S3C6410 SD Card一键烧写 WINCE 6.0

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关于 S3C6410 安卓编译及烧录的博客在我的博客园里面,就不往 CSDN 平台上迁移了

我的博客园地址:S3C6410 安卓源码编译以及烧录流程

下载地址:S3C 6410 烧写工具及 SD Card 启动镜像 提取码:i2z1
下载地址:S3C6410 WINCE 6.0 系统镜像文件 提取码:r0cd
PC 上打开 DNW 软件

PC 上右键 此电脑 设备管理器–>> 端口(COM 和 LP)


编号 镜像文件 说明
1 STEPLDR.nb0 Steplooder 上电时最先加载,用于引导 Eboot
2 STEPLDR.bin STEPLDR.nb0 压缩后的文件
3 EBOOT.nb0 Eboot 用于引导 WinCE 的镜像 NK,以及一些参数的设定,如液晶屏的分辨率等。
4 EBOOT.bin Eboot.nb0 压缩后的文件
5 NB.bin WinCE 系统的镜像文件


系统上电 -> STEPLDR -> EBOOT -> NK

一键烧写 WinCE 系统

编号 名称 说明
1 SD_Write.exe 用于制作 SD 卡引导的工具
2 IROM_EBOOT_SDFUSER.nb0 制作 SD 卡引导用到的文件

直接拷贝到 SD 卡里的镜像文件

编号 镜像文件 说明
1 STEPLDR.nb0 Steplooder 上电时最先加载,用于引导 Eboot
2 STEPLDR.bin STEPLDR.nb0 压缩后的文件
3 EBOOT.nb0 Eboot 用于引导 WinCE 的镜像 NK,以及一些参数的设定,如液晶屏的分辨率等。
4 EBOOT.bin Eboot.nb0 压缩后的文件
5 NK.bin WinCE 系统的镜像文件


编号 步骤 硬件准备 软件准备 注意事项
1 将 SD 卡格式化成 FAT 32 格式 SD 卡、读卡器 Windows 系统
2 制作 SD 卡启动 SD 卡、读卡器 SD_Write 软件
3 将镜像文件拷贝到 SD 卡中 SD 卡、读卡器
4 将开发板拨码到 SD 卡启动 开发板
5 开发板上电、烧写系统 开发板
6 将开发板拨码到 Nand 启动 开发板


硬件准备 开发板、SD 卡、SD 卡读卡器
软件准备 Windows 操作系统 1、SD_Write.exe

文件系统一定要选择 FAT32,分配单元大小按道理应该选择默认就行,但是我这里不行,必须选择 4096 对齐,因为我自己实际操作下来烧录 WIN CE 6.0 系统时会报 FATAL ERROR ALIGN IS NOT by 4Byte 这个错误。

