Book7  Unit5  Travelling


Ⅰ. Teaching contents 教学内容

Unit5 Travelling Abroad ( NEFC Book7 ) Using Language: Speaking,

Reading and Writing



Ⅱ. Design of Teaching Objectives

1.Knowledge objectives语言知识目标:

Through this period of class, enable students grasp the

following words, phrases and sentence patterns.

a.Important words重点词汇


Important phrases 重点短语

Out of the question, settle in

c.Sentence patterns 功能句式

1) Likes and dislikes 爱好与厌恶

I like / don’t like doing / to do…

I prefer to…

I enjoy / love / hate doing…

2) Probability and improbability 可能与不可能

We could / might...

It would be possible to do…/ that…

It is (im)possible to do…/ that…

2.Ability objectives 语言能力目标

1) Through reading,make students to acquire detailed information

about Peru, and use the information and the words they have learnt

to describe an experience of travelling.


2) Enable the students to describe tourist

attractions of a place with the target language。


3.Affective objectives 情感态度目标

Help the students learn more about travelling abroad and create

the affection to love the world. Furthermore, help the students

love and cherish the beautiful and peaceful life.

Ⅲ. Teaching important points 教学重点

Describe tourist attractions of a place with the

target language.

Ⅳ. Teaching difficult points 教学难点

Talk about tours in and around Cuzco with functional items


Ⅴ. Teaching methods 教学方法

Task-based reading; Discussing; Brainstorming ; Speaking and


Ⅵ. Teaching Aids 教学辅助

1. a blackboard 黑板

2. a tape recorder 录音机

3. a computer for multimedia 多媒体

Ⅶ. Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step1 Lead in (2minutes) (引入3分钟)




Step2 Speaking (6minutes) (说6分钟)



Sentence patterns 功能句式

1) Likes and dislikes 爱好与厌恶

I like / don’t like doing / to do…

I prefer to…

I enjoy / love / hate doing…

2) Probability and improbability 可能与不可能

We could / might...

It would be possible to do…/ that…

It is (im)possible to do…/ that…


T: Do you like travelling?

S1: Yes, I like travelling…

T: Which country do you prefer to go?


T: Do you like to travel alone?

S3 It is impossible for me to do alone…



Step3 Reading One (6minutes) (阅读一6分钟)

Read the

passage on page 43 and answer the following questions about the

detailed information of Peru.(Play the tape of the first

part播放第一部分的录音) ,老师通过多媒体展示秘鲁地图,学生可结合地理课堂上学到的相关知识了解有关秘鲁的更多信息。

1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists?

2. What is special about Lake Titicaca?

3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are?

Answers to the questions

1. Cuzco is popular because it is close to Machu Picchu and is a

good place to see both Spanish .and Indian culture and art.

2. Lake Titicaca is the highest lake in the world, on which

boats can travel.

3. Spanish and Indian.





Step 4 Reading Two (20minutes) (阅读二20分钟)

Read the brochure of the tours in Peru and finish the following

tasks.(Play the tape according to each tour)


Task One (10minutes) (任务一10分钟)

Read the

four tours and finish the following exercises. (Use multimedia)


1. What can people see?

(Key: Jungle, wildlife, mountain scenery, ancient ruins, sunrise

over the Andes)

2. In what way will people travel?

(Key: On hike, by train.)


3. What places will people get to?

(Key: Cuzco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, floating islands of the Uros

people, Lima)

4. In what way will people get to the floating islands of the

Uros people?

A. by

road B. by


C. by

train D. by

boat (D)


5. What can people do on this tour?

1). ____________________ (Key: learn about the history)

2). visit the museums

3). ____________________ (Key: admire the Spanish architecture)

4). enjoy excellent Spanish cuisine

5). buy souvenirs

6). ____________________ (Key: view the ancient ruins and the royal tomb)


T or F

6. In the forest reserve in the Andes, you can see most birds in

one area. (F)

7. You can travel the jungle with a local

guide. (T)


Task Two Translating (8minutes) (任务二翻译8分钟)

Please translate the following sentences into Chinese. And

remember the phrases and structures relevant to travelling.


1. The capital of Peru is Lima, which is in the

north on the coast.


2. It is a popular tourist destination as it is close

to the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu.


3. Peru offers a variety of experiences from

ancient ruins and centuries-old Spanish villages to

thick forests, high mountains and desert coastline.


4. Admire the Spanish architecture, enjoy some

excellent Spanish cuisine and with a local guide take some

time to bargain for some souvenirs at the

colorful markets .


5. During this four-day walking tour, you will be amazed by

mountain scenery we pass on our hike. It is the

perfect place for you. (最后一句出自本课听力材料)


6. Peru has abundant plants from desert grasses to vast

areas of jungle.


Conclusion and consolidation: give the students two minutes to

review the exercises in Task Two and require them to bear the

phrases unlined and sentence structures, which can be useful for

the following writing task.



Task Three Writing (6minutes) (任务三写6分钟)

Use the

phrases and structures in Task Two to finish the writing task.

Requirement: Use the phrases and structures in Task Two to

translate following passage into English.(幻灯展示,自主练习)




Ankang lies in the south of Shanxi, which is a popular tourist

destination as it is close to the capital city, Xi’an. Ankang

offers a variety of experiences from ancient architectures and

centuries-old rural villages to thick forests, high mountains and

clear Hanjiang River. Ankang has abundant plants, rare wild animals

and well-known Chinese herbs. Here you can enjoy some excellent

local cuisine and take some time to bargain for some souvenirs with

a local guide at the colorful markets. you will be amazed by

mountain scenery you pass on your hike. Especially in summer, it is

the perfect place for you to visit.



Two的目的是使学生熟悉Using Language里的重点短语和句型结构,同时也为Task Three的练习做铺垫。设置Task


① parallel

② abundant

③ govern

④ out of the question

⑤ settle in

⑥I prefer to do…

Step5 Language study (5 minutes) 语言学习5分钟

Step6 Discussion and Homework (2 minutes)


1. How to describe an experience trevaliing if you have a

seven-day trip?

2. Try to know more about Peru after class.

3. Learn language points, such as lone, abundant and so on.

Ⅷ. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard (板书设计)

Unit5 Travelling Abroad

Speaking, Reading and Writing: Peru

1. Important words

parallel: (adj) be parallel to

abundant: (adj) be abundant in

govern: (vt.) to rule or control

be governed

by government n.

2. Important phrases

out of the question: not possible or not allowed

out of question: without question or no doubt

一句话巧区别:有the 不可能,没the没问题。

settle in:1) to become used to; 2) to make yourself comfortable

and prepare to stay somewhere for a period of time



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