1.Thirty-two patients,——CT and MRI examinations were analyzed retrospectively.

2.According to a recent survey, 26% of all American adults, down from 38% thirty years ago, now smoke. This __________ can be partly attributed to the mounting evidence linking smoking and fatal diseases, such as cancer.

3.The professor’s refusal of a deadline __________ caused student annoyance.


The same article said that the causes of inflation were easy to find; ____________, the cure for inflation was not so easy to prescribe.

5.However, participants in 12-hour deprivation group spent significantly less time on the perseverance task than those in both the control group and the 24-hour deprivation group, __________ short-time deprivation may affect some aspects of cognition and not others.

6.Economic growth is mainly __________ foreign trade and investment as well as strong domestic demands.

7. In conclusion, the results of this study provide some fascinating ___________ into the cognitive and physiological effects of skipping meals.


Complete the following sentence by choosing the most formal word from the choices.

"Building a nuclear power plant will not ________ the energy problem completely. "

9.Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation, ________ the most fatalities.

10.First, this study was primarily limited by its small sample size. An earlier start in data collection __________ the time needed to survey more participants.

11. Which of the following sections explains the question why the study was conducted?

12.Which of the following parts of a research article answers the question how the study was conducted?

13.Which of the following is not the typical feature of research articles?

14. Compared with active voice(主动语态),which of the following statements is not a typical feature of passive voice (被动语态)?

15.Which of the following statements is not correct about the Results Section of a research article?

16. Which of the followings is not the function of references of a research article?

17.Which of the following sentences can be used to indicate a research gap in the Introduction Section?

18.Which of the following sentences can be used to establish significance of the research subject in the Introduction Section?

19.The following sentence is taken from the cover letter for a submitted manuscript. What is its purpose?

The authors declare that none of the materials in this paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

20.The following sentences are taken from the Result Section of a research article. Which sentence means that the results of the study was not similar to previous results?

21.The following sentences are taken from the Result Section of a research article. Which sentence means that the results of the study was not similar to previous results?

22.Below is part of the abstract of a research article. Which sentence identifies the problem with previous studies?

23.Below is part of the abstract of a research article. Which sentence identifies the problem with previous studies?

24.Which of the following statements makes the strongest claim?

25.In the following paragraph, which sentence is irrelevant to the topic sentence?

26.What is the lexical density (ratio between lexical words to grammar words) of the following sentence?

27.Which of the following sentences does not show a cause-and-effect relationship?

28.The following sentences a-d are taken from the beginning of the Introduction Section of a research article. Reorganize them so that it conforms to the logical order of Introduction.

29.The following sentences a-f are taken from the Discussion Section of a research article. The first and the last sentences are given, but the rest sentences are in a scrambled order. Put them in the correct order.

30.The following sentences a-e are taken from the abstract of a research article. The first and the last sentences are given, but the rest sentences are in a scrambled order. Put them in the correct order.


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