mui 本地化后调试

I saw this email on a mailing list today:


We have some Chinese exchange students in town (a couple at my house actually). Some of the host families are finding that Chinese characters don’t display in IE – just boxes.

我们在城里有一些中国交换生(实际上是我家的一对)。 一些寄宿家庭发现IE中不会显示汉字,而只是显示在框中。

I did some searching for Chinese language packs for IE, but apparently I’m missing something. I can find packs for Office, and alternate versions of Windows itself – but where’s the magic download location so IE can display Chinese characters?

我做了一些搜索IE的中文语言包的操作,但是显然我遗漏了一些东西。 我可以找到Office的软件包以及Windows本身的备用版本-但是在哪里可以使IE显示汉字的神奇下载位置呢?

And while I have your attention in this matter – does anyone know of a good way to get US keyboards to enter Chinese characters? Or a virtual keyboard or something?

而且,尽管在这件事上我引起您的注意,但有人知道让美国键盘输入汉字的好方法吗? 还是虚拟键盘之类的东西?

I personally don't think it's easy enough in Windows to add another keyboard and there's still a lot of confusion about language and "language packs" because of pre-Vista versions of Windows. Even now, there are aspects of Vista that make a non-English experience more than a little confusing.

我个人认为在Windows中添加另一个键盘并不容易,并且由于Windows Vista之前的版本,在语言和“语言包”方面仍然存在很多困惑。 即使到现在, Vista的某些方面也使非英语的体验变得有些混乱。

To start with, I run Windows in English, but I'm told that there are some option updates (15 in fact!) and I'm continually (constantly?) reminded of it. I hope there won't be 945 updates in 10 years, all option, but I'll be reminded every day...

首先,我使用英语运行Windows,但被告知有一些选项更新(实际上是15个!),并且不断(不断地提醒我)。 我希望所有选项都不会在10年内有945次更新,但我会每天得到提醒。

What 15 updates are these, you ask? Why Language Packs they are...specifically "MUIs."

您问这些有15个更新? 为什么选择语言包……特别是“ MUI”。

There are two kinds of Language Packs for Vista:


Windows Vista Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI).‌ Windows Vista MUIs provide a translated version of most of the user interface. MUIs require a license to be used and are only available with Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows Vista Enterprise. If you are using Windows Vista Ultimate, you can download MUIs by using Windows Update. If you are using Windows Vista Enterprise, contact your system administrator for information about installing additional languages.

Windows Vista多语言用户界面包(MUI)。 Vista Windows Vista MUI提供大多数用户界面的翻译版本。 MUI需要使用许可证,并且仅可用于Windows Vista Ultimate和Windows Vista Enterprise。 如果您使用的是Windows Vista Ultimate,则可以使用Windows Update下载MUI。 如果您使用的是Windows Vista Enterprise,请与系统管理员联系以获取有关安装其他语言的信息。

Windows Vista Language Interface Pack (LIP).‌ Windows Vista LIPs provide a translated version of the most widely used areas of the user interface. LIPs are freely available to download, and most LIPs can be installed and used on any edition of Windows Vista. Because not all of the user interface is translated, LIPs require at least one parent language. The parts of the user interface that are not translated into the LIP language are displayed in the parent language. When you download a LIP, you get the parent language requirements for that language. The parent language pack needs to be installed before the LIP can be installed. For more information, including a list of languages available for downloading, go to the Microsoft Local Language website.

Windows Vista语言界面包(LIP)。 Vista Windows Vista LIP提供了用户界面最广泛使用区域的翻译版本。 LIP可免费下载,大多数LIP可以在任何版本的Windows Vista上安装和使用。 因为并非所有的用户界面都已翻译,所以LIP至少需要一种父语言。 用户界面中未翻译成LIP语言的部分以父语言显示。 下载LIP时,您会获得该语言的父语言要求。 必须先安装父语言包,然后才能安装LIP。 有关更多信息,包括可供下载的语言列表,请访问Microsoft Local Language网站。

Now, I'm no marketing guy, but I think MUIs (Moo-ies?) and LIPs are probably not very good names for these Language Packs and the differences are confusing.

现在,我不是市场营销人员,但我认为MUI (Moo-ies?)和LIP可能不是这些语言包的好名字,而且它们之间的差异令人困惑。

The nutshell is that:


  • MUIs are more complete and are in Windows Update for the upper-Vista SKUs.

    MUI更完整,位于上层Vista SKU的Windows Update中。

  • LIPs are partial translations (about 80%), and are free to download. They are also applied to all users on a machine.

    LIP是部分翻译(大约80%),可以免费下载。 它们也适用于计算机上的所有用户。

    • This can be a free way to get your Mom or Grandma set up with "Chinese Windows" without much hassle. They usually install on top of XP English. There's 27 languages available.

      这是一种免费的方式,可以让您的妈妈或祖母轻松安装“中文Windows”。 它们通常安装在XP English之上。 有27种语言可供选择。

You can get LIPs (Language Interface Packs) at the Local Language Website.


Where it can get confusing is that these packs are for localizing the interface. Showing the interface (output) is a different problem than inputting in another language. And all this is different from simply browsing in a foreign language.

可能引起混淆的地方是这些包用于本地化接口。 显示界面(输出)与输入另一种语言是一个不同的问题。 所有这一切都不同于简单地使用外语浏览。

Also, IE and other browsers are smart about fonts. This started around IE5, where you could visit a site in Chinese and IE would download the font automatically. Interesting, though, while you could see the Chinese inside the browser, if the <title> was also in Chinese, you'd see squares, because Windows didn't know enough about the font get render it in the Windows Title Bar.

