
Looking for the best iPhone apps for bloggers that you should install? You’re probably already using multiple apps on your iPhone to assist with blogging. In this article, we have shared our hand-picked top 10 must have iPhone apps for bloggers, WordPress users, and online marketers.

寻找您应该安装的最佳Blogger iPhone应用程序? 您可能已经在iPhone上使用了多个应用程序来协助撰写博客。 在本文中,我们分享了我们为博客,WordPress用户和在线营销人员精心挑选的前十名必须拥有iPhone应用程序。

1. WordPress.com应用 (1. Apps) offers beautifully designed apps to manage your as well as self hosted websites. See our guide on the difference between vs for more details.

WordPress.com提供设计精美的应用程序来管理您的WordPress.com以及自托管的WordPress.org网站。 有关更多详细信息,请参见关于WordPress.com与WordPress.org之间区别的指南。

The app is available for iOS, Android, as well as desktop computers. It allows you to write and edit posts on the go, share photos, get push notifications, and manage comments.

该应用程序可用于iOS,Android和台式计算机。 它使您可以随时随地编写和编辑帖子,共享照片,获取推送通知以及管理评论。

One downside of using the app is that some of its features, like stats, would require you to create a account and install JetPack on your site. However these features are optional, and you can still use the app without using those features.

使用该应用程序的一个缺点是其某些功能(如统计信息)需要您创建WordPress.com帐户并在您的网站上安装JetPack。 但是,这些功能是可选的,您仍然可以在不使用这些功能的情况下使用该应用程序。

2.尤利西斯 (2. Ulysses)

If you are looking for a killer writing experience on your iPhone, then checkout Ulysses. It is an award winning paid app, and you will love the writing experience it offers.

如果您正在寻找iPhone上的杀手级书写体验,请查看Ulysses。 这是一款屡获殊荣的付费应用程序,您将喜欢它提供的书写体验。

The app basically gets out of your way when you are writing, allowing you to be more productive even on smaller screen. It is a writing app that works with WordPress and Medium. You can share and open files with Notes, Google Drive, DropBox, and more.

编写应用程序时,该应用程序基本上不会影响您的工作,即使在较小的屏幕上也可以使您提高工作效率。 这是一个与WordPress和Medium兼容的写作应用程序。 您可以使用Notes,Google云端硬盘,DropBox等共享和打开文件。

It also comes with intuitive organization for all your writing projects making it easier to stay organized while on the go. Text editing uses markdown syntax allowing you to be able to write freely without constantly tapping small buttons to format or add links.

它还为您的所有写作项目提供直观的组织,使您在旅途中更容易保持组织。 文本编辑使用markdown语法,使您能够自由书写,而无需不断点击小按钮来设置格式或添加链接。

3.饲料 (3. Feedly)

Want to read all your favorite websites and blogs on the go? Then checkout Feedly. It is the smartest way to subscribe to your favorite websites, read them whenever you want, and on whichever device you are using. Feedly is available for browsers, desktop, iOS, Android, and more.

想要随时随地阅读所有喜欢的网站和博客吗? 然后结帐Feedly。 这是订阅您喜欢的网站,在任何需要的时间以及使用的设备上阅读它们的最明智的方法。 Feedly适用于浏览器,台式机,iOS,Android等。

It is probably the best RSS feed reader on the market. Offering a clean and clear reading experience, intelligent tracking of what you have read, and easier tools to organize your subscriptions.

它可能是市场上最好的RSS feed阅读器。 提供干净清晰的阅读体验,智能跟踪您已阅读的内容,以及更轻松的工具来组织您的订阅。

4. Snapseed (4. Snapseed)

Your iPhone comes with a great camera and sometimes you may need to edit photos on the go using your iPhone. Unfortunately, out of the box it doesn’t come with advanced image editing tool that can do all the things you want to do. This is where Snapseed comes in.

您的iPhone配备了出色的相机,有时您可能需要在旅途中使用iPhone编辑照片。 不幸的是,开箱即用的是它没有提供可以完成所有您想做的事情的高级图像编辑工具。 这就是Snapseed进来的地方。

Created by Google, Snapseed is an advanced photo editing app for mobile devices. It is available for both Android and iPhone, and has some really amazing features like healing brush, edit history, filters, color and light balance, and more.

Snapseed由Google创建,是用于移动设备的高级照片编辑应用程序。 它适用于Android和iPhone,并具有一些非常神奇的功能,例如修复笔刷,编辑历史记录,滤镜,颜色和光平衡等等。

You’ll be surprised how easy Snapseed makes it to use taps and gestures for advanced editing features. It is a must have app for your iPhone if you regularly share photos from your phone.

您会惊讶于Snapseed多么容易使用点击和手势进行高级编辑功能。 如果您定期共享手机中的照片,则它是iPhone的必备应用程序。


Do you sometimes wish that someone could automate several aspects of your blogging and social media? IFTTT is that virtual assistant you’ve been wishing for.

