2006-04-06 13:32:26
Today, i'd like to begian with a poem of Emily Dickinson, one of the famous female writer, who wrote 1,775 poems all her life.
  A lot of people -- kids and adults -- feel lonely sometimes. Emily Dickinson's poem "I'm nobody! Who are you?" expresses how being a loner can sometimes be a positive thing.
  I'm Nobody! Who are you?
  Are you—Nobody—Too?
  Then there's a pair of us!
  Don't tell! they'd advertise—you know!
  How dreary—to be—Somebody!
  How public—like a Frog—
  To tell one's name—the livelong June—
  To an admiring Bog!
  what does it mean? To my understanding, the speaker meets her fellow friend, that is another "nobody", when two "nobodies"meet, they can share all their similarities.But the author knows that if there is another "nobody", she isn't a nobody any more. That's why she wroteDon't tell! they'd advertise—you know!
  The tone of the author is changed in the second stanze, she feels confident of being a nobody, she describs sombody as a frog, It's because frogs make a lot of noise. The poem says that frogs, though they can croak and make themselves heard and be noticed, are noticed only by "an admiring bog." The bog is the frog's environment, not the frog's friend. So who cares what the bog thinks?
  That's what the poem says about being a "somebody" who gets noticed by an admiring public. Frequently, the relationship is impersonal and distanced, not like a real friendship. Somebodies may have many admirers, but they might not be able to make those personal connections that real friendship offers.
  For your better understanding, i provide the Chinese version of this poem,
  If you are still intested in this poem, let's get to the background of the poem and the poet.
  Emily Dickinson(1830-1886), She was one of American literature's most reclusive figures, she spent most of her life in a small viliage, enjoy the truness of the nature.Being single all her whole life, she used to doing things alone and enjoy her lonely company.


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