
1.单选题 (1分)
Which of the following is not a principle for writing the results section of a research paper?

2.单选题 (1分)

The following sentences a-d are taken from the result section of a research paper, but they are in a scrambled order. Which of the choices below shows the correct order?

3.单选题 (1分)
The following sentences a-e are taken from the result section of a research paper, but they are in a scrambled order. Which of the choices below shows the correct order?

4.单选题 (1分)
Fill in the blank with the right choice.
___________, home disks are the most frequent source of infection.

5.单选题 (1分)
Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition.
“As can be seen ________ a comparison of the two tables, household income is a more reliable predictor than level of education.

6.单选题 (1分)
Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition.
“As described ________ the previous page, there are two common types of abstracts.”


1.单选题 (1分)
Which of the following is not the function of the discussion section of a research article?

2.单选题 (1分)

In the following sentence, which expression serves as a hedge that reduces the degree of certainty?

3.单选题 (1分)
In the following sentence, which expression serves as a hedge that reduces the degree of certainty?

4.单选题 (1分)

Fill in the blank with the right choice so that the results of the current study do not agree with those of the Green team.

5.单选题 (1分)
Fill in the blank with the best choice.
In conclusion, the results of this study provide some fascinating ___________ into the cognitive and physiological effects of skipping meals.

6.单选题 (1分)

Fill in the blank with the best choice.
This research and other research to follow will ___________ knowledge of the disadvantages—and possible advantages—of skipping meals.

7.单选题 (1分)

Which of the following statements expresses the author’s strongest certainty about his claim?

8.单选题 (1分)

Which of the following statements expresses the author’s weakest certainty about his claim?

9.单选题 (1分)
Complete the following sentence by choosing the right word.
Economic growth is mainly __________ foreign trade and investment as well as strong domestic demands.

10.单选题 (1分)

The following sentences shows the limitations of the study. Fill in the blank with the best choice.
First, this study was primarily limited by its small sample size. An earlier start in data collection __________ the time needed to survey more participants.


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