macos 卸载驱动

If you’re like me, you connect your Time Machine backup disk every time you’re at your desk. You know you should unmount that drive when it’s time to hit the road, but opening the Finder just to hit “Eject” feels like a waste of time.

如果您像我一样,则每次在办公桌前都可以连接Time Machine备份磁盘 。 您知道应该在上路时卸下该驱动器 ,但是仅打开Finder来达到“弹出”感觉就像浪费时间。

Enter Semulov. This lightweight, open source application adds an “Eject” button to your Mac’s menu bar, so you can unmount any drive in just two clicks. You can even create a universal keyboard shortcut to unmount every drive connected to your computer, saving you from having to open the Finder and unmount everything individually.

输入Semulov 。 这个轻量级的开源应用程序在Mac的菜单栏中添加了一个“弹出”按钮,因此您只需单击两次即可卸载任何驱动器。 您甚至可以创建通用键盘快捷键来卸载连接到计算机的每个驱动器,从而不必打开Finder并单独卸载所有内容。

To get started, download Semulov. The application comes in a ZIP file which you can unarchive by opening. Then, drag the icon to your Applications folder.

首先, 下载Semulov 。 该应用程序包含在一个ZIP文件中,您可以通过打开该文件来取消存档。 然后,将图标拖到“应用程序”文件夹中。

Start Semulov and you’ll see an Eject button in your menu bar. It looks just like the Eject button used back when Macs had optical drives and dinosaurs roamed the earth.

启动Semulov,您将在菜单栏中看到“弹出”按钮。 看起来就像Mac上装有光驱并且恐龙在地球上漫游时使用的“弹出”按钮一样。

Click the icon and you’ll see a list of currently connected external drives; click a drive to unmount it. You’ll see a notification when the drive is ready to disconnect.

单击该图标,您将看到当前连接的外部驱动器的列表。 单击驱动器以将其卸载。 当驱动器准备断开连接时,您会看到一条通知。

You can open drives by holding Option and clicking the drive; more on that later.

您可以通过按住Option键并单击驱动器来打开驱动器。 稍后再讨论。

This application really doesn’t need to be more complicated than this, and for most users this is enough. But there’s a bit more power if you dig into the settings, which you can find by clicking the menu bar icon and heading to Semulov > Preferences.

实际上,此应用程序不需要比这更复杂,对于大多数用户而言,这就足够了。 但是,如果您深入研究设置,则功能会更多一些,可通过单击菜单栏图标并转到Semulov>“首选项”来找到这些设置。

A window will pop up with various options, the first of which is whether Semulov should start up when your mac does.


You can also:


  • Customize the menu bar icon, allowing it to show how many drives are currently mounted.自定义菜单栏图标,使其能够显示当前已安装的驱动器数量。
  • Decide whether your startup disk should be listed. You can’t unmount your start up disk, so this would be purely informational.确定是否应列出启动磁盘。 您无法卸载启动磁盘,因此这仅是参考信息。
  • Add an “Eject All” button, and even define a keyboard shortcut for unmounting all drives.添加一个“全部弹出”按钮,甚至定义用于卸载所有驱动器的键盘快捷键。
  • “Show Unmounted Volumes” does exactly what it says, allowing you to mount such drives simply by clicking them.“显示未安装的卷”完全按照其说明执行,使您只需单击即可安装这些驱动器。
  • Change whether clicking a drive unmounts it or opens the drive in Finder. Check this option and holding Option while clicking will eject the drive.更改单击驱动器是卸载还是在Finder中打开驱动器。 选中此选项并在按住Option的同时单击将弹出驱动器。

Below these options you’ll find a few more.


If you use a file browser besides Finder, you can specify an alternative application using the bundle ID. You can also set custom icons using regular expressions. The “Alternative disk layout” ignores names set by users in favor of the manufacturer’s name for a drive, and shows the relationship between partitions. The “Block mounts” option adds a button that temporarily prevents drives from being mounted. Finally, you can enter a few names of drives for the application to completely ignore.

如果使用Finder以外的文件浏览器,则可以使用捆绑软件ID指定替代应用程序。 您还可以使用正则表达式设置自定义图标。 “备用磁盘布局”将忽略用户设置的名称,而使用驱动器的制造商名称,并显示分区之间的关系。 “块安装”选项添加了一个按钮,该按钮可暂时阻止安装驱动器。 最后,您可以输入一些驱动器名称,以使应用程序完全忽略它们。

For most users these features are overkill, but we like having the option to customize this tool just a little bit more.



macos 卸载驱动

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