如果操作正确,会显示 It’s OK 的弹窗

将开发板拨码开关调整到 SD 卡启动,插入 SD 卡


Welcome! This tool just for TE/OK6410
Arguments area is initialized
INFO: (unsigned)C_IsrHandler : 0x8008095C
INFO: (unsigned)ASM_IsrHandler : 0x80084018
INFO: (unsigned)pISR : 0xEA020FFE
HSMMC init
[HSMMC1] Setting registers for the EPLL (for SDCLK) : SYSCon.
[HSMMC0] Setting registers for the GPIO.
[HSMMC1] Setting registers for the EPLL : HSMMCCon.
#### this SD card is made on SPEC 2.0
This SD card is made on SPEC 2.0CardSize: 1983905792
[HSMMCLIB:INF] ClockConfig() Card Working Frequency = 24MHz
[FMD] ++FMD_Init() ****
[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x00002c38
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 1024
[FMD] FMD_Init() : PAGES_PER_BLOCK = 128
[FMD] --FMD_Init()
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
wNUM_BLOCKS : 1024(0x400)
TOC_Init: dwEntry:1, dwImageType: 0x2, dwImageStart: 0x0, dwImageLength: 0x0, dwLaunchAddr: 0x0
TOC {dwSignature: 0x434F544E
BootCfg { ConfigFlags: 0x10020BootDelay: 0x2ImageIndex: 1 IP: Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00Port:
ID[0] {dwVersion: 0x20004dwSignature: 0x45424F54String: 'eboot.nb0'dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x80dwLoadAddress: 0x80030000dwJumpAddress: 0x80030000dwStoreOffset: 0x0sgList[0].dwSector: 0x100sgList[0].dwLength: 0x80
ID[1] {dwVersion: 0x1dwSignature: 0x43465348String: ''dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x0dwLoadAddress: 0x0dwJumpAddress: 0x0dwStoreOffset: 0x0
chainInfo.dwLoadAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwFlashAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwLength: 0X00000000
[Eboot] ++InitializeDisplay()
[Eboot] --InitializeDisplay()
Press [ENTER] to download image stored on boot media, or [SPACE] to enter boot monitor.Initiating image download in 0 seconds. Starting auto-download ...
Erase  the block '0..3'
System ready!
Preparing for download...
f_mount return = 0x0
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2000
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2000
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2000
g_pDownPt = 0xA300211B BL_IMAGE_TYPE_MANIFESTBL_IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWNDownload BIN file information:
[0]: Base Address=0x0  Length=0x2000
Stepldr image
ImageStart = 0x0, ImageLength = 0x2000, LaunchAddr = 0x0Completed file(s):
[0]: Address=0x0  Length=0x2000  Name="stepldr.nb0" Target=RAM
BP_Init  iSighForSlcMlc = 1
[FMD] ++FMD_Init() ****
[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x00002c38
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 1024
[FMD] FMD_Init() : PAGES_PER_BLOCK = 128
[FMD] --FMD_Init()
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 8192(0x2000), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 8(0x8), BYTESPERSECTOR = 2048(0x800)
dwImageLength = 0x2000
dwNumBlocks = 0x1
dwBlock(0x0) X g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock(0x8) = 0x0
dwBytesPerBlock : 16384
INFO: Step loader image stored to Smart Media.  Please Reboot.  Halting...
FileInfo.fsize = 0x5CB5B
FileInfo.fsize = 0x5CB5B
g_pDownPt = 0xA305CB5B BL_IMAGE_TYPE_BINDownload BIN file information:
[0]: Base Address=0x80030000  Length=0x5efe0
Eboot image
ImageStart = 0x80030000, ImageLength = 0x5EFE0, LaunchAddr = 0x80081BC4Completed file(s):
[0]: Address=0x80030000  Length=0x5EFE0  Name="" Target=RAM
ROMHDR at Address 80030044h
BP_Init  iSighForSlcMlc = 0
[FMD] ++FMD_Init() ****
[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x00002c38
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 1024
[FMD] FMD_Init() : PAGES_PER_BLOCK = 128
[FMD] --FMD_Init()
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
dwImageLength = 0x5efe0
