macos 切换用户

Ever wish you could switch users instantly by pressing a button? Thanks to TouchID on the MacBook Pro, all it takes is the correct fingerprints.

曾经希望您可以通过按一下按钮立即切换用户吗? 借助MacBook Pro上的TouchID,只需要正确的指纹即可。

Maybe you share a MacBook. Maybe you use two accounts to keep work and play separate. Whatever the reason, switching accounts usually means clicking the Fast User Switching icon, then picking an account to switch to, then typing your password.

也许您共享一台MacBook。 也许您使用两个帐户来保持工作和分开玩耍。 无论出于何种原因,切换帐户通常意味着单击“快速用户切换”图标,然后选择要切换到的帐户,然后输入密码。

It’s not a grueling process, but it’s not instant. Now, with TouchID, you can just press the TouchID button, the same way you do to turn on your MacBook Pro. The trick: do it with a finger assigned to the account with TouchID. You don’t have to close what you’re doing: just press the button.

这不是一个艰巨的过程,但不是即时的。 现在,使用TouchID,您只需按TouchID按钮即可,就像打开MacBook Pro一样。 诀窍:使用分配给具有TouchID的帐户的手指来完成 。 您不必关闭正在执行的操作:只需按一下按钮。

It’s even animated! There’s no login screen, and no request for a password: your fingerprint takes care of that. You can switch back to the other account just as quickly. If you have the same finger assigned with two accounts, no problem: your Mac will switch from the current account to the other.

它甚至动画! 没有登录屏幕,也不需要输入密码:您的指纹将为您提供帮助。 您可以尽快切换回另一个帐户。 如果您用同一手指分配了两个帐户,则没问题:您的Mac将从当前帐户切换到另一个帐户。

It’s worth noting that this only works instantly if the account you’re switching to is already logged in. You’ll need to use your password the first time you log into an account, just like you need to use your password to log in after rebooting your Mac. Even then, pressing the button with an assign finger can quickly get you to the password prompt.

值得注意的是,这仅在您要切换到的帐户已经登录的情况下才可以立即使用。第一次登录帐户时需要使用密码,就像您需要在登录后使用密码登录一样重新启动Mac。 即使这样,用指定的手指按下按钮仍可以快速进入密码提示。

Do this once and you won’t have to again until you log out of the account or restart the Mac. Switching users this way feels like magic, so enjoy.

只需执行一次此操作,然后您便无需再次注销帐户或重新启动Mac。 以这种方式切换用户感觉就像是魔术,所以请尽情享受。


macos 切换用户

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