Vocabulary List:

  • consequence
  • compel
  • toggle
  • hinder
  • gauge
  • decent
  • warrant
  • faculty
  • installment(instalment)
  • grim
  • scrape
  • cliche
  • forthcoming
  • infamous
  • tangible


It was an inevitable consequence of the decision. 那是这个决定的必然后果。
Don't worry. It's of no consequence. 别担心,这无关紧要。
( formal ) as a result of sth 由于;作为…的结果
[ C ] ~ (for sb/sth) a result of sth that has happened 结果;后果
[ U ] ( formal ) importance 重要性


The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children. 这项法律可强制父亲定期支付子女的费用。
Nothing can compel me to do such a thing. 没有什么可以强迫我做这件事。
compel force 迫使
compel push 强迫
to force sb to do sth; to make sth necessary 强迫;迫使;使必须
[ VN ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to cause a particular reaction 引起(反应)


You can toggle between the hierarchical and flat presentation styles. 可以在层次化表示和平面表示风格之间切换
Zimmer reached down on his console and flipped a toggle switch. 齐默把手伸到控制台上并按下了切换开关。
  ( computing 计 ) ( also ˈtoggle switch ) a key on a computer that you press to change from one style or operation to another, and back again 转换键;切换键
a short piece of wood, plastic, etc. that is put through a loop of thread to fasten sth, such as a coat or bag, instead of a button (大衣或袋子等上木质或塑料的)栓扣钉,棒形纽扣,套索扣


The child shall not hinder me from accepting the offer, I tell you that! 我告诉你,这孩子不会妨碍我接受工作的!
These are irrelevant and do not hinder the performance of the application. 这些是不相关的,并不会妨碍应用程序的性能。
  [ VN ] ~ sb/sth (from sth/from doing sth) to make it difficult for sb to do sth or sth to happen 阻碍;妨碍;阻挡


He gauged the wind at over thirty knots. 他测量出风速为30节以上。
It was difficult to gauge whether she was angry or not. 很难判断她是否在生气。
The gauge must be giving a faulty reading. 标尺一定是给出了一个错误的读数。
  ( often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) an instrument for measuring the amount or level of sth 测量仪器(或仪表);计量器
V-T If you gauge the speed or strength of something, or if you gauge an amount, you measure or calculate it, often by using a device of some kind. (常指用仪器) 测量
[ usually sing. ] ~ (of sth) a fact or an event that can be used to estimate or judge sth (用于估计或判断的)事实,依据,尺度,标准


The new CEO is an educated, amiable, and decent man. 新的首席执行官是一位受过良好教育、亲切、正派的人。
There are no decent schools round here. 附近没有什么像样的学校。
He didn't get a decent explanation. 他没有得到一个合理的解释。
to do what people or society expect, especially in a difficult situation (尤指在困境中)做人心所向的事,做体面事
of a good enough standard or quality 像样的;相当不错的;尚好的
( of people or behaviour 人或行为举止 ) honest and fair; treating people with respect 正派的;公平的;合乎礼节的
acceptable to people in a particular situation 得体的;合宜的;适当的
( informal ) wearing enough clothes to allow sb to see you 穿好了衣服的;适宜于见人的


They issued a warrant for her arrest. 当局发出了逮捕她的令状。
I'll warrant it's the graidelest one as ever was in this world. 我敢保证,这是世界上最棒的。
The allegations are serious enough to warrant an investigation. 指控已严重得有必要进行一番调查。
  V-T If something warrants a particular action, it makes the action seem necessary or appropriate for the circumstances. 使…显得必要; 使…显得适当
[ C ] ~ (for sth)~ (to do sth) a legal document that is signed by a judge and gives the police authority to do sth 执行令;授权令


He spoke on behalf of all the members of the faculty and staff. 他代表全体教职员工讲了话。
So far as I know, she has a faculty of housekeeping. 就我所知,她很善于理家。
Imagination is your most powerful faculty. 想象力是你最强大的能力。
He was drunk and not in control of his faculties. 他喝醉了,控制不了他的各项机能。
  N-COUNT Your faculties are your physical and mental abilities. 机能
N-VAR A faculty is all the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one department. 全体教员


I bought the house by instalment. 我用分期付款购买房子。
The story picks up where it left off in the second instalment. 故事延续着第二部的剧情。
  N-COUNT If you pay for something in instalments, you pay small sums of money at regular intervals over a period of time, rather than paying the whole amount at once. 分期付款的一期
N-COUNT An instalment of a story or plan is one of its parts that are published or carried out separately one after the other. (报刊上连载故事的) 一集; 一部分


The report paints a grim picture of life there. 该报道把那里的生活描绘成一副阴森的画面。
The parks and squares looked grim under a mantle of soot and ash. 在一层烟尘的笼罩下,这些公园和广场显得阴沉沉的。
  ADJ A place that is grim is unattractive and depressing in appearance. (地方) 阴沉的
ADJ A situation or piece of information that is grim is unpleasant, depressing, and difficult to accept. 严酷的; 令人沮丧的


I just scraped a pass in the exam. 我考试勉强及格。
He bent over to scrape some dirt off his shoes. 他弯腰刮掉鞋子上的尘土。
Sorry, I've scraped some paint off the car. 抱歉,我把车刮掉了一块漆。
scrape together 东拼西凑
scrape up vt. 积攒;积蓄;凑集
scrape off 刮掉;擦去
scrape along 勉强糊口
scrape through 勉强通过
V-T If you scrape something from a surface, you remove it, especially by pulling a sharp object over the surface. 刮掉
V-T/V-I If something scrapes against something else, it rubs against it, making a noise or causing slight damage. 刮擦
V-T If you scrape a part of your body, you accidentally rub it against something hard and rough, and damage it slightly. 擦伤
to manage to win or to get sth with difficulty 艰难取得;勉强获得


To use a well-worn cliche, it is packed with information. 用一个套话来说,其内容充实。
Avoid slang, cliche and informal words. 避免俚语、陈腔滥调和非正式用字。
  [ C ] a phrase or an idea that has been used so often that it no longer has much meaning and is not interesting 陈词滥调;陈腐的套语


She's never very forthcoming about her plans. 她一直不很愿意说出自己的计划。
They promised that the money would be forthcoming. 他们承诺说钱会到位的。
A monarchist party is running in the forthcoming elections. 一个主张君主政体的政党要参加即将来临的大选。
  [ only before noun ] going to happen, be published, etc. very soon 即将发生(或出版等)的
[ not before noun ] ready or made available when needed 现成;随要随有
[ not before noun ] willing to give information about sth 乐于提供信息


He was infamous for his anti-feminist attitudes. 他因为他的反女权主义姿态而臭名昭著。
  ( formal ) well known for being bad or evil 臭名远扬的;声名狼藉的


The tension between them was almost tangible. 他们之间的紧张关系几乎让人都感觉得出来。
There should be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover. 应该有一些足够清晰的证据表明经济正开始复苏。
  [ usually before noun ] that can be clearly seen to exist 有形的;实际的;真实的
that you can touch and feel 可触摸的;可触知的;可感知的


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