另外,IE和其他浏览器在字体方面也很聪明。 这始于IE5,您可以在其中访问中文站点,IE会自动下载字体。 不过,有趣的是,虽然您可以在浏览器中看到中文,但是<title>也是中文,您会看到正方形,因为Windows对字体的了解不足,无法在Windows标题栏中显示它。

When a language doesn't fit the English keyboard, there is usually a method - or many methods - to input the language. Windows includes IMEs or Input Method Editors for this purpose. I talked about the Ethiopian Amharic IME recently.

当一种语言不适合英语键盘时,通常会有一种或多种方法来输入语言。 Windows为此包含了IME或输入法编辑器。 我最近谈到了埃塞俄比亚的Amharic IME 。

If you're running Vista, try this out. Go to the Control Panel and run the Regional and Language Options. Go to the Keyboards and Languages tab and click Change Keyboards. Notice the Installed Services tree view. This shows you the languages and keyboards you want available.

如果您运行的是Vista,请尝试一下。 转到“控制面板”并运行“区域和语言选项” 。 转到键盘和语言选项卡,然后单击更改键盘。 注意“已安装服务”树视图。 这会向您显示所需的语言和键盘。

Make sure you click over to the Language Bar tab and make sure that Docked in the Taskbar or Floating on the Desktop is checked. You'll see your existing culture appear in the Language Bar - mine is in the tray.

确保单击“语言栏”选项卡,并确保已选中“停靠在任务栏”或“桌面浮动”。 您会在语言栏中看到您现有的文化-我的在托盘中。

An IME will appear when you start typing in the foreign language. The IME for Chinese, specifically "Microsoft Pinyin" has many options for entry, depending on your style.

当您开始使用外语输入时,将显示一个IME。 输入法中文(特别是“ Microsoft拼音”)有多种输入方式,具体取决于您的风格。

The Japanese IME is really nice, especially on a Tablet PC, as you can draw the strokes you want with the pen or mouse and it will narrow down your choice of characters.

日语IME非常好,尤其是在Tablet PC上,因为您可以用笔或鼠标绘制所需的笔画,并且它会缩小选择字符的范围。

As Ethiopian Amharic is a syllabary kind of like Katakana in Japanese, to enter Amharic you type the English letters that sound like what you want, and you get a list of choices as seen in this screenshot:


All of these IME's are available to you already in your current Vista installation. You just have to turn them on.

在当前的Vista安装中,已经可以使用所有这些IME。 您只需要打开它们。

To summarize:


  • To see your whole Windows Interface in a different language, look at a MUI or a LIP.

    要以其他语言查看整个Windows界面,请查看MUI或LIP 。

  • To input a foreign language on your Windows machine, add a Keyboard and IME from Control Panel | Regional Settings.要在Windows机器上输入外语,请从“控制面板” |“键盘”中添加“键盘”和“ IME”。 区域设置。
  • To browse a website in a foreign language, make sure the fonts are installed. You can do it manually, or from Regional Settings. The XP example is at right. You don't need to do this on Vista, all the fonts come with it.要浏览外语网站,请确保已安装字体。 您可以手动执行此操作,也可以从“区域设置”中执行。 XP示例在右边。 您不需要在Vista上执行此操作,所有字体都随附于此。

There's some confusing parts to this initially, but once it's setup, all you have to do is select the language from the Language Bar and it just works.


Cool stuff, I say.


Scott Hanselman 是 Corillian Corporation,一家提供電子金融服務的公司的首席設計師。他在以 C、C++、Visual Basic、COM 及目前的 Visual Basic .NET 和 C# 開發軟體方面擁有超過十年的相關經驗。Scott 非常榮幸在過去三年來受任 MSDN 俄勒岡州的波特蘭地區主管一職,並同時在波特蘭和西雅圖兩地發展 Developer Days 及 Visual Studio .NET 產品推出活動的內容並發表演說。Scott 另外還在四個城市的 Microsoft®Windows Server®2003 和 Visual Studio .NET 2003 產品推出活動中演講。他在國際間陸續發表跟 Microsoft 技術有關的演講,並與其他作者合著了兩本 Wrox Press 的書。在 2001 年,Scott 於全國 15 個城市巡迴演講有關 Microsoft、Compaq 和 Intel 採用 Microsoft 技術並傳佈良好的設計實例。今年 Scott 在太平洋西岸 4 個城市的 Windows Server 2003 產品推出活動、美國及馬來西亞的 TechED,以及奧蘭多的 ASPLive 中發表演說。有關他對於 .NET, 程式設計和 Web 服務的各項領悟,請參閱。

Scott Hanselman是Corillian Corporation,一家提供电子金融服务的公司的首席设计师。他在以C,C ++,Visual Basic,COM及现有的Visual Basic .NET和C#开发软件方面拥有超过十年的相关经验。Scott非常荣幸在过去三年来受任MSDN俄勒冈州的波特兰地区主管一职,并同时在波特兰和西雅图两地发展Developer Days和Visual Studio .NET产品推出活动的内容并发表演说。四个城市的Microsoft®WindowsServer®2003和Visual Studio .NET 2003产品推出活动中演讲。他在国际间陆续发表跟微软技术有关的演讲,并与其他作者合着了两本Wrox Press的书。在2001年,Scott在全国15个城市巡回演讲有关Microsoft,Compaq和Intel采用Microsoft技术并传布良好的设计实例。今年Scott在太平洋西岸4个城市的Windows Server 2003产品推出活动,美国及马来西亚的TechED,以及有关他对于.NET,程序设计和Web服务的所有权领悟,请参见 。


mui 本地化后调试

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