的时候, 编译器通过thunk技术对this指针的内容做了调整,使其指向正确的内存地址。那么什么是thunk技术?编译器是如何实现的呢?


通过上面main函数不难发现的pvBaseB->test() 的反汇编:

  pBaseB->test();0x100003c84 < +244>: movq   -0x40(%rbp), %rax    //-x40存方的是pBaseB指针的内容,这里取出pBaseB指向的地址0x100003c88 < +248>: movq   (%rax), %rcx         //然后将 rax的内容赋值给rcx0x100003c8b < +251>: movq   %rax, %rdi           // 之后再将rax的值给到rdi寄存器:我们都知道,rdi寄存器是函数调用的第一个参数,这里的this是基类的地址
->  0x100003c8e < +254>: callq  *(%rcx)              // 在这里取出rcx的地址,然后通过*(rcx) 间接调用rcx中存的地址

我们再跳到VDerived::test函数的汇编实现, 在这里通过lldb的命令:register read rdi 查看函数的第一个传参,也就是 this的地址,已经是派生类的地址了,不是调用前基类的地址

testCPPVirtualMemeory`VDerived::test:0x100003e00 < +0>:  pushq  %rbp       //   栈低指针压栈   0x100003e01 < +1>:  movq   %rsp, %rbp //  将BP指针指向SP,因为上一级函数的栈顶指针是下一级函数的栈底指针0x100003e04 < +4>:  subq   $0x10, %rsp  // 开始函数栈帧空间0x100003e08 < +8>:  movq   %rdi, -0x8(%rbp)      //  将函数第一个参数入栈,也就是this 指针
->  0x100003e0c < +12>: leaq   0x15c(%rip), %rdi         ; "test\n"  0x100003e13 < +19>: movb   $0x0, %al0x100003e15 < +21>: callq  0x100003efc               ; symbol stub for: printf0x100003e1a < +26>: addq   $0x10, %rsp //回收栈空间0x100003e1e < +30>: popq   %rbp        //出栈 指回上一层 rbp0x100003e1f < +31>: retq               //指向下一条命令

通过上面的汇编我们分析,编译器在调用虚函数表中的函数时,是通过 *(%rcx) 间接寻址,然后中间做了某一个操作,跳到 test的实现,那么这个过程中thunk做了什么操作呢?


小编使用的IDE都使用的是LLVM编译器,于是通过翻看LLVM的源码找到了答案: 在VTableBuilder.cpp的AddMethods函数,小编找到了答案,描述如下:

  // Now go through all virtual member functions and add them to the current// vftable. This is done by//  - replacing overridden methods in their existing slots, as long as they//    don't require return adjustment; calculating This adjustment if needed.//  - adding new slots for methods of the current base not present in any//    sub-bases;//  - adding new slots for methods that require Return adjustment.// We keep track of the methods visited in the sub-bases in MethodInfoMap.





