更快地编写更好的代码:5 分钟阅读


最近,我阅读了David Farley的“现代软件工程”,它详细阐述了现代软件开发核心的持久性原则。我认为这本书对于经验丰富的工程师和初级工程师来说都是一个很好的资源,尽管从不同的角度来看。

新开发人员会发现这本书是关于如何在不重新发明轮子的情况下设计和开发软件的好指南。当您刚刚开始编写应用程序代码的第一行时,Farley 先生会亲自指导您如何做出合理的决定。对于一位经验丰富的工程师来说,作者的书似乎是关于现代软件工程中的挑战和解决方案的复杂对话。






图 1:利比亚撒哈拉阿卡克斯山脉的史前岩画







图 2:Liam Neeson 修复错误



David Farley强调了在软件开发过程中经验丰富的重要性。他的观点很简单:做事实核查,而不是仅仅依靠一些理论假设。例如,我们大多数人都知道多线程程序通常用于增强应用程序的性能。但这适用于所有情况吗?绝对没有!即使在一些微不足道的情况下,单线程程序也可以快几倍。简而言之,我们确实根据理论和经验设计了高性能的应用程序代码,但它必须通过数十次测试和测量来验证。事实上,在大多数项目中,度量是软件工程过程的重要组成部分。




图 3:处理旧代码的超级英雄


在我的软件工程职业生涯之初,我的清洁架构和清洁代码。经过多年的经验,阅读David Farley的《现代软件工程》,感觉就像是从现代软件开发动态的角度对类似主题的延伸和探索。我建议大家在空闲时间阅读这些书籍。翻阅这些页面似乎是在短暂的休息时间与作者在办公室厨房就软件技术进行有趣的对话。


  1. 清洁代码之道:一份实用关于如何编写和维护干净整洁的好代码的的方法 The Art Of Clean Code

  2. 来自软件架构大师的 4 个真理

  3. 程序员架构修炼之道:软件架构设计的37个一般性原则

  4. 软件架构设计的核心:抽象与模型、“战略编程”

  5. 软件架构的本质

  6. 快看软件架构风格总结: 各种历史和现代软件架构风格的快速总结

  7. 软件架构师成长之路: Master Plan for becoming a Software Architect

  8. 软件架构设计杂记:  好作品是改出来的,好的代码是不断重构打磨出来的, 心性是历经艰难困苦修炼出来的

Write Better Code Faster: 5 min read

Trivial tips on how to code faster without compromising quality

Recently, I’ve read “Modern Software Engineering” by David Farley, which elaborates on durable principles at the heart of modern software development. I think this book is a great source for both experienced and junior engineers, though from different perspectives.

Fresh developers will find the book as good guide on how to design & develop a software without reinventing the wheel. Mr. Farley gives hands on instructions how to make reasonable decisions when you’ve just started writing first lines of your application code. As for an experienced engineer, the authors book would seem like a complex conversation about challenges & solutions in modern software engineering.

I want to share a few fundamental tips on how to write better code faster based on what was mentioned in the book and my personal experience as a software engineer.

Code for humans

“The primary goal of code is to communicate ideas to humans”

That is the most essential principle when you start writing your code, but yet many people are missing it. I’ve seen genius peers who could write complex lines of algorithms, yet their lines were readable only for them, and completely hidden for others. We ensure code readability adhering to certain patterns & principles, so tomorrow we can understand our own lines of program, or others can pick it up & continue working on it. And it is true not only for corporations where people change quite often, but also open source projects & even your own pet projects, which can grow & require additional hands of developers.

Think of prehistoric petroglyphs: they were inscribed a few thousands years ago, but yet we understand the message until now.

Figure 1: Prehistoric petroglyph in Acacus Mountains of Sahara, Libya

Test Driven Development

Testability strongly encourages modularity

As your code grows, keeping it readable means making it modular, Separating code into modules and then importing it piece by piece wherever needed is part of daily development process for many engineers. Developers must be able to test each module, so if any increment causes a bug they can notice it. But this is just a small piece of the story. Testability ensures that your modules are separated enough. In other words, rule of thumb is that the set of tests for a module are aimed at checking app’s specific functionality. If it is not true, then maybe one must revise his or her code.

One of approaches to develop right modular code is to follow Test Driven Development paradigm which means that first you develop your test cases per each module and then write your code. Thus you are more likely to spot problems with separation of concerns in your modules.

Avoid Self-Deception

Writing an application will soon or later involve some bug fixing process. When analysing bugs, many of us see obvious causes of it and jump on solution immediately. But it may be very deceptive as if the root cause of the problem is somewhere else then you’ve just wasted your time & resources. It happened to me very often, so that sometimes I would leave my code for days out of frustration. But whenever I came back and analysed the problem, it would be an easy fix & clean code in the end. In short, don’t let your first assumption to deceive you, otherwise you will end up with failing your deadlines & motivation.

Figure 2: Liam Neeson fixing bug


“If you are really interested in the performance of your code, don’t guess about what will be fast and what will be slow; measure it!”

David Farley emphasises the importance of being empirical in the process of software development. His point is simple: do fact checking instead of relying purely on some theoretical hypothesis. For example, most of us know that multithreaded program is usually used to enhance the performance of our application. But is this true for all cases? Definitely no! Even in some trivial cases, single threaded program can be several times faster. In short, we do design high-performance application code based on theory & experience, but it must be validated through dozens of tests & measurements. In fact, measurement is an essential part of software engineering process in most of the projects.

Embrace the change but rewrite your code wisely

“Good teams will probably rewrite half the software that they are responsible for in months; low-performing teams may never rewrite half”

As we write our code, it is quite common to rewrite them again and again as we learn and understand the problem we’re solving over some time. But we must be able to do it wisely, so that it doesn’t cost us too much. Therefore our approach to coupling & code cohesion is very imperative in sustaining stable development. For example, if we use abstractions (i.e. abstract objects) to hide accidental complexities (i.e. a piece of code dealing with the connection to the database which entails a number of errors that are not under your control) and isolate third party systems or libraries, then it will be very easy for us to come back and replace the code. The key here is that rewriting your code is normal and we must be able to embrace the change, but we must learn how to design our code so that it is easier to modify it if necessary (hint: ask yourself whether your code is testable enough?).

Figure 3: Super hero dealing with an old code

Final notes

I have read Robert Martin’s Clean Architecture & Clean Code in the beginning of my Software Engineering career. After many years of experience, reading “Modern Software Engineering” by David Farley feels like an extension and exploration of similar topics from the perspective of modern software development dynamics. I suggest you all to read these books in your free time. Going over those pages seemed like having an interesting conversation about software technology with the author in the office kitchen during short breaks.

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