此文章为Motion planning for self-driving cars上第二课的笔记,主要讲述占据栅格地图的生成。由于课程中算法也是参考《probability robot》这本书,书中对算法的解释更为详尽,因此本文同时参考了课程内容和中文版《概率机器人》。

1. 占用栅格地图算法简介

式中m 为地图; Z1:t为从开始到时刻 t 的所有测量值; X1:t为用所有固定于车辆上的雷达位姿定义的路径。对于无人驾驶汽车来说,测量值Z表示测得的障碍物到雷达的距离,X包括车辆在二维平面内的全局坐标和航向角。
标准的占用栅格方法将构建地图这一问题划分为一些独立的间题,即为所有的栅格单元 mi建立后验概率:
对数占用概率(log odds)取值范围为(-inf,inf),如下图所示



2. inverse_sensor_model算法




3. 示例程序(课程第2课作业)


def inverse_scanner(num_rows, num_cols, x, y, theta, meas_phi, meas_r, rmax, alpha, beta):m = np.zeros((M, N))for i in range(num_rows):for j in range(num_cols):# Find range and bearing relative to the input state (x, y, theta).r = math.sqrt((i - x)**2 + (j - y)**2)phi = (math.atan2(j - y, i - x) - theta + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi# Find the range measurement associated with the relative bearing.k = np.argmin(np.abs(np.subtract(phi, meas_phi)))# If the range is greater than the maximum sensor range, or behind our range# measurement, or is outside of the field of view of the sensor, then no# new information is available.if (r > min(rmax, meas_r[k] + alpha / 2.0)) or (abs(phi - meas_phi[k]) > beta / 2.0):m[i, j] = 0.5# If the range measurement lied within this cell, it is likely to be an object.elif (meas_r[k] < rmax) and (abs(r - meas_r[k]) < alpha / 2.0):m[i, j] = 0.7# If the cell is in front of the range measurement, it is likely to be empty.elif r < meas_r[k]:m[i, j] = 0.3return m


def get_ranges(true_map, X, meas_phi, rmax):(M, N) = np.shape(true_map)x = X[0]y = X[1]theta = X[2]meas_r = rmax * np.ones(meas_phi.shape)# Iterate for each measurement bearing.for i in range(len(meas_phi)):# Iterate over each unit step up to and including rmax.for r in range(1, rmax+1):# Determine the coordinates of the cell.xi = int(round(x + r * math.cos(theta + meas_phi[i])))yi = int(round(y + r * math.sin(theta + meas_phi[i])))# If not in the map, set measurement there and stop going further.if (xi <= 0 or xi >= M-1 or yi <= 0 or yi >= N-1):meas_r[i] = rbreak# If in the map, but hitting an obstacle, set the measurement range# and stop ray tracing.elif true_map[int(round(xi)), int(round(yi))] == 1:meas_r[i] = rbreakreturn meas_r


# Simulation time initialization.
T_MAX = 150
time_steps = np.arange(T_MAX)#[0 1 2 ...149]# Initializing the robot's location.
x_0 = [30, 30, 0]# The sequence of robot motions.
u = np.array([[3, 0, -3, 0], [0, 3, 0, -3]])
u_i = 1# Robot sensor rotation command
w = np.multiply(0.3, np.ones(len(time_steps)))# True map (note, columns of map correspond to y axis and rows to x axis, so
# robot position x = x(1) and y = x(2) are reversed when plotted to match
M = 50
N = 60
true_map = np.zeros((M, N))#真值地图
true_map[0:10, 0:10] = 1
true_map[30:35, 40:45] = 1
true_map[3:6,40:60] = 1;
true_map[20:30,25:29] = 1;
true_map[40:50,5:25] = 1;# Initialize the belief map.
# We are assuming a uniform prior.
m = np.multiply(0.5, np.ones((M, N)))#置信度地图,初始化都为0.5# Initialize the log odds ratio.
L0 = np.log(np.divide(m, np.subtract(1, m)))#初始化l0
L = L0# Parameters for the sensor model.
meas_phi = np.arange(-0.4, 0.4, 0.05)#[-0.4,-0.35,...0,0.05,...0.35],弧度
rmax = 30 # Max beam range.
alpha = 1 # Width of an obstacle (distance about measurement to fill in).
beta = 0.05 # Angular width of a beam.# Initialize the vector of states for our simulation.
x = np.zeros((3, len(time_steps)))
x[:, 0] = x_0


