错误:[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "grants" (found in component )




使用了element UI的transfer穿梭框组件,绑定了已授权的角色id,从父组件传导子组件的prop中



computed: {grants_: {get() {return this.grants;},set(val) {//grants_改变由父组件控制this.$emit("on-change-grant", val);}}}

将绑定的grants改为绑定计算属性值grants_,此时的set方法不能写 this.grants = val,这样和直接绑定prop中的grants有什么两样呢?所以,最好要将此时的grants_改变交给父组件控制,通过父组件来改变prop的grants值。完美解决这个错误。




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