dwNumBlocks = 0x1
dwBlock(0x2) X g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock(0x80) = 0x100
dwBytesPerBlock : 524288
TOC {dwSignature: 0x434F544E
BootCfg { ConfigFlags: 0x20830BootDelay: 0x2ImageIndex: 1 IP: Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00Port:
ID[0] {dwVersion: 0x20004dwSignature: 0x45424F54String: 'eboot.nb0'dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x5FdwLoadAddress: 0x80030000dwJumpAddress: 0x80081BC4dwStoreOffset: 0x0sgList[0].dwSector: 0x100sgList[0].dwLength: 0x5F
ID[1] {dwVersion: 0x1dwSignature: 0x43465348String: ''dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x0dwLoadAddress: 0x0dwJumpAddress: 0x0dwStoreOffset: 0x0
chainInfo.dwLoadAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwFlashAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwLength: 0X00000000
INFO: Eboot image stored to Smart Media.  Please Reboot.  Halting...
Reserving Blocks [0x0 - 0x2] ...
...reserve complete.
Enter LowLevelFormat [0x3, 0x3ff].
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x3.
Done.BinFS format done.
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2349E77
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2349E77
g_pDownPt = 0xA5349E77 BL_IMAGE_TYPE_BINDownload BIN file information:
[0]: Base Address=0x80150000  Length=0x23e5b40
RAM image
ImageStart = 0x80150000, ImageLength = 0x23E5B40, LaunchAddr = 0x8015768CCompleted file(s):
[0]: Address=0x80150000  Length=0x23E5B40  Name="" Target=RAM
ROMHDR at Address 80150044h
+WriteOSImageToBootMedia: g_dwTocEntry =1, ImageStart: 0x80150000, ImageLength: 0x23e5b40, LaunchAddr:0x8015768c
INFO: OEMLaunch: Found chain extenstion: '' @ 0x80150000
Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: 37641024
IsValidMBR: block = 0x0.
IsValidMBR: block = 0x1.
IsValidMBR: block = 0x2.
IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x180 (valid MBR)
OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x0 for part 0x21.
CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0x21.
LastLogSector: Last log sector is: 0x1fdff.
CreatePartition: Start = 0x200, Num = 0x2400.
Log2Phys: Logical 0x200 -> Physical 0x380
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x3.
BP_SetDataPointer at 0x0
Log2Phys: Logical 0x200 -> Physical 0x380
Write OS to Nand Flash finished!!!
Updated TOC!
IsValidMBR: block = 0x0.
IsValidMBR: block = 0x1.
IsValidMBR: block = 0x2.
IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x180 (valid MBR)
OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x0 for part 0xb.
CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0xb.
FindFreeSector: FreeSector is: 0x2600 after processing part 0x21.
CreatePartition: Num sectors set to 0x1d700 to allow for compaction blocks.
CreatePartition: Start = 0x2600, Num = 0x1d700.
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x3.
TOC {dwSignature: 0x434F544E
BootCfg { ConfigFlags: 0x20830BootDelay: 0x2ImageIndex: 1 IP: Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00Port:
ID[0] {dwVersion: 0x20004dwSignature: 0x45424F54String: 'eboot.nb0'dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x5FdwLoadAddress: 0x80030000dwJumpAddress: 0x80081BC4dwStoreOffset: 0x0sgList[0].dwSector: 0x100sgList[0].dwLength: 0x5F
ID[1] {dwVersion: 0x1dwSignature: 0x43465348String: ''dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x23E6dwLoadAddress: 0x80150000dwJumpAddress: 0x8015768CdwStoreOffset: 0x0sgList[0].dwSector: 0x380sgList[0].dwLength: 0x23E6
chainInfo.dwLoadAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwFlashAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwLength: 0X00000000
INFO: using TOC[1] dwJumpAddress: 0x8015768c
[Eboot] ++InitializeDisplay()
[Eboot] --InitializeDisplay()

