Anders Hejlsberg 在PDC上的视频,绝对不能错过!
The Future of C#


  • Anders Hejlsberg
    Anders Hejlsberg is a Technical Fellow in the Developer Division. He is an influential creator of development tools and programming languages. He is the chief designer of the C# programming language and a key participant in the development of the Microsoft .NET framework. Since its initial release in 2000, the C# programming language has been widely adopted and is now standardized by ECMA and ISO. Before his work on C# and the .NET framework, Hejlsberg was an architect for Visual J++ development and the Windows Foundation classes. Before joining Microsoft in 1996, Hejlsberg was one of the first employees of Borland International Inc. As principal engineer, he was the original author of Turbo Pascal, a revolutionary integrated development environment, and chief architect of its successor, Delphi. Hejlsberg co-authored "The C# Programming Language", published by Addison Wesley, and has received numerous software patents. In 2001, he was the recipient of the prestigious Dr. Dobbs Excellence in Programming Award. He studied engineering at the Technical University of Denmark.

Other:Inside C# 4.0: dynamic type, optional parameters, more COM friendly 
C# Program Manager Mads Torgersen and C# compiler developers Eric Lippert, Chris Burrows, Samuel Ng discuss (and whiteboard) the details inside C# 4.0's dynamic type, optional parameters and default parameter values, and new support for COM interop (should make Office developers giddy). Samuel, Chris and Eric were very busy solving some really hard problems to pull these new features off. So, how does C# 4.0's dynamic type work, exactly? Tune in. (my apologizes for the slight glitch at the middle of the interview. My camera bluescreened! Fortunately, data captured before the system failure was stored successfuly, but a little tiny piece of the conversation was lost)



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