
I often find a lot of inspiration from work I see while scrolling social media. Saving art or images that inspire you allows you to build a library of resources to draw from whenever you’re working on a project.

在滚动社交媒体时,我经常从工作中发现很多灵感。 保存可以激发您灵感的艺术品或图像,使您可以构建资源库,以便在进行任何项目时都可以借鉴。

By gradually collecting references, you have an easy place to turn to whenever creative block strikes or you need to pull from particular trends.


第一步:寻找灵感 (Step One: Find Inspiration)

A person holding a smartphone and looking at an Instagram profile.
Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash
本·科尔德 ( Ben Kolde)在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

First, you need to find pieces that inspire you. These can be anything, such as other artists’ work, images, and color palettes. A lot of my inspiration comes from social media websites I already search through naturally in my downtime.

首先,您需要找到启发您的作品。 这些可以是任何东西,例如其他艺术家的作品,图像和调色板。 我的很多灵感来自我已经在停机期间自然搜索的社交媒体网站。

Instagram (Instagram)

Plenty of artists share their work on Instagram. I find it’s a great place to discover trends of other design work people are currently working on.

很多艺术家在Instagram上分享他们的作品。 我发现这是发现人们当前正在从事的其他设计工作趋势的好地方。

Reddit (Reddit)

Reddit offers several different specialized subreddits, and people often share their work for critique or discuss different resources/trends.

Reddit提供了几种不同的专业子Reddit ,人们经常分享他们的评论工作或讨论不同的资源/趋势。

Pinterest (Pinterest)

Pinterest is meant for saving images on pinboards. You can follow other boards as well as curate your own. The home feed recommends pins similar to pins you have previously saved.

Pinterest旨在将图像保存在固定板上。 您可以关注其他委员会,也可以自己策划。 家庭供稿建议的引脚与您之前保存的引脚类似。

ArtStation (ArtStation)

A lot of artists post their portfolios on ArtStation. As a 3D artist, I like to save individual works or portfolios of artists I enjoy for referring to later. I save concept art to base models off of later, and other 3D work to inspire my own.

许多艺术家在ArtStation上发布他们的作品集 。 作为3D艺术家,我喜欢保存个人作品或我喜欢的艺术家作品集,以供日后参考。 我将概念图保存为以后的模型基础,而其他3D工作则启发了我自己。

Unsplash (Unsplash)

Unsplash is my go-to website for free photos. The photography is free for commercial use and can also be modified. You can easily end up searching for one photo and end up saving several interesting images in one session.

Unsplash是我的免费照片访问网站。 摄影是免费的商业用途,也可以修改。 您可以轻松地最终搜索一张照片,并最终在一个会话中保存几张有趣的图像。

第二步:建立灵感库 (Step Two: Build Inspiration Banks)

A computer open to a Pinterest page, scrolling through various images.
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
Charles Deluvio在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

Once you’ve found what inspires you, you need an easy place to store it all! Organizing everything into one or two places allows you to easily find everything that you’ve collected in creative launching pads.

找到激发您灵感的东西后,您需要一个轻松的地方来存放所有东西! 将所有内容整理到一个或两个位置,可以轻松找到在创意发射台中收集的所有内容。

Pinterest (Pinterest)

As I mentioned earlier, Pinterest allows you to create pinboards. These can be public or private, and you can divide boards into sub-categories. Pinterest is great for saving work already on Pinterest, as well as Instagram posts. Videos saved will play on the page.

如前所述,Pinterest允许您创建记事板。 这些可以是公共的也可以是私人的,您可以将板子划分为几个子类。 Pinterest非常适合保存已经保存在Pinterest上的工作以及Instagram帖子。 保存的视频将在页面上播放。

Because of the social aspect of Pinterest, it is a great place to create boards of your work for others to share. For example, I created a Society6 board that is a combination of my works as well as other artists’ work I’ve curated.