烧写完成后你会听到蜂鸣器持续的响声,这时可以拔掉开发板电源,并将 拨码开关拨到 Nand Flash 启动模式
再次上电,快速按下 空格键 进入 Eboot 模式

按下 S 回车选择对应的屏

最后再选择 W 回车保存,然后重新上电开机即可:

整个烧写系统到选择 LCD 屏到完整开机的串口消息如下:

Welcome! This tool just for TE/OK6410
Arguments area is initialized
INFO: (unsigned)C_IsrHandler : 0x8008095C
INFO: (unsigned)ASM_IsrHandler : 0x80084018
INFO: (unsigned)pISR : 0xEA020FFE
HSMMC init
[HSMMC1] Setting registers for the EPLL (for SDCLK) : SYSCon.
[HSMMC0] Setting registers for the GPIO.
[HSMMC1] Setting registers for the EPLL : HSMMCCon.
#### this SD card is made on SPEC 2.0
This SD card is made on SPEC 2.0CardSize: 1983905792
[HSMMCLIB:INF] ClockConfig() Card Working Frequency = 24MHz
[FMD] ++FMD_Init() ****
[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x00002c38
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 1024
[FMD] FMD_Init() : PAGES_PER_BLOCK = 128
[FMD] --FMD_Init()
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
wNUM_BLOCKS : 1024(0x400)
TOC_Init: dwEntry:1, dwImageType: 0x2, dwImageStart: 0x0, dwImageLength: 0x0, dwLaunchAddr: 0x0
TOC {dwSignature: 0x434F544E
BootCfg { ConfigFlags: 0x10020BootDelay: 0x2ImageIndex: 1 IP: Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00Port:
ID[0] {dwVersion: 0x20004dwSignature: 0x45424F54String: 'eboot.nb0'dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x80dwLoadAddress: 0x80030000dwJumpAddress: 0x80030000dwStoreOffset: 0x0sgList[0].dwSector: 0x100sgList[0].dwLength: 0x80
ID[1] {dwVersion: 0x1dwSignature: 0x43465348String: ''dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x0dwLoadAddress: 0x0dwJumpAddress: 0x0dwStoreOffset: 0x0
chainInfo.dwLoadAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwFlashAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwLength: 0X00000000
[Eboot] ++InitializeDisplay()
[Eboot] --InitializeDisplay()
Press [ENTER] to download image stored on boot media, or [SPACE] to enter boot monitor.Initiating image download in 0 seconds. Starting auto-download ...
Erase  the block '0..3'
System ready!
Preparing for download...
f_mount return = 0x0
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2000
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2000
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2000
g_pDownPt = 0xA300211B BL_IMAGE_TYPE_MANIFESTBL_IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWNDownload BIN file information:
[0]: Base Address=0x0  Length=0x2000
Stepldr image
ImageStart = 0x0, ImageLength = 0x2000, LaunchAddr = 0x0Completed file(s):
[0]: Address=0x0  Length=0x2000  Name="stepldr.nb0" Target=RAM
BP_Init  iSighForSlcMlc = 1
[FMD] ++FMD_Init() ****
[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x00002c38
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 1024
[FMD] FMD_Init() : PAGES_PER_BLOCK = 128
[FMD] --FMD_Init()
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 8192(0x2000), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 8(0x8), BYTESPERSECTOR = 2048(0x800)
dwImageLength = 0x2000
dwNumBlocks = 0x1
dwBlock(0x0) X g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock(0x8) = 0x0
dwBytesPerBlock : 16384
INFO: Step loader image stored to Smart Media.  Please Reboot.  Halting...
FileInfo.fsize = 0x5CB5B
FileInfo.fsize = 0x5CB5B
g_pDownPt = 0xA305CB5B BL_IMAGE_TYPE_BINDownload BIN file information:
[0]: Base Address=0x80030000  Length=0x5efe0
Eboot image
ImageStart = 0x80030000, ImageLength = 0x5EFE0, LaunchAddr = 0x80081BC4Completed file(s):
[0]: Address=0x80030000  Length=0x5EFE0  Name="" Target=RAM
ROMHDR at Address 80030044h
BP_Init  iSighForSlcMlc = 0
[FMD] ++FMD_Init() ****
[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x00002c38
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 1024
[FMD] FMD_Init() : PAGES_PER_BLOCK = 128
[FMD] --FMD_Init()
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
dwImageLength = 0x5efe0
dwNumBlocks = 0x1
dwBlock(0x2) X g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock(0x80) = 0x100
dwBytesPerBlock : 524288
TOC {dwSignature: 0x434F544E
BootCfg { ConfigFlags: 0x20830BootDelay: 0x2ImageIndex: 1 IP: Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00Port:
ID[0] {dwVersion: 0x20004dwSignature: 0x45424F54String: 'eboot.nb0'dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x5FdwLoadAddress: 0x80030000dwJumpAddress: 0x80081BC4dwStoreOffset: 0x0sgList[0].dwSector: 0x100sgList[0].dwLength: 0x5F
ID[1] {dwVersion: 0x1dwSignature: 0x43465348String: ''dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x0dwLoadAddress: 0x0dwJumpAddress: 0x0dwStoreOffset: 0x0
chainInfo.dwLoadAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwFlashAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwLength: 0X00000000
INFO: Eboot image stored to Smart Media.  Please Reboot.  Halting...
Reserving Blocks [0x0 - 0x2] ...
...reserve complete.
Enter LowLevelFormat [0x3, 0x3ff].
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x3.
Done.BinFS format done.
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2349E77
FileInfo.fsize = 0x2349E77
g_pDownPt = 0xA5349E77 BL_IMAGE_TYPE_BINDownload BIN file information:
[0]: Base Address=0x80150000  Length=0x23e5b40
RAM image
ImageStart = 0x80150000, ImageLength = 0x23E5B40, LaunchAddr = 0x8015768CCompleted file(s):
[0]: Address=0x80150000  Length=0x23E5B40  Name="" Target=RAM
ROMHDR at Address 80150044h
+WriteOSImageToBootMedia: g_dwTocEntry =1, ImageStart: 0x80150000, ImageLength: 0x23e5b40, LaunchAddr:0x8015768c
INFO: OEMLaunch: Found chain extenstion: '' @ 0x80150000
Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: 37641024
IsValidMBR: block = 0x0.
IsValidMBR: block = 0x1.
IsValidMBR: block = 0x2.
IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x180 (valid MBR)
OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x0 for part 0x21.
CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0x21.
LastLogSector: Last log sector is: 0x1fdff.
CreatePartition: Start = 0x200, Num = 0x2400.
Log2Phys: Logical 0x200 -> Physical 0x380
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x3.
BP_SetDataPointer at 0x0
Log2Phys: Logical 0x200 -> Physical 0x380
Write OS to Nand Flash finished!!!
Updated TOC!
IsValidMBR: block = 0x0.
IsValidMBR: block = 0x1.
IsValidMBR: block = 0x2.
IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x180 (valid MBR)
OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x0 for part 0xb.
CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0xb.
FindFreeSector: FreeSector is: 0x2600 after processing part 0x21.
CreatePartition: Num sectors set to 0x1d700 to allow for compaction blocks.
CreatePartition: Start = 0x2600, Num = 0x1d700.
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x3.
TOC {dwSignature: 0x434F544E
BootCfg { ConfigFlags: 0x20830BootDelay: 0x2ImageIndex: 1 IP: Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00Port:
ID[0] {dwVersion: 0x20004dwSignature: 0x45424F54String: 'eboot.nb0'dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x5FdwLoadAddress: 0x80030000dwJumpAddress: 0x80081BC4dwStoreOffset: 0x0sgList[0].dwSector: 0x100sgList[0].dwLength: 0x5F
ID[1] {dwVersion: 0x1dwSignature: 0x43465348String: ''dwImageType: 0x2dwTtlSectors: 0x23E6dwLoadAddress: 0x80150000dwJumpAddress: 0x8015768CdwStoreOffset: 0x0sgList[0].dwSector: 0x380sgList[0].dwLength: 0x23E6
chainInfo.dwLoadAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwFlashAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwLength: 0X00000000
INFO: using TOC[1] dwJumpAddress: 0x8015768c
[Eboot] ++InitializeDisplay()
[Eboot] --InitializeDisplay()WinCE 6.0 Steploader for SMDK6410
Launch Eboot...Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader Common Library Version 1.4 Built Nov  4 2011 17:06:29
Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader for the Samsung SMDK6410 Version 2.4 Built Nov  4 2011[FMD] ++FMD_Init() ****
[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x00002c38
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 1024
[FMD] FMD_Init() : PAGES_PER_BLOCK = 128
[FMD] --FMD_Init()
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