您有时是否希望有人可以自动化您的博客和社交媒体的多个方面? IFTTT是您一直想要的虚拟助手。

It allows you to automate your social media, blogging, mobile usage, and internet of things.


Basically, you just set conditions for different apps, and when those conditions are matched IFTTT performs the actions you have defined. For example, it can tweet your new articles, share them on Facebook, retweet articles, and lots more.

基本上,您只是为不同的应用程序设置条件,并且当这些条件匹配时,IFTTT会执行您定义的操作。 例如,它可以发布您的新文章,在Facebook上分享它们,转发文章以及更多。

See our guide on how to automate WordPress and social media with IFTTT for more details.


6. Google身份验证器 (6. Google Authenticator)

One of the most important tip you will find in our WordPress security guide is to enable two step verification for your WordPress login screen. Google Authenticator is the app you will need to enable it.

您将在我们的WordPress安全指南中找到最重要的提示之一,就是为您的WordPress登录屏幕启用两步验证。 Google Authenticator是您需要启用它的应用程序。

It generates time-sensitive passwords that you will need to enter along with your WordPress password. Since these passwords are generated on your mobile device and only for a short time, hackers will not be able to easily break into your website.

它会生成您需要输入的时间敏感密码以及WordPress密码。 由于这些密码是在您的移动设备上生成的,并且只能生成很短的时间,因此黑客将无法轻松进入您的网站。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add Google Authenticator 2-step verification in WordPress.

有关详细说明,请参见有关如何在WordPress中添加Google Authenticator两步验证的指南 。

7. LastPass (7. LastPass)

There are identity thieves, malware, and cyber attacks lurking in the dark corners of the internet. Your first line of defense against these threats are your passwords. You should always use unique strong passwords for all your online accounts. Now, the question is how to keep track of all those strong passwords?

互联网的黑暗角落里潜伏着身份盗窃,恶意软件和网络攻击。 抵御这些威胁的第一道防线是密码。 您应该始终对所有在线帐户使用唯一的强密码。 现在,问题是如何跟踪所有这些强密码?

You don’t need to. LastPass is a password manager app that works on all browsers, operating systems, and even on your iPhone. It allows you to automatically save and enter passwords. You can also safely share your passwords with co-workers without them being able to look at the password.

不用了 LastPass是一个密码管理器应用程序,可在所有浏览器,操作系统甚至iPhone上运行。 它允许您自动保存和输入密码。 您也可以安全地与同事共享密码,而无需他们查看密码。

For more on this topic, see our guide on how to manage passwords for WordPress beginners.


Alternate: Authy, 1Password

备用: Authy , 1Password

8.手推式 (8. Pushbullet)

Pushbullet is a neat app that allows you to share files between your devices. It works on all operating systems, iPhone, Android, plus all major browsers. This comes in particularly handy when you want to send a file from one device to another without syncing all your files.

Pushbullet是一款简洁的应用程序,可让您在设备之间共享文件。 它适用于所有操作系统,iPhone,Android以及所有主要的浏览器。 当您要从一个设备向另一个设备发送文件而不同步所有文件时,这特别方便。

It also allows you to view notifications from your phone in your browser or desktop. You can also view and send text messages to your phone from your desktop.

它还允许您在浏览器或台式机中查看来自手机的通知。 您还可以从台式机查看短信并将短信发送到手机。

9.白铁矿 (9. Hootsuite)

While the default social media apps work just fine for most users, they miss out on many features that you’d need as a blogger, online marketer, or a business owner.


Some of these features include scheduling, social media monitoring, analytics, unified dashboard, collaboration, etc. Hootsuite is probably the most popular app that offers all these features under a beautiful simplified dashboard.

其中一些功能包括日程安排, 社交媒体监控 ,分析,统一的仪表板,协作等。Hootsuite可能是最受欢迎的应用程序,可以在漂亮的简化仪表板下提供所有这些功能。

10. Evernote (10. Evernote)

Evernote has been the number one choice among bloggers as their favorite note taking app. It is powerful and intuitive allowing you to take notes, save links, set reminders, and share them across all your devices. You can also share notes with anyone using Evernote or any third party app on your device.

Evernote作为他们最喜欢的笔记应用程序,已经成为博主中的第一选择。 它功能强大且直观,可让您记笔记,保存链接,设置提醒并在所有设备上共享。 您还可以与任何使用Evernote或设备上任何第三方应用程序的人共享笔记。

On top of that, Evernote works seamlessly with apps like, Feedly, IFTTT, Google Drive, Notes, and more. This offers you greater flexibility and a whole lot of ways to save and share your notes.

最重要的是,Evernote可与Feedly,IFTTT,Google Drive,Notes等应用程序无缝协作。 这为您提供了更大的灵活性,并提供了多种保存和共享便笺的方式。

Alternative: Google Keep

备选: Google Keep

We hope this article helped you find some new must have iPhone apps for bloggers. You may also want to see our list of the free Google tools every WordPress blogger should use.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到一些新的必备博客应用iPhone应用程序。 您可能还希望查看每个WordPress博客作者应使用的免费Google工具列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。




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