使用props进行父子组件通信时产生错误:Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop’s value. Prop being mutated: “currentIndex”



  1. 将这个父组件传进来的要修改的数据,通过$emit再传回给父组件,在父组件中进行修改。
  2. 当父组件通过props与子组件通信时,可以将数据放在一个对象中传递给子组件,这时再子组件就可以修改对象中的属性,也就修改了父组件传过来的数据。



      <tab-control:titles="titles"@choseItem="choseItem":currentIndex="currentIndex"ref="tabControl"></tab-control><script>date(){currentIndex: 0 }methods:{choseItem: function(index) {this.currentIndex = index;//在父组件修改值}}</script>


<template><div class="tabControl"><ul><liv-for="(item, index) in titles":key="index"@click="choseItem(index)":class="{ active: currentIndex === index }"><span>{{ item }}</span></li></ul></div>
export default {name: "TabControl",props: {titles: {type: Array},currentIndex: {type: Number,default: 0}},methods: {choseItem: function(index) {//this.currentIndex = index;//注意:不能在子组件修改从父组件传过来的currentIndex,既然不能在这里修改,反正都要将index传出去,那就通过emit传出去吧//告知Home组件根据下标来给Goods传数据this.$emit("choseItem", index);}}


<parent :objData="objData"></parent>data(){return {result:true}


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