

innovation 创新

innovative 创新的

resume 简历

applicants 申请者

job applicants 求职者

Ph.D.s 博士生

master’s degree 研究生学位

entitled 标题为 (使用词根词缀可以分为en+titled titled就是标题的意思)

brief 简要

readership 读者人数

prosperity 繁荣

enthusiasm 激情

convenience 便利性

arouse 激发

industries 行业

modernized 被现代化

fatal 致命的

electronic 电子的

cure 治愈

industrial 工业的

medical 医疗的

environmental 环境的

educational 教育的

foster 培养

critically 批判性的

awareness 意识

financial aid 财务支持

carry out 实施


垃圾词汇 高级替代词汇 含义
if suppose;supposing that 假如
many a host of; in large numbers 数目很多
want to intends to;targets to;long to;desires to 想要
get attain;obtain 获得
-------- a variety of;various 各种各样的
as far as I’m concerned I’m convinced;I firmly believe 我认为
big great 巨大的


1 假如我们人类社会想要获得并享受长久的繁荣,我们应该保持人类的创新思维。

Supposing that our human society desires to attain and enjoy long-time prosperity, it is advisable for humans to maintain their innovative minds.

2 假如一个人想要获得并享受长久的幸福,XXX是非常不明智的做法。

Supposing that one desires to attain and enjoy long-time happiness, it is advisable for sb.to …

3 生活在信息时代我们正在使用各种各样基于创意的科技产品,例如数码相机、笔记本电脑和智能手机。

Living in an era of information, we are using a variety of technological products, which are based on innovative ideas, such as digital cameras, portable computers and smart phones.

4 这些创造性发明带给我们巨大的便利,唤起我们对未来生活的激情,并促进社会进步。

These creative inventions bring us great convenience,arouse our enthusiasm for future life , and help our society to move forward.

5 事实上,很多智者都已经开始意识到,创新对我们社会发展的重要性…

As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have realized the significance of innovation for our social development…

6 没有创新,工业永远不会现代化;没有创新,我们的医学科学永远无法至于一些致命疾病;而且没有创新,就没有我们今天用的电子产品。

without innovation,industries can never be modernized;

without innovation, our medical science can never cure so many fatal diseases;

and without innovation, there would be no electronic products we use today.

7 我们应当牢记,创新确实提升了社会的、科技的和文化的发展进步。

We should bear in mind that innovation does enhance the social, scientific and cultural advancement.

8 因此,在校学生应当被教育去批判性思考来培养创新意识;科学家应该被给予财务支持来提出创新思想并开展创新研究。

Therefore,college students on campus should be educated to think critically to foster their innovative awareness;scientists should be supposed with financial aid to propose innovative ideas and carry out innovative researches.

9 当然,作为一名大学生,我认为学生非常有必要提出创新的方法来提高学习效率。

Of course, as a college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for students to propose innovative approaches to enhance their efficiency of leaning.


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