Java 调用Google Map Api解析地址,解析经纬度实例

JAVA Code:

* System Abbrev :
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* Author        :Peter.Qiu
* Date          :2014-9-18
* Description   :  <description>
*//* Updation record 1:* Updation date        :  2014-9-18* Updator          :  Peter.Qiu* Trace No:  <Trace No>* Updation No:  <Updation No>* Updation Content:  <List all contents of updation and all methods updated.>*/
import;import net.sf.json.JSONObject;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;import;/*** <Description functions in a word>* type :1-->address 2-->latlng* <Detail description>* * @author  Peter.Qiu* @version  [Version NO, 2014-9-18]* @see  [Related classes/methods]* @since  [product/module version]*/
public final class GoogleGeocoderUtil {public static final int ADDRESS = 1;public static final int LATLNG = 2;private final String GOOGLEAPIURL="";private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GoogleGeocoderUtil.class.getName());private int type ;//1-->address 2-->latlngpublic int getType() {return type;}public void setType(int type) {this.type = type;}private static GoogleGeocoderUtil instance;public static GoogleGeocoderUtil getInstance() {if(instance == null){instance = new GoogleGeocoderUtil();}return instance;}/** <Description functions in a word>* 2014-9-18* <Detail description>* @author  Peter.Qiu* @param address * @return* @return GoogleGeocodeJSONBean [Return type description]* @throws Exception * @exception throws [Exception] [Exception description]* @see [Related classes#Related methods#Related properties]*/public GoogleGeocodeJSONBean geocodeByAddress(String address) throws Exception{if(address == null || address.equals("")){return null;}"geocode By Address : "+address);"Start geocode");GoogleGeocodeJSONBean bean = null;BufferedReader in= null;HttpURLConnection httpConn = null;try {"Start open url");String urlPath = GOOGLEAPIURL+"&address="+URLEncoder.encode(address,"UTF-8");;if(this.getType() == LATLNG){urlPath = GOOGLEAPIURL+"&latlng="+address;}"url : "+urlPath);URL url = new URL(urlPath);httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();"End open url");httpConn.setDoInput(true);   in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpConn.getInputStream(),"UTF-8"));   String line;String result="";while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {   result += line;   }   in.close();//httpConn.disconnect();JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject( result );bean = (GoogleGeocodeJSONBean) JSONObject.toBean( jsonObject, GoogleGeocodeJSONBean.class );if(bean != null && bean.status.equalsIgnoreCase("ok") && bean.results != null && bean.results[0].geometry.getLocation() != null){"Start display Geocode info");"Formatted Address :" + bean.results[0].getFormatted_address());"geometry Location : " + bean.results[0].geometry.getLocation().getLat() + ","+bean.results[0].geometry.getLocation().getLng());"End display Geocode info");}"End geocode");return bean;} catch (MalformedURLException e) {log.error(e);throw e;} catch (IOException e) {log.error(e);throw e;} finally {if (in != null) {try {in.close();} catch (IOException e) {log.error(e);throw e;}}if (httpConn != null) {httpConn.disconnect();}}}public String getGoogleLongitudeDimensions(GoogleGeocodeJSONBean googleBean) throws IOException{if (googleBean != null &&  googleBean.status.equalsIgnoreCase("ok")&& googleBean.results[0] != null&& googleBean.results[0].formatted_address != null&& googleBean.results[0].getGeometry().location != null&& googleBean.results[0].getGeometry().location.getLat() != null&& googleBean.results[0].getGeometry().location.getLng() != null) {String formatted_Address = googleBean.results[0].formatted_address;String location = googleBean.results[0].getGeometry().location.getLat()+","+googleBean.results[0].getGeometry().location.getLng();return formatted_Address.trim()+"|"+location;}return null;}/** <Description functions in a word>* 2014-9-18* <Detail description>* @author  Peter.Qiu* @param args [Parameters description]* @return void [Return type description]* @throws Exception * @exception throws [Exception] [Exception description]* @see [Related classes#Related methods#Related properties]*/public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {try {getInstance().setType(2);GoogleGeocodeJSONBean bean = getInstance().geocodeByAddress("39.90403,116.407526");} catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}}

完整的Demo:Java 调用Google Map Api解析地址,解析经纬度实例


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