void VFTableBuilder::AddMethods(BaseSubobject Base, unsigned BaseDepth,const CXXRecordDecl *LastVBase,BasesSetVectorTy &VisitedBases) {const CXXRecordDecl *RD = Base.getBase();if (!RD->isPolymorphic())return;const ASTRecordLayout &Layout = Context.getASTRecordLayout(RD);// See if this class expands a vftable of the base we look at, which is either// the one defined by the vfptr base path or the primary base of the current// class.const CXXRecordDecl *NextBase = nullptr, *NextLastVBase = LastVBase;CharUnits NextBaseOffset;if (BaseDepth < WhichVFPtr.PathToIntroducingObject.size()) {NextBase = WhichVFPtr.PathToIntroducingObject[BaseDepth];if (isDirectVBase(NextBase, RD)) {NextLastVBase = NextBase;NextBaseOffset = MostDerivedClassLayout.getVBaseClassOffset(NextBase);} else {NextBaseOffset =Base.getBaseOffset() + Layout.getBaseClassOffset(NextBase);}} else if (const CXXRecordDecl *PrimaryBase = Layout.getPrimaryBase()) {assert(!Layout.isPrimaryBaseVirtual() &&"No primary virtual bases in this ABI");NextBase = PrimaryBase;NextBaseOffset = Base.getBaseOffset();}if (NextBase) {AddMethods(BaseSubobject(NextBase, NextBaseOffset), BaseDepth + 1,NextLastVBase, VisitedBases);if (!VisitedBases.insert(NextBase))llvm_unreachable("Found a duplicate primary base!");}SmallVector< const CXXMethodDecl*, 10> VirtualMethods;// Put virtual methods in the proper order.GroupNewVirtualOverloads(RD, VirtualMethods);// Now go through all virtual member functions and add them to the current// vftable. This is done by//  - replacing overridden methods in their existing slots, as long as they//    don't require return adjustment; calculating This adjustment if needed.//  - adding new slots for methods of the current base not present in any//    sub-bases;//  - adding new slots for methods that require Return adjustment.// We keep track of the methods visited in the sub-bases in MethodInfoMap.for (const CXXMethodDecl *MD : VirtualMethods) {FinalOverriders::OverriderInfo FinalOverrider =Overriders.getOverrider(MD, Base.getBaseOffset());const CXXMethodDecl *FinalOverriderMD = FinalOverrider.Method;const CXXMethodDecl *OverriddenMD =FindNearestOverriddenMethod(MD, VisitedBases);ThisAdjustment ThisAdjustmentOffset;bool ReturnAdjustingThunk = false, ForceReturnAdjustmentMangling = false;CharUnits ThisOffset = ComputeThisOffset(FinalOverrider);ThisAdjustmentOffset.NonVirtual =(ThisOffset - WhichVFPtr.FullOffsetInMDC).getQuantity();if ((OverriddenMD || FinalOverriderMD != MD) &&WhichVFPtr.getVBaseWithVPtr())CalculateVtordispAdjustment(FinalOverrider, ThisOffset,ThisAdjustmentOffset);unsigned VBIndex =LastVBase ? VTables.getVBTableIndex(MostDerivedClass, LastVBase) : 0;if (OverriddenMD) {// If MD overrides anything in this vftable, we need to update the// entries.MethodInfoMapTy::iterator OverriddenMDIterator =MethodInfoMap.find(OverriddenMD);// If the overridden method went to a different vftable, skip it.if (OverriddenMDIterator == MethodInfoMap.end())continue;MethodInfo &OverriddenMethodInfo = OverriddenMDIterator->second;VBIndex = OverriddenMethodInfo.VBTableIndex;// Let's check if the overrider requires any return adjustments.// We must create a new slot if the MD's return type is not trivially// convertible to the OverriddenMD's one.// Once a chain of method overrides adds a return adjusting vftable slot,// all subsequent overrides will also use an extra method slot.ReturnAdjustingThunk = !ComputeReturnAdjustmentBaseOffset(Context, MD, OverriddenMD).isEmpty() ||OverriddenMethodInfo.UsesExtraSlot;if (!ReturnAdjustingThunk) {// No return adjustment needed - just replace the overridden method info// with the current info.MethodInfo MI(VBIndex, OverriddenMethodInfo.VFTableIndex);MethodInfoMap.erase(OverriddenMDIterator);assert(!MethodInfoMap.count(MD) &&"Should not have method info for this method yet!");MethodInfoMap.insert(std::make_pair(MD, MI));continue;}// In case we need a return adjustment, we'll add a new slot for// the overrider. Mark the overridden method as shadowed by the new slot.OverriddenMethodInfo.Shadowed = true;// Force a special name mangling for a return-adjusting thunk// unless the method is the final overrider without this adjustment.ForceReturnAdjustmentMangling =!(MD == FinalOverriderMD && ThisAdjustmentOffset.isEmpty());} else if (Base.getBaseOffset() != WhichVFPtr.FullOffsetInMDC ||MD->size_overridden_methods()) {// Skip methods that don't belong to the vftable of the current class,// e.g. each method that wasn't seen in any of the visited sub-bases// but overrides multiple methods of other sub-bases.continue;}// If we got here, MD is a method not seen in any of the sub-bases or// it requires return adjustment. Insert the method info for this method.MethodInfo MI(VBIndex,HasRTTIComponent ? Components.size() - 1 : Components.size(),ReturnAdjustingThunk);assert(!MethodInfoMap.count(MD) &&"Should not have method info for this method yet!");MethodInfoMap.insert(std::make_pair(MD, MI));// Check if this overrider needs a return adjustment.// We don't want to do this for pure virtual member functions.BaseOffset ReturnAdjustmentOffset;ReturnAdjustment ReturnAdjustment;if (!FinalOverriderMD->isPure()) {ReturnAdjustmentOffset =ComputeReturnAdjustmentBaseOffset(Context, FinalOverriderMD, MD);}if (!ReturnAdjustmentOffset.isEmpty()) {ForceReturnAdjustmentMangling = true;ReturnAdjustment.NonVirtual =ReturnAdjustmentOffset.NonVirtualOffset.getQuantity();if (ReturnAdjustmentOffset.VirtualBase) {const ASTRecordLayout &DerivedLayout =Context.getASTRecordLayout(ReturnAdjustmentOffset.DerivedClass);ReturnAdjustment.Virtual.Microsoft.VBPtrOffset =DerivedLayout.getVBPtrOffset().getQuantity();ReturnAdjustment.Virtual.Microsoft.VBIndex =VTables.getVBTableIndex(ReturnAdjustmentOffset.DerivedClass,ReturnAdjustmentOffset.VirtualBase);}}AddMethod(FinalOverriderMD,ThunkInfo(ThisAdjustmentOffset, ReturnAdjustment,ForceReturnAdjustmentMangling ? MD : nullptr));}