Press [ENTER] to launch image stored on boot media, or [SPACE] to enter boot monitor.Initiating image launch in 1 seconds. Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration:0) IP address:
1) Subnet mask:
2) DHCP: Disabled
3) Boot delay: 2 seconds
4) Reset to factory default configuration
5) Startup image: LAUNCH EXISTING
6) Program disk image into SmartMedia card: Enabled
7) Program DM9000A MAC address (00:00:00:00:00:00)
8) KITL Configuration: DISABLED
9) Format Boot Media for BinFSA) Erase All Blocks
B) Mark Bad Block at Reserved Block
C) Clean Boot Option: FALSE
D) Download image now
E) Erase Reserved Block
F) Low-level format the Smart Media card
L) LAUNCH existing Boot Media image
R) Read Configuration
S) Lcd Resolution select(480x272)
U) DOWNLOAD image now(USB)
W) Write Configuration Right NowEnter your selection: S0)3.5'LCD   320X240
1)4.3'LCD  480X272
2)5.6'LCD  640X480
3)7.0'LCD  800X480
4)8.0' & VGA   800X600
5)HDMI      1024X768 Select Lcd Resolution [0-5]: 3
Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration:0) IP address:
1) Subnet mask:
2) DHCP: Disabled
3) Boot delay: 2 seconds
4) Reset to factory default configuration
5) Startup image: LAUNCH EXISTING
6) Program disk image into SmartMedia card: Enabled
7) Program DM9000A MAC address (00:00:00:00:00:00)
8) KITL Configuration: DISABLED
9) Format Boot Media for BinFSA) Erase All Blocks
B) Mark Bad Block at Reserved Block
C) Clean Boot Option: FALSE
D) Download image now
E) Erase Reserved Block
F) Low-level format the Smart Media card
L) LAUNCH existing Boot Media image
R) Read Configuration
S) Lcd Resolution select(800x480)
U) DOWNLOAD image now(USB)
W) Write Configuration Right NowEnter your selection: w
Successfully WrittenEthernet Boot Loader Configuration:0) IP address:
1) Subnet mask:
2) DHCP: Disabled
3) Boot delay: 2 seconds
4) Reset to factory default configuration
5) Startup image: LAUNCH EXISTING
6) Program disk image into SmartMedia card: Enabled
7) Program DM9000A MAC address (00:00:00:00:00:00)
8) KITL Configuration: DISABLED
9) Format Boot Media for BinFSA) Erase All Blocks
B) Mark Bad Block at Reserved Block
C) Clean Boot Option: FALSE
D) Download image now
E) Erase Reserved Block
F) Low-level format the Smart Media card
L) LAUNCH existing Boot Media image
R) Read Configuration
S) Lcd Resolution select(800x480)
U) DOWNLOAD image now(USB)
W) Write Configuration Right NowEnter your selection:
WinCE 6.0 Steploader for SMDK6410
Launch Eboot...Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader Common Library Version 1.4 Built Nov  4 2011 17:06:29
Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader for the Samsung SMDK6410 Version 2.4 Built Nov  4 2011[FMD] ++FMD_Init() ****
[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x00002c38
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 1024
[FMD] FMD_Init() : PAGES_PER_BLOCK = 128
[FMD] --FMD_Init()
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
Press [ENTER] to launch image stored on boot media, or [SPACE] to enter boot monitor.Initiating image launch in 0 seconds.
Launching image from boot media ...
Loading Kernel......
System ready!
Preparing for download...
INFO: *** Device Name 'SMDK64100' ***
INFO: Using static IP address 0000.
INFO: Using subnet mask 2525250.
INFO: using TOC[1] dwJumpAddress: 0x8015768c
INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x5015768Ch (Virtual Address 0x8015768Ch)...Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Sep 25 2009 at 11:04:23
[OAL] ++OEMInit()
[OAL] S3C6410_APLL_CLK   : 532000000
[OAL] ARMCLK : 532000000
[OAL] HCLK   : 133000000
[OAL] PCLK   : 66500000
[OAL] InitializeGPIO()
[OAL] InitializeCLKSource()
[OAL] InitializeCLKGating()
[OAL] InitializeBlockPower()
DCache: 128 sets, 4 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
ICache: 128 sets, 4 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
Arguments area has some values
+OALTimerInit( 1, 33249, 0 )
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 38, sysIntr = 16)
[OAL] --OEMInit()
[FMD] ++FMD_Init() ****
[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x00002c38
