

头文件Types.h (include\linux)

#include <linux/types.h>

一 整形原子操作相关函数和宏


static inline void atomic_inc(atomic_t *v)
{atomic_add_return(1, v);


static inline void atomic_dec(atomic_t *v)
{atomic_sub_return(1, v);


static inline void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v)
{atomic_add_return(i, v);


static inline void atomic_sub(int i, atomic_t *v)
{atomic_sub_return(i, v);


#define atomic_sub_and_test(i, v)    (atomic_sub_return((i), (v)) == 0)
#define atomic_dec_and_test(v)      (atomic_dec_return(v) == 0)
#define atomic_inc_and_test(v)      (atomic_inc_return(v) == 0)



atomic_t atomic_count;

二 整形原子操作使用方法

atomic_t atomic_count;

三 位原子操作



static __always_inline int test_bit(unsigned int nr, const unsigned long *addr)
{return ((1UL << (nr % __BITS_PER_LONG)) &(((unsigned long *)addr)[nr / __BITS_PER_LONG])) != 0;


/*** set_bit - Atomically set a bit in memory* @nr: the bit to set* @addr: the address to start counting from** This function is atomic and may not be reordered.  See __set_bit()* if you do not require the atomic guarantees.** Note: there are no guarantees that this function will not be reordered* on non x86 architectures, so if you are writing portable code,* make sure not to rely on its reordering guarantees.** Note that @nr may be almost arbitrarily large; this function is not* restricted to acting on a single-word quantity.*/
static inline void set_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
{unsigned long mask = BIT_MASK(nr);unsigned long *p = ((unsigned long *)addr) + BIT_WORD(nr);unsigned long flags;_atomic_spin_lock_irqsave(p, flags);*p  |= mask;_atomic_spin_unlock_irqrestore(p, flags);


/*** change_bit - Toggle a bit in memory* @nr: Bit to change* @addr: Address to start counting from** change_bit() is atomic and may not be reordered. It may be* reordered on other architectures than x86.* Note that @nr may be almost arbitrarily large; this function is not* restricted to acting on a single-word quantity.*/
static inline void change_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
{unsigned long mask = BIT_MASK(nr);unsigned long *p = ((unsigned long *)addr) + BIT_WORD(nr);unsigned long flags;_atomic_spin_lock_irqsave(p, flags);*p ^= mask;_atomic_spin_unlock_irqrestore(p, flags);


/*** clear_bit - Clears a bit in memory* @nr: Bit to clear* @addr: Address to start counting from** clear_bit() is atomic and may not be reordered.  However, it does* not contain a memory barrier, so if it is used for locking purposes,* you should call smp_mb__before_atomic() and/or smp_mb__after_atomic()* in order to ensure changes are visible on other processors.*/
static inline void clear_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
{unsigned long mask = BIT_MASK(nr);unsigned long *p = ((unsigned long *)addr) + BIT_WORD(nr);unsigned long flags;_atomic_spin_lock_irqsave(p, flags);*p &= ~mask;_atomic_spin_unlock_irqrestore(p, flags);


/*** test_and_set_bit - Set a bit and return its old value* @nr: Bit to set* @addr: Address to count from** This operation is atomic and cannot be reordered.* It may be reordered on other architectures than x86.* It also implies a memory barrier.*/
static inline int test_and_set_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
{unsigned long mask = BIT_MASK(nr);unsigned long *p = ((unsigned long *)addr) + BIT_WORD(nr);unsigned long old;unsigned long flags;_atomic_spin_lock_irqsave(p, flags);old = *p;*p = old | mask;_atomic_spin_unlock_irqrestore(p, flags);return (old & mask) != 0;


/*** test_and_clear_bit - Clear a bit and return its old value* @nr: Bit to clear* @addr: Address to count from** This operation is atomic and cannot be reordered.* It can be reorderdered on other architectures other than x86.* It also implies a memory barrier.*/
static inline int test_and_clear_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
{unsigned long mask = BIT_MASK(nr);unsigned long *p = ((unsigned long *)addr) + BIT_WORD(nr);unsigned long old;unsigned long flags;_atomic_spin_lock_irqsave(p, flags);old = *p;*p = old & ~mask;_atomic_spin_unlock_irqrestore(p, flags);return (old & mask) != 0;


/*** test_and_change_bit - Change a bit and return its old value* @nr: Bit to change* @addr: Address to count from** This operation is atomic and cannot be reordered.* It also implies a memory barrier.*/
static inline int test_and_change_bit(int nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
{unsigned long mask = BIT_MASK(nr);unsigned long *p = ((unsigned long *)addr) + BIT_WORD(nr);unsigned long old;unsigned long flags;_atomic_spin_lock_irqsave(p, flags);old = *p;*p = old ^ mask;_atomic_spin_unlock_irqrestore(p, flags);return (old & mask) != 0;


static atomic_t xxx_available = ATOMIC_INIT(1); /* 定义原子变量*/static int xxx_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
{...if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&xxx_available))  {atomic_inc(&xxx_available);return  - EBUSY;                /* 已经打开*/}...return 0;                           /* 成功 */
}static int xxx_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
{atomic_inc(&xxx_available);         /* 释放设备 */return 0;



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