通过上面代码分析,在this 需要调整的时候,都是通过AddMethod(FinalOverriderMD,ThunkInfo(ThisAdjustmentOffset, ReturnAdjustment,ForceReturnAdjustmentMangling ? MD : nullptr))函数来添加一个ThunkInfo的结构体,ThunkInfo在结构体(实现在ABI.h)如下:

struct ThunkInfo {/// The \c this pointer adjustment.ThisAdjustment This;/// The return adjustment.ReturnAdjustment Return;/// Holds a pointer to the overridden method this thunk is for,/// if needed by the ABI to distinguish different thunks with equal/// adjustments. Otherwise, null./// CAUTION: In the unlikely event you need to sort ThunkInfos, consider using/// an ABI-specific comparator.const CXXMethodDecl *Method;ThunkInfo() : Method(nullptr) { }ThunkInfo(const ThisAdjustment &This, const ReturnAdjustment &Return,const CXXMethodDecl *Method = nullptr): This(This), Return(Return), Method(Method) {}friend bool operator==(const ThunkInfo &LHS, const ThunkInfo &RHS) {return LHS.This == RHS.This && LHS.Return == RHS.Return &&LHS.Method == RHS.Method;}bool isEmpty() const {return This.isEmpty() && Return.isEmpty() && Method == nullptr;}

Thunkinfo的结构体有一个method,存放函数的真正实现,This和Return记录this需要调整的信息,然后在生成方法的时候,根据这些信息,编译器自动插入thunk函数的信息,通过ItaniumMangleContextImpl::mangleThunk(const CXXMethodDecl *MD,const ThunkInfo &Thunk,raw_ostream &Out)的函数,我们得到了证实,函数如下:

(mangle和demangle:将C++源程序标识符(original C++ source identifier)转换成C++ ABI标识符(C++ ABI identifier)的过程称为mangle;相反的过程称为demangle。wiki)

void ItaniumMangleContextImpl::mangleThunk(const CXXMethodDecl *MD,const ThunkInfo &Thunk,raw_ostream &Out) {//  < special-name> ::= T < call-offset> < base encoding>//                      # base is the nominal target function of thunk//  < special-name> ::= Tc < call-offset> < call-offset> < base encoding>//                      # base is the nominal target function of thunk//                      # first call-offset is 'this' adjustment//                      # second call-offset is result adjustmentassert(!isa< CXXDestructorDecl>(MD) &&"Use mangleCXXDtor for destructor decls!");CXXNameMangler Mangler(*this, Out);Mangler.getStream() << "_ZT";if (!Thunk.Return.isEmpty())Mangler.getStream() << 'c';// Mangle the 'this' pointer adjustment.Mangler.mangleCallOffset(Thunk.This.NonVirtual,Thunk.This.Virtual.Itanium.VCallOffsetOffset);// Mangle the return pointer adjustment if there is one.if (!Thunk.Return.isEmpty())Mangler.mangleCallOffset(Thunk.Return.NonVirtual,Thunk.Return.Virtual.Itanium.VBaseOffsetOffset);Mangler.mangleFunctionEncoding(MD);


至此,通过LLVM源码我们解开了thunk技术的真面目,那么我们通过反汇编程序来验证证实一下, 这里使用objdump 或者逆向利器 hopper都可以,小编使用的是hopper,汇编代码如下:

1.我们先来看编译器实现的thunk 版的test函数









在这里我们可以确定的 thunk技术:






注意:在这里可以看到,内存中有两份VBase,在多继承中分为普通继承、虚函数继承、虚继承。虚继承主要是为了解决上面看到的问题:在内存中同时有两份Vbase 的内存,将上面的代码改动一下就会确保内存中的实例只有一份:

class VBaseA: public VBase 改成 class VBaseA: public virtual VBase

class VBaseB: public VBase 改成 class VBaseB: public virtual VBase



我们发现thunk函数是 non-virtual-thunk类型,那对应的virtual-thunk是什么类型呢?


public A {virtual void test() {}
public B {virtual void test1() {}
public C {virtual void test2() {}
public D : public virtual A, public virtual B, public C {virtual void test1() { // 这里实现的test1函数在 B类的虚函数表里就是virtual-trunk的类型}virtual void test2() { // 这里实现的test2函数在 C类的虚函数表示就是no-virtual-trunk的类型}



3 为什么LLDB调试器显示的地址一样呢?