meas_rs = []
meas_r = get_ranges(true_map, x[:, 0], meas_phi, rmax)#0时刻测量半径范围
invmods = []
invmod = inverse_scanner(M, N, x[0, 0], x[1, 0], x[2, 0], meas_phi, meas_r, \rmax, alpha, beta)#0时刻概率图
ms = []
ms.append(m)# Main simulation loop.
for t in range(1, len(time_steps)):# Perform robot motion.move = np.add(x[0:2, t-1], u[:, u_i]) # If we hit the map boundaries, or a collision would occur, remain still.if (move[0] >= M - 1) or (move[1] >= N - 1) or (move[0] <= 0) or (move[1] <= 0) \or true_map[int(round(move[0])), int(round(move[1]))] == 1:x[:, t] = x[:, t-1]u_i = (u_i + 1) % 4else:x[0:2, t] = movex[2, t] = (x[2, t-1] + w[t]) % (2 * math.pi)# TODO Gather the measurement range data, which we will convert to occupancy probabilities# using our inverse measurement model.meas_r = get_ranges(true_map, x[:, t], meas_phi, rmax)#t时刻测量半径范围meas_rs.append(meas_r)# TODO Given our range measurements and our robot location, apply our inverse scanner model# to get our measure probabilities of occupancy.invmod = inverse_scanner(M, N, x[0, t], x[1, t], x[2, t], meas_phi, meas_r, \rmax, alpha, beta)#t时刻概率图invmods.append(invmod)# TODO Calculate and update the log odds of our occupancy grid, given our measured# occupancy probabilities from the inverse model.L = np.log(np.divide(invmod, np.subtract(1, invmod)))#t时刻inverse_sensor_model# TODO Calculate a grid of probabilities from the log odds.Lt = np.subtract(np.add(np.log(np.divide(ms[t-1], np.subtract(1, ms[t-1]))),L),L0)m=np.subtract(1,np.divide(1,np.add(1,np.exp(Lt))))ms.append(m)


4. 仿真效果验证


选取[10, 40]、[40, 30]、[40, 35]、[50, 0]、[5, 10]、[15, 20]、[50, 25]这几个点进行计算,得出的占用概率分别为:




5. 参考

[1].Coursera无人驾驶课程:Motion planning for self-driving cars

Motion planning for self-driving cars课程笔记1:应用雷达数据生成占用栅格地图(Occupancy Grid Map)相关推荐

  1. Apollo进阶课程㉒丨Apollo规划技术详解——Motion Planning with Autonomous Driving

    原文链接:进阶课程㉒丨Apollo规划技术详解--Motion Planning with Autonomous Driving 自动驾驶车辆的规划决策模块负责生成车辆的行驶行为,是体现车辆智慧水平的 ...

  2. 【R】【课程笔记】04+05 数据预处理+收益率计算

    本文是课程<数据科学与金融计算>第4-5章的学习笔记,主要介绍金融数据处理.收益率计算和R与C++调用,用于知识点总结和代码练习,Q&A为问题及解决方案. 往期回顾: 博文 内容 ...

  3. <Principles of fMRI 1>课程笔记2 功能核磁数据的分析

    fmri是一种非侵入技术:fmri扫描没有已知的副作用.在fmri实验中,在被试完成任务时测量一系列的大脑图像.然后单个图片的测量信号的变化被用来推断任务-相关的脑活动. fmri是在一段时间内多次测 ...

  4. Apollo进阶课程㉓丨Apollo规划技术详解——Motion Planning with Environment

    原文链接:进阶课程㉓丨Apollo规划技术详解--Motion Planning with Environment 当行为层决定要在当前环境中执行的驾驶行为时,其可以是例如巡航-车道,改变车道或右转, ...

  5. Motion Planning中的问题与挑战

    在自动驾驶系统中包含定位.感知.预测.决策规划和控制算法模块,其中决策规划模块相当于自动驾驶系统的大脑.SAE将自动驾驶分为L0-L5六个等级,随着自动驾驶等级的提供,决策规划模块的重要性也随之提高. ...

  6. 【R】【课程笔记】07 分位数回归与VaR(ES)计算

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  7. 【R】【课程笔记】02+03 基于R软件的计算

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  8. 【R】【课程笔记】08 金融投资组合决策分析

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  9. 4 Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars 课程习题编程解答及笔记

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