由于Pinterest具有社交性,因此是创建您的工作板供他人共享的好地方。 例如,我创建了一个Society6董事会,将我的作品以及我策划的其他艺术家的作品结合在一起。

Niice.co (Niice.co)

Niice is designed for creating mood boards that you can work on independently, or collaborate on and share with clients. A benefit of Niice is that more media types can be embedded into the board so they can be viewed with in the page. For example, interactive 3D models from Sketchfab (a 3D model sharing website) can be embedded directly into the mood board.

Niice旨在创建情绪板,您可以独立工作,也可以与客户进行协作并共享。 Niice的一个好处是,可以将更多的媒体类型嵌入到面板中,以便可以在页面中查看它们。 例如,来自Sketchfab (3D模型共享网站)的交互式3D模型可以直接嵌入到情绪板中。

The Niice Chrome extension is easy to use with the drag and drop feature for images and can remain up at the bottom of the webpage throughout your browsing session. I use it most when I am searching through Unsplash as I can easily save multiple images without ever leaving the webpage. The image is automatically saved with a link back to the webpage to easily refer back to it later.

Niice Chrome扩展程序易于使用,具有拖放功能,可用于图像,并且在整个浏览过程中都可以保持在网页底部。 我在搜索Unsplash时最常使用它,因为我可以轻松保存多张图像,而无需离开网页。 该图像会自动保存,并带有指向该网页的链接,以便以后轻松参考。

第三步:获得启发 (Step Three: Get Inspired)

Image for post
Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash
Diego PH在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

When starting a specific project, or looking to spark new ideas, you can refer to your growing inspiration bank to spark new ideas! Deana McDonagh and Ian Storer discovered that mood boards can be used “as an instrument to inspire lateral thinking.” Lateral thinking, a way of solving a problem by thinking about it in a different and original way and not using traditional or expected methods, is often tied to creativity and thinking creatively. Because mood boards are often a combination of seemingly disconnected imagery, you avoid a linear thought process, encouraging you to “think outside the box.”

当开始一个特定的项目,或希望激发新的想法时,您可以参考不断增长的灵感库来激发新的想法! Deana McDonagh和Ian Storer发现,情绪板可以“用作激发横向思考的工具”。 横向思维是通过以不同的原始方式思考问题而不使用传统或预期的方法来解决问题的方法,通常与创造力和创造性思维联系在一起。 由于情绪板通常是看似脱节的图像的组合,因此避免了线性思考过程,鼓励您“跳出框框思考”。

Mood boards are useful because they don’t just help initiate creativity, but allow you to expand your creativity.


Designers’ creative expression and experimentation during the mood board creation allows them to dive deeper into themes or concepts, providing a wealth of information for designers to pull inspiration from. Lastly, through the use of mood boards, designers may be able to communicate visually and effectively, what is a web of seemingly unconnected ideas, difficult to express verbally with similar impacts. In essence, the mood board serves to engage designers in deeper creative thinking. — Charles Freeman, Sara Marcketti, Elena Karpova

在情绪板创建过程中,设计师的创造性表达和实验使他们能够更深入地研究主题或概念,从而为设计师提供了丰富的信息,以从中汲取灵感。 最后,通过使用情绪板,设计师可以视觉和有效地进行交流,这是一个看似无关的想法的网络,很难用口头表达产生类似的影响。 本质上,情绪板用于使设计师参与更深入的创造性思维。 — 查尔斯·弗里曼,萨拉·马凯蒂,埃琳娜·卡波娃

Building an inspiration bank can encourage you to think even more creatively than without one.


You can gradually build up various inspiration banks to pull from during social media scrolling. You can create boards for general purposes or specific projects. Take advantage of the media you consume daily and store it away to inspire your next project!

您可以逐步建立各种灵感库,以在滚动社交媒体时从中汲取灵感。 您可以创建用于一般目的或特定项目的板。 利用您日常消耗的媒体并将其存储起来,激发您的下一个项目!

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/creating-an-inspiration-bank-to-fuel-your-creativity-f780a1a6050d




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