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 1024
[FMD] FMD_Init() : PAGES_PER_BLOCK = 128
[FMD] --FMD_Init()
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
[FMD:ERR] FMD_OEMIoControl() : Unknown IOCTL (0x00071c24)
[FMD] FMD_GetInfo() : NUMBLOCKS = 1024(0x400), SECTORSPERBLOCK = 128(0x80), BYTESPERSECTOR = 4096(0x1000)
[OAL] Not Clear System Hive
[OAL] Not Clear User Hive
[OAL] Not Clear System Hive
WARN: OALIoCtlHalGetHWEntropy: Buffer too small
[PWRCON]  PWC_Init***
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 11, sysIntr = 18)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 9, sysIntr = 19)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 40, sysIntr = 20)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 19, sysIntr = 21)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 23, sysIntr = 22)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 20, sysIntr = 23)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 88, sysIntr = 24)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 73, sysIntr = 25)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 74, sysIntr = 26)
[HSMMC0] Initializing the HSMMC Host Controller
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 94, sysIntr = 27)
[HSMMC0] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[HSMMC1] Initializing the HSMMC Host Controller
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 7, sysIntr = 28)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 95, sysIntr = 29)
[HSMMC0] Card is Inserted!
[HSMMC1] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[HSMMC1] Card is Inserted!
[HSMMC0] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[HSMMC0] Setting for 1 bit mode , Clock Rate = 100000 Hz
[HSMMC0] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
ERR CMD:5 : ERR CMD:1 : [HSMMC1] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[HSMMC1] Setting for 1 bit mode , Clock Rate = 100000 Hz
[HSMMC1] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
ERR CMD:5 : ERR CMD:8 : ERR CMD:1 : ERR CMD:55 : [HSMMC1] CMD Timeout Error...
<Davicom DM9000A driver for WinCE 6.0>
[dm9: Tries to map io space with 18000000]
[dm9: The mapped address is D2BC0000]
[dm9: Chip signature is 0A469000]
[UFNPDD] USB Serial Function Class Enabled
[USB] dii.dwIrq = 96
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 96, sysIntr = 30)
Current Client "Serial_Class"
[UFNPDD] USB Serial Function Class Enabled
[SDBUS] SD Card Spec Version : 2.00
[SDBUS] SD/SDHC supports the high-speed mode.
[HSMMC0] Setting for 4 bit mode , Clock Rate = 50000000 Hz
[HSMMC0] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[USBH] HcdPdd_Init()[USBH] ++InitializeOHCI()[USBH] --InitializeOHCI() : Success-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 13, sysIntr = 31)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 14, sysIntr = 32)
DEBUG: CreateSerialObject 1
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 62, sysIntr = 33)
DEBUG: CreateSerialObject 2
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 63, sysIntr = 34)
DEBUG: CreateSerialObject 3
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 64, sysIntr = 36)[MFC POWER] Power is up.
[MFC POWER] Power is down-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 26, sysIntr = 37)
MFC Interrupt has been initialized.
[MFC POWER] Power is down
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 18, sysIntr = 38)
[DISPDRV] S3C6410Disp:Close FLprogressbar thread
[DISPDRV] S3C6410Disp::S3C6410Disp()
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 21, sysIntr = 39)
2D Sysintr : 39
[DISPDRV:] S3C6410Disp() : m_pDispConReg->VIDTCON2 = efb1f
[OAL] LcdWidth(800)  LcdHeight(480)
ChangeDisplaySettingsEx changed rotation angle to 0
+Select all column
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 32, sysIntr = 40)
+[KEYBD]Enter Infinite Loop
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 100, sysIntr = 41)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 37, sysIntr = 42)
[HSMMC0] Card is Removed!


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