如果做了偏移,那为什么LLDB expression显示的地址是派生类对象的首地址呢?

到了现在了解了什么是thunk技术,还没有一个问题没有解决:就是LLDB调试的时候,显示的this的地址是基类偏移后的(派生类的地址),前面通过汇编分析编译器在类型转换的时候,做了真正的偏移,通过读取内存地址也发现是偏移后的真实地址,那lldb expression获取的地址为啥还是派生类的地址呢?由此可以猜测是LLDB调试器通过exppress 命令执行的时候做了类型的转换。

通过翻阅LLDB调试器的源码和LLDB说明文档,通过文档得知LLDB在每次拿到一个地址,需要向用户友好的展示的时候,首先需要通过summary format()进行格式化转换,格式化转化的依据是动态类型(lldb-getdynamictypeandaddress)的获取,在LLDB源码的bool ItaniumABILanguageRuntime::GetDynamicTypeAndAddress (lldb-summary-format)函数中找到了答案,代码如下

 // For Itanium, if the type has a vtable pointer in the object, it will be at// offset 0// in the object.  That will point to the "address point" within the vtable// (not the beginning of the// vtable.)  We can then look up the symbol containing this "address point"// and that symbol's name// demangled will contain the full class name.// The second pointer above the "address point" is the "offset_to_top".  We'll// use that to get the// start of the value object which holds the dynamic type.
bool ItaniumABILanguageRuntime::GetDynamicTypeAndAddress(ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &dynamic_address,Value::ValueType &value_type) {// For Itanium, if the type has a vtable pointer in the object, it will be at// offset 0// in the object.  That will point to the "address point" within the vtable// (not the beginning of the// vtable.)  We can then look up the symbol containing this "address point"// and that symbol's name// demangled will contain the full class name.// The second pointer above the "address point" is the "offset_to_top".  We'll// use that to get the// start of the value object which holds the dynamic type.//class_type_or_name.Clear();value_type = Value::ValueType::eValueTypeScalar;// Only a pointer or reference type can have a different dynamic and static// type:if (CouldHaveDynamicValue(in_value)) {// First job, pull out the address at 0 offset from the object.AddressType address_type;lldb::addr_t original_ptr = in_value.GetPointerValue(&address_type);if (original_ptr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)return false;ExecutionContext exe_ctx(in_value.GetExecutionContextRef());Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();if (process == nullptr)return false;Status error;const lldb::addr_t vtable_address_point =process->ReadPointerFromMemory(original_ptr, error);if (!error.Success() || vtable_address_point == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {return false;}class_type_or_name = GetTypeInfoFromVTableAddress(in_value, original_ptr,vtable_address_point);if (class_type_or_name) {TypeSP type_sp = class_type_or_name.GetTypeSP();// There can only be one type with a given name,// so we've just found duplicate definitions, and this// one will do as well as any other.// We don't consider something to have a dynamic type if// it is the same as the static type.  So compare against// the value we were handed.if (type_sp) {if (ClangASTContext::AreTypesSame(in_value.GetCompilerType(),type_sp->GetForwardCompilerType())) {// The dynamic type we found was the same type,// so we don't have a dynamic type here...return false;}// The offset_to_top is two pointers above the vtable pointer.const uint32_t addr_byte_size = process->GetAddressByteSize();const lldb::addr_t offset_to_top_location =vtable_address_point - 2 * addr_byte_size;// Watch for underflow, offset_to_top_location should be less than// vtable_address_pointif (offset_to_top_location >= vtable_address_point)return false;const int64_t offset_to_top = process->ReadSignedIntegerFromMemory(offset_to_top_location, addr_byte_size, INT64_MIN, error);if (offset_to_top == INT64_MIN)return false;// So the dynamic type is a value that starts at offset_to_top// above the original address.lldb::addr_t dynamic_addr = original_ptr + offset_to_top;if (!process->GetTarget().GetSectionLoadList().ResolveLoadAddress(dynamic_addr, dynamic_address)) {dynamic_address.SetRawAddress(dynamic_addr);}return true;}}}return class_type_or_name.IsEmpty() == false;

通过上面代码分析可知,每次在通过LLDB 命令expression动态调用 指针地址的时候,LLDB 会去按照调试器默认的格式进行格式化,格式化的前提是动态获取到对应的类型和偏移后的地址;在碰到C++有虚表的时候,且不是虚表中的第一个基类指针的时候,就会使用指针上头的offset_to_top 获取到这个对应动态的类型和返回动态获取的该类型对象开始的地址。

五 总结

  1. 上面主要验证了在指针类型转换的时候,编译器内部做了真实的地址偏移;
  2. 通过上面的分析,我们得知编译器在函数调用时通过thunk技术动态调整入参this指针和返回值this指针,保证C++调用时this的正确性;
  3. 在通过LLDB expression获取非虚函数基类指针内容时,LLDB内部通过summary format进行格式化转换,格式化转化时会进行动态类型的获取。

六 工具篇

1 获取汇编程序


clang++ -E main.cpp -o main.i
clang++ -S main.i


objdump -S -C 可执行程序

反汇编利器: hopper



Xcode->Debug->Debug WorkFlow->Show disassembly

2 导出C++内存布局


clang++ -cc1 -emit-llvm -fdump-record-layouts -fdump-vtable-layouts main.cpp

七 参考文献

Dynamic types in LLDB
Variable Formatting — The LLDB Debugger
lldb/ItaniumABILanguageRuntime.cpp at bc19e289f759c26e4840aab450443d4a85071139 · llvm-mirror/lldb · GitHub
clang: lib/AST/VTableBuilder.cpp Source File
clang: include/clang/Basic/ABI.h Source File






  1. 虚函数、纯虚函数、虚基类、抽象类、虚函数继承、虚继承

    虚函数:虚函数是C++中用于实现多态(polymorphism)的机制.核心理念就是通过基类访问派生类定义的函数.是C++中多态性的一个重要体现,利用基类指针访问派生类中的成员             ...

  2. C++虚函数继承与虚继承

    虚函数继承和虚继承是完全不同的两个概念. 虚函数继承是解决多态性的,当用基类指针指向派生类对象的时候,基类指针调用虚函数的时候会自动调用派生类的虚函数,这就是多态性,也叫动态编联. 虚继承就是为了节约 ...

  3. 虚函数继承与虚函数表-汇编码分析

    (Owed by: 春夜喜雨 http://blog.csdn.net/chunyexiyu) 参考:https://www.equestionanswers.com/cpp/vptr-and-vta ...

  4. 基类的构造函数也可以被继承_「C++ Primer plus 心得」13.类继承

    本章内容: is-a 关系的继承: 如何以公有方式从一个类派生出另一个类: 保护访问: 构造函数成员初始化列表: 向上和向下强制转换: 虚成员函数: 早期(静态)联编与晚期(动态)联编: 抽象基类: ...

  5. C++中虚函数继承类的内存占用大小计算

    前半部分转自https://www.cnblogs.com/SeekHit/p/7570247.html 其中为32位字节对齐,后半部分给出自己的理解. 字节对齐的原理见链接https://www.c ...

  6. 「镁客·请讲」虚之实康成:等风来不如先发制人,打磨好硬件产品才是王道...

    虚之实的VIA WALK原地行走器可以让我们在虚拟世界自由行走和互动. 戴上VR头显,绑上护具,调试好设备,握好枪摆好姿势--在线下体验店里,我们经常会看到这样的场景. 但是如果想要在虚拟空间中来回走 ...

  7. horizon client 无法识别域_「领域驱动设计DDD」事件风暴简介:实现域驱动设计的简便方法...

    事件风暴是一种快速,轻量级且未得到充分认可的群体建模技术,它对于加速开发团队而言非常强大,有趣且有用.作为Alberto Brandolini的心血结晶,它是Gamestorming和领域驱动设计(D ...

  8. 伯克利AI研究院解析「反向课程学习」,改善「强化学习智能体」并应用于机器人技术

    原文来源:arXiv 作者:Wieland Brendel.Jonas Rauber.Matthias Bethge 「雷克世界」编译:嗯~阿童木呀.哆啦A亮 众所周知,强化学习(RL)是一种强大的技 ...

  9. 一口气搞懂《虚函数和纯虚函数》

    学习C++的多态性,你必然听过虚函数的概念,你必然知道有关她的种种语法,但你未必了解她为什么要那样做,未必了解她种种行为背后的所思所想.深知你不想在流于表面语法上的蜻蜓点水似是而非,今天我们就一起